kotlin if

when (x) {
    1 -> print("x == 1")
    2 -> print("x == 2")
    else -> { // Note the block
        print("x is neither 1 nor 2")

Ben A. 130 points

                                    if (a > b) {
  // if
} else if (a == b) {
  // else if
} else {
  // else

4.25 (4 Votes)
Phil652 125 points

                                    fun bigger(a: Int, b: Int) = if (a > b) a else b

3.89 (9 Votes)
AnuTuyi 85 points

                                    if (a > b) {
    max = a
} else {
    max = b

3.9 (10 Votes)
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kotlin if exis if else operator kotlin if else operator in kotlin if else kotlin short else if statements in kotlin if/else statements in kotlin kotlin and in if kotlin if when do while if else return kotlin kotlin when <= kotlin when vs if else if if else if to when block kotlin apply if kotlin kotlin if or when statement if and else operator ? kotlin kotlin if return if else statement kotlin when in kotlin how to say or in if statements on kotlin default in if else kotlin does kotlin has else if statement does kotlin has else if when in kotlin if else if in kotlin getter for use if in kotlin when else condition in kotlin kotlin with when if else in android kotlin if else trong kotlin kotlin return if else if else statement block in kotlin kotlin if then return if else as paramter in kotlin kotlin guard if statement kotlin if or kotlin take if if else inline kotlin for if statement in kotlin kotlin code for if else example kotlin if else with let if, when, else condition in kotlin how to use return in if else kotlin if else if kotlin kotlin return with if else whenn kotlin kotlin assign in if condition kotlin assign in if if more kotlin is in a kotlin if statement what to type for and in kotlin if statement and in an if statement kotlin kotlin if else activity control if in kotlin kotlin if null else kotlin if condition example if condition inflate kotlin if condition inflater kotlin <= if kotlin kotlin if and use of when in kotlin how to return a function inside if and else in kotlin kotlin alternative to if else kotlin if else if return if else kotlin how to check and and or in kotlin if else kotlin assign if inline if kotlin if then kotlin let if else kotlin if clause in kotlin if else interay kotlin what is kotlin when kotlin when in java kotlin inline if condition Kotlin use when Kotlin use if and elseIf kotlin run else if inline kotlin kotlin if inline if else in kotlin example get or else kotlin kotlin inline if else if else best practices kotlin If or condition kotlin if kotlin and return kotlin if && kotlin if else safe KOTLIN if > OR = if statement inline kotlin when java kotlin kotlin if condition kotlin when() Kotlin's if-else expressions are also statements kotlin if expression kotlin if as expression kotlin if paior take if kotlin else statements in kotlin kotlin inline if when for kotlin kotlin when and if or in if statement kotlin how to use when kotlin kotlin = if else kotlin if inside when kotlin when {} what is when in kotlin if statements in kotlin how to do an if statement in kotlin kotlin short if else when and else syntax in kotlin if when kotlin kotlin and in if statement evaluates both conditions how to use logical operatorin if else in kotlin with nullable kotlin return in whem kotline if else for var kotlin iteray if else kotlin if not condition When evaluating numbers, beyond testing if a number matches a single value, when statements in Kotlin can be used to evaluate which of the following? Group of answer choices Aside from writing multiple if/else if statements in Kotlin, another option for writing code that evaluates one of a number of possible conditions is a kotlin string variable if/else expression kotlin if/else expression with string variable kotlin if/else expression how to return to near statement working if condition false in kotlin if esle kotlin when condition in kotlin kotlin if ... != ... || ... kotlin if statement multiple conditions kotlin if else condition else when in android kotlin for from 0 to x kotlin when syntax in kotlin kotlin short if return result of when statement kotlin when between kotlin combined conditions kotlin conditions in kotlin if ternario kotlin kotlin when like switch kotlin swich kotlin when simple or or kotlin when and or using return and if statments in kotlin inline if else kotlin inline ifelse kotlin IntRange kotlin switch statement intrange kotlin switch kotlin default switch kotlin if =={} kotlin switch java how to add or to when stament kotlin ? : if kotlin shortcut if kotlin kotlin if in while kotlin ternary operator kotlin different if statement kotlin lotlin return if kotlin nadroid studio if kotlin if or and kotlin if condition with and or kotlin if condition with and how to do a for in kotlin kotlin if break kotlin switch statemnt if conditions in kotlin kotlin then instead of if when or if in kotlin if else in stram kotlin kotlin when otherwise advance when expression in kotlin kotlin when is kotlin use in on if kotlin ternary while loop with else statement kotlin while loop for string values kotlin advanced when statements in kotlin kotlin ternary expersion when kotlin if or kotlin kotlin skip else using when kotlin koltin and in if statement kotlin and if statement kotlin one line if syntax when in kotlin kotlin swithc case kotlin when i use ? kotlin when statement with boolean java "when" expression if not kotlin kotlin when is null clause conditions in println kotlin how to use switch in kotlin kotlin unless when android kotlin kotline if post kotlin if else expression and in kotlin do and operator in if condition kotlin kotlin when multiple conditions condition kotlin for loop shorthand kotlin else if shorthand kotlin kotlin when use ternary operator in kotlin when condition kotlin when is kotlin how to perform a function without using if statement kotlin kotlin or and if condition condition value kotlin In Kotlin, when can be used as Select one: a statement both of the above an expressio kotlin single line true or false while loop in kotlin while loop in kotlib kotlin switch conditional staatements in cotlin kotlin switch case break kotlin switchs atement case kotlin kotlin when statement default let control flow kotlin kotlin switch break kotlin when multiple same cases iif in kotlin assign variable to if kotlin switch expresion kotlin kotlin switch cas elif kotlin kotlin switch case statement create var in ifstatment kotlin kotlin if statements inine if kotlin kotlin 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when in kotlin kotlin when with condition select case kotlin ignore if kotlin if and kotlin kotlin if then when statement kotlin kotlin elseif get access var outside kotlin else if get access var kotlin else if get access if kotlin when in kotlin with <= kotlin android switch case declare a variable inline if statement kotlin if condition for == kotlin if condition for == in kotlin how to use if condition in kotlin which statement kotlin which kotlin when condition android studio kotlin kotlin if vs when if expression kotlin break if are same same kotlin string kotlin switch alternative run code after when statment kotlin default in when kotlin kotlin when defaukt kotlin condition using if else statenent in kotlin kotlin switch default case kotlin while kotlin if else konusu else kotlin kotlin multiple lines on a switch statement kotlin switch default kotlin return if statement when statement string kotlin android when statement kotlin android when syntax kotloin kotlin when statement 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return before if in kotlin return in if clause in kotlin retun in kotlin if retun with if else kotlin retun if else kotlin when statements kotlin when control flow kotlin switch case kotlin kotlin single line if when koltin kotlin when default if else kotlin switch case kotlini write integer cases in when condition kotlin if command kotlin when to use !! in kotlin kotlin when block kotlin 1 line if when statement in kotlin ?: kotlin if kotlin when statements kotlin switch case switch statement kotlin kotlin when kotlin switch kotlin shorter if kotlin when syntax kotlin return when kotlin for loop kotlin else if kotlin when expression kotlin switch statements when in kotlin kotlin cascading if kotlin conditionals else if kotlin simplify if kotlin if else in kotlin when kotlin example if else check in kotlin android kotlin if
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