ascii values

Dec  = Decimal Value
Char = Character

'5' has the int value 53
if we write '5'-'0' it evaluates to 53-48, or the int 5
if we write char c = 'B'+32; then c stores 'b'

Dec  Char                           Dec  Char     Dec  Char     Dec  Char
---------                           ---------     ---------     ----------
  0  NUL (null)                      32  SPACE     64  @         96  `
  1  SOH (start of heading)          33  !         65  A         97  a
  2  STX (start of text)             34  "         66  B         98  b
  3  ETX (end of text)               35  #         67  C         99  c
  4  EOT (end of transmission)       36  $         68  D        100  d
  5  ENQ (enquiry)                   37  %         69  E        101  e
  6  ACK (acknowledge)               38  &         70  F        102  f
  7  BEL (bell)                      39  '         71  G        103  g
  8  BS  (backspace)                 40  (         72  H        104  h
  9  TAB (horizontal tab)            41  )         73  I        105  i
 10  LF  (NL line feed, new line)    42  *         74  J        106  j
 11  VT  (vertical tab)              43  +         75  K        107  k
 12  FF  (NP form feed, new page)    44  ,         76  L        108  l
 13  CR  (carriage return)           45  -         77  M        109  m
 14  SO  (shift out)                 46  .         78  N        110  n
 15  SI  (shift in)                  47  /         79  O        111  o
 16  DLE (data link escape)          48  0         80  P        112  p
 17  DC1 (device control 1)          49  1         81  Q        113  q
 18  DC2 (device control 2)          50  2         82  R        114  r
 19  DC3 (device control 3)          51  3         83  S        115  s
 20  DC4 (device control 4)          52  4         84  T        116  t
 21  NAK (negative acknowledge)      53  5         85  U        117  u
 22  SYN (synchronous idle)          54  6         86  V        118  v
 23  ETB (end of trans. block)       55  7         87  W        119  w
 24  CAN (cancel)                    56  8         88  X        120  x
 25  EM  (end of medium)             57  9         89  Y        121  y
 26  SUB (substitute)                58  :         90  Z        122  z
 27  ESC (escape)                    59  ;         91  [        123  {
 28  FS  (file separator)            60  <         92  \        124  |
 29  GS  (group separator)           61  =         93  ]        125  }
 30  RS  (record separator)          62  >         94  ^        126  ~
 31  US  (unit separator)            63  ?         95  _        127  DEL

MehranJ 135 points

                                    a	097

4.38 (8 Votes)

                                    Reference Ascii Table
Dec  Char                           Dec  Char     Dec  Char     Dec  Char
---------                           ---------     ---------     ----------
 0   NUL (null)                      32  SPACE     64  @         96  `
 1   SOH (start of heading)          33  !         65  A         97  a
 2   STX (start of text)             34  &quot;         66  B         98  b
 3   ETX (end of text)               35  #         67  C         99  c
 4   EOT (end of transmission)       36  $         68  D        100  d
 5   ENQ (enquiry)                   37  %         69  E        101  e
 6   ACK (acknowledge)               38  &amp;         70  F        102  f
 7   BEL (bell)                      39  '         71  G        103  g
 8   BS  (backspace)                 40  (         72  H        104  h
 9   TAB (horizontal tab)            41  )         73  I        105  i
10   LF  (NL line feed, new line)    42  *         74  J        106  j
11   VT  (vertical tab)              43  +         75  K        107  k
12   FF  (NP form feed, new page)    44  ,         76  L        108  l
13   CR  (carriage return)           45  -         77  M        109  m
14   SO  (shift out)                 46  .         78  N        110  n
15   SI  (shift in)                  47  /         79  O        111  o
16   DLE (data link escape)          48  0         80  P        112  p
17   DC1 (device control 1)          49  1         81  Q        113  q
18   DC2 (device control 2)          50  2         82  R        114  r
19   DC3 (device control 3)          51  3         83  S        115  s
20   DC4 (device control 4)          52  4         84  T        116  t
21   NAK (negative acknowledge)      53  5         85  U        117  u
22   SYN (synchronous idle)          54  6         86  V        118  v
23   ETB (end of trans. block)       55  7         87  W        119  w
24   CAN (cancel)                    56  8         88  X        120  x
25   EM  (end of medium)             57  9         89  Y        121  y
26   SUB (substitute)                58  :         90  Z        122  z
27   ESC (escape)                    59  ;         91  [        123  {
28   FS  (file separator)            60  &lt;         92  \        124  |
29   GS  (group separator)           61  =         93  ]        125  }
30   RS  (record separator)          62  &gt;         94  ^        126  ~
31   US  (unit separator)            63  ?         95  _        127  DEL

4 (7 Votes)
Upgrate 100 points

                                    ASCII Table
Dec  = Decimal Value
Char = Character

'5' has the int value 53
if we write '5'-'0' it evaluates to 53-48, or the int 5
if we write char c = 'B'+32; then c stores 'b'

Dec  Char                           Dec  Char     Dec  Char     Dec  Char
---------                           ---------     ---------     ----------
  0  NUL (null)                      32  SPACE     64  @         96  `
  1  SOH (start of heading)          33  !         65  A         97  a
  2  STX (start of text)             34  &quot;         66  B         98  b
  3  ETX (end of text)               35  #         67  C         99  c
  4  EOT (end of transmission)       36  $         68  D        100  d
  5  ENQ (enquiry)                   37  %         69  E        101  e
  6  ACK (acknowledge)               38  &amp;         70  F        102  f
  7  BEL (bell)                      39  '         71  G        103  g
  8  BS  (backspace)                 40  (         72  H        104  h
  9  TAB (horizontal tab)            41  )         73  I        105  i
 10  LF  (NL line feed, new line)    42  *         74  J        106  j
 11  VT  (vertical tab)              43  +         75  K        107  k
 12  FF  (NP form feed, new page)    44  ,         76  L        108  l
 13  CR  (carriage return)           45  -         77  M        109  m
 14  SO  (shift out)                 46  .         78  N        110  n
 15  SI  (shift in)                  47  /         79  O        111  o
 16  DLE (data link escape)          48  0         80  P        112  p
 17  DC1 (device control 1)          49  1         81  Q        113  q
 18  DC2 (device control 2)          50  2         82  R        114  r
 19  DC3 (device control 3)          51  3         83  S        115  s
 20  DC4 (device control 4)          52  4         84  T        116  t
 21  NAK (negative acknowledge)      53  5         85  U        117  u
 22  SYN (synchronous idle)          54  6         86  V        118  v
 23  ETB (end of trans. block)       55  7         87  W        119  w
 24  CAN (cancel)                    56  8         88  X        120  x
 25  EM  (end of medium)             57  9         89  Y        121  y
 26  SUB (substitute)                58  :         90  Z        122  z
 27  ESC (escape)                    59  ;         91  [        123  {
 28  FS  (file separator)            60  &lt;         92  \        124  |
 29  GS  (group separator)           61  =         93  ]        125  }
 30  RS  (record separator)          62  &gt;         94  ^        126  ~
 31  US  (unit separator)            63  ?         95  _        127  DEL

5 (1 Votes)
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ascii values of + what is ascii value for a ascii table explained asci value of - asci value of A asci value of &aring; ascii ascii table A ascii english table table ascii* ascii value for a is ascii &quot;a&quot; ascii code of A in what is ascii value of A ascii value means ascii value of ^ ^ ascii value list of ASCII value ascii value of - sign ascii value of idigits ascii table block ascii tablele ascii table commands ASCII Table and Description of letter ascii value of number ascii table and description ascii table chart asciin table asicci table ascii tablel letters ascii code table characters asci table characters what is the ascii value of 1 ascii table simple ascii code table ascii code table meaning ascii table meaning ascii table &egrave; table characters ascii ascii table b asciiu table what is the ascii value of i ascii table; full ascii code table ascii value * ascii table &gt;&gt; ascii code table for character ascii special characters table ascii value of ' ' create ascii table what is an ascii value What is the ASCII value of A? 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ascii code of letters a to z char code What is the ASCII value for the character &lsquo;A&rsquo;? ascii values a - z ascii for z ascii value for I character code for A ascii numbe to letter ascii for P ascii value. a to z ascii char code for A ascii letter a ord value of z ascii for w ascii for h S in ascii ascii range of a to z ascii value of , ascii value of &quot;[&quot; ascii value of [ letters aski code char code c y in ascii b in ascii ascii code caputal a ascii values of all alphabets m ascii value a to z ascii value ascii code of f ascii a-z ascii character uppercase a a in ascii \n ascii value n ascii value ascii ode of A value character small a in ascii ascii values for alphabet letter ascii ascii values of A to Z ascii 108 ascii for alphabet character code for letters 108 ascii value ascii value of . a' ascii value c ascii character ascii value of alphabets ascii to char ascii val tochar ascii of h u ascii value ascii value of c and d ascii value of c ascii table ASCII value of @ ascii code of { letter character codes alphabet ascii alphabet ascii values ascii value of m x value in ascii ACCII CODE FOR A ascii code for small a to z ascii table for alphabets ascii characters f ASCII code for A ascii letters ascii value of y ascii value of v ascii code table alphabet ascii value of a-z 108 in ascii character 108, in ascii character W ascii numbers h ascii value w ascii value what is ascii value F in ascii ascii value of integers a ascii value ascii value of small a small a ascii value ascii value of 0 in c ascii value a ascii for a to z ascii table a to z ascii value of a to z Z in ASCII code A in ASCII code ascii dletters code ascii character code alphabets char code of small letter q a-z characters char codes ascii codes for english alphabets h ascii code string ascii value table askii code for letters ascii code of b ascii code of z ASCII Code for \n ascii code for alphabet ascii code range for alphabets all characters ascii code scii code for A char code of letters k in ascii code ascii code for a to z ascii code of W ascii code of a to z assci code from letter english letters ascii code ascii code of cha ascii codes for alphabets ascii codes table ascii code for D ascii a ascii code for a-z ascii code of small a what is the assci code of z ascii code for l f ascii code ascii code of e ascci code of j acscii code of a ascii code for W,X,Y,Z ascii code for e ascii code of a ASCII code for p ascii code of alphabet code for character ascii a ascii code ascii code of small a to z w ascii code Ascii code doe a Ascii code of M ascii value of a
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