array roblox

local array = {1, "Hello World", true} -- arrays can have all kinds of values
-- arrays are also known as tables


                                    local F = {"your","my","we","yeet",}

--> i stands for Index and v for Value,
--> thats why it is a for index and value loop :)
for i, v in pairs(F) do

--> Lua Script language --

4 (4 Votes)

                                    -- Construct an array with three items
local testArray = {"A string", 3.14159, workspace.Part}


5 (1 Votes)
Mahdi 100 points

                                    local myTable = {"your","my","we","yeet",}

for i, v in pairs(myTable) do
	print("Index: "..tostring(i))
	print("Value: "..tostring(v))

-- i stands for Index
-- v stands for Value
-- You can name these variables as you wish, but you should know,-
-- -the first is Index and the second is the Value
--Lua Script language

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