what is the use of javascript static methods on classes

class myClass{
this.myLocaleVariable=1;//this.varname in the constructer function makes a locale var
return "im local unique to this variable";
static publicfunction(){
return "i can be called without an obj"
myClass.myPublicVariable = 0;

myClass.publicfunction();//"i can be called without an obj"
var obj = new myClass;
obj.localfunction();//"im local unique to this variable"


                                    // Classes : static methods in javascript classes 

class Square {
        this.width = width ;
        this.height = width ;

    static equals(a , b){
        return a.width * a.height === b.width * b.height ;

    static validDimensions(width , height ){
        return width === height ;

console.log(Square.validDimensions(8 , 8));
console.log(Square.validDimensions(10 , 12));
console.log(Square.validDimensions(0 ,0 ));
console.log(Square.validDimensions(2 , 3));
console.log(Square.validDimensions(-3 , -3));

3.7 (10 Votes)
Bretsky 95 points

                                    // javascript static methods on Classes are called via the Class Name not  via the class Instances
class Square {
        this.width = width ;
        this.height = width ;

    static equals(a , b){
        return a.width * a.height === b.width * b.height ;

const newSquare1 = new Square(10);
const newSquare2 = new Square(9);
const newSquare3 = new Square(5);
const newSquare4 = new Square(5);
console.log(Square.equals(newSquare1 , newSquare2));
console.log(Square.equals(newSquare3 , newSquare4));

3.5 (4 Votes)

                                    class Hi {
	constructor() {
  	static my_static_method() {}

function getStaticMethods(cl) {
  return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(cl)

// => [ 'length', 'prototype', 'my_static_method', 'name' ]

4 (2 Votes)

                                    // *** JS Class STATIC method ***   

class Animal {
        sayHello() {
            return `${this.constructor.greeting}! I'm ${this.name}!`;

    class Cat extends Animal {
        constructor(name) {
            super(); // connects parent to child/constructor
            this.name = name; //=> need this line otherwise name undefined
        static greeting = 'Feed me';

    class Dog extends Animal {
        constructor(name) {
            this.name = name; // same output type as above
        static greeting = 'Sigh';

    const run = document.getElementById("run");
    run.addEventListener('click', () => {
        let Garfield = new Cat('Garfield');
        let Snoopy = new Dog('Snoopy');
// output = Feed me! I'm Garfield! Sigh! I'm Snoopy!

5 (1 Votes)
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