typeof javascript

 What value it has 	 			What the output shows you 
 						when you write |console.log(typeof(variable);
Undefined:						"undefined"
Null:							"object"
Boolean:						"boolean"
Number:							"number"
String:							"string"
Function object:				"function"
E4X XML object:					"xml"
E4X XMLList object:				"xml"
NodeList						"Nodelist [more data]"
HTMLCollection					"HTMLCollection(1) [more data]"

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    console.log(typeof 'blubber');

4.33 (3 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    // get type of variable

var number = 1
var string = 'hello world'
var dict = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}

console.log(typeof number) // number
console.log(typeof string) // string
console.log(typeof dict)   // object

3.89 (9 Votes)
A-312 69370 points

                                    //typeof() will return the type of value in its parameters.
//some examples of types: undefined, NaN, number, string, object, array

//example of a practical usage
if (typeof(value) !== "undefined") {//also, make sure that the type name is a string
  	//execute code

4 (1 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    var miFuncion = new Function("5+2")
var forma = "redonda"
var tamano = 1
var hoy = new Date()

typeof miFuncion === 'function'
typeof forma === 'string'
typeof tamano === 'number'
typeof hoy === 'object'
typeof noExiste === 'undefined'

4 (1 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    console.log(typeof 93);
// Output = "number"

console.log(typeof 'Maximum');
// Output = 'string'

console.log(typeof false);
// Output = "boolean"

console.log(typeof anUndeclaredVariable);
// Output = "undefined"

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console log data type javascript type = js total datatypes in javascript how to get data type in javascript typeof array is comingas object in js types of variables in js Which of the following are basic data types in Javascript? javascript type string check check variable type in js rtypeof metods in js how to specify type in javascript type="javascript" javascript typef .type javascript typeof nodejs object and array js variable types type of i js typeof object javascript typeof javascript mozilla javascript tester type variable primitive data types in javascript node.js type of js typeof function statement js check type of value array typeof object return typeof object return What are the valid JavaScript data types typeof object array typeof in function javascript type check object javascript js type of a function different in usage of data types in javascript and java typeof order === 'number' istring js typeof javasccript integer javascript data types practise javascript variable 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a var js typeof vriable javascript example js tzpeof find the type of a variable in javascript javascript typof js: typeof javascript typr of is type js javascirpt typeof object javascript typeof number javascript print type of value js typrof javascript variable type find a type of javascript typeof operator in javascript typeof doc js how to use type of javascript type of javascript variable afficher type variable javascript typeof false js what is var type in javascript typeof var get the variable type in js typeOf na consola tupeof JS js get data type typeof js list print the type of data javascript js find datatype javascript type of objects jquery typeof type d'une variable javascript typeof variable in javascript get data type node js js get the type of a variable type js javascript typeof variable javascript what type of variable javascript if typeof is function typeof("") { } js type var typeof(Number) in javascript how to log the type of data in javascript get type of object in javascript how to know type of data in javascript istypeof javascript javascript .typeof javascritp type d'un object vérifier le type d'une donnée javascript can I use typeof to determine the value of a declared variable javascript types type of command javascript checking type in js javascript if typeof object map over results give me the type of object javascript how to find the typeof a variable in javascript how to know variable type javascript double type parameter how to know console log value type javascript typeof model js typ of javascript get type of element how to find the type in js if a parameter equals a number data type in javascript type of var in js javascript element typeof how to use typeof javascript get type of javascript typeof is opearator or function in js var type javascript is type of string javascript how to know the type of a object js if typeof javascript console.log type of console.log the data type in js type of vart javascript typeof(1) javascript how to get the datatype of a variable in javascript javascript print type of variable check type in javascript typeof how to check any is which datatype in javascript check the data type in js use typeof in javascript how to see type of variable in javascript what is typeOf in Javascript mean how to return typeof object in javascript javascript how to determine type of object javscritp typeof object verifier type variable javascript js if typeof === check type of object javascript javascript typeof test html value typeof javascript typeof equals typeof returns string return types in javascript javascript typeof object string get the type of variable in javascript typeof can be using html what typeof operator can return in js console.log object type js bool typeof javascript check type of variable var javascript typeof write javascript type vs typeof can you check for typeof with .includes javascript find object by function type js type of i. js .type() JS tipe in js show type javascript dhow type javascript checking the type of a variable in javascript how to check typeof javascript .type method javascript javascript check vairable type js get typeof element get the data type in javascript print data type js javascript typeof function && funcction call javascript typeof function && function() how to read typeof of element js how to get the data type of a variable in js using typeof operator in javascript check variable type js js how to check type javascript data types check if for value type javascript checking type in javascript type(à in js typeof condition javascript js is of type print variable type in javascript javascript typesof js find type javascript get data type typeof is object javascript js number with typeof object js typof boolean how to know the datatype of variable in javascript typeof react jsx js how to get type of variable javascript member variable types have type js check for object type javascript js return data type js typeof list js typeof boolean typeof function javascript und javascript return variable type get variable type javascript kavascript type variable javascript check type variable javascript what is the type of [] how to find the type of variable in javascript why typeof string is function typof js js check var type JS equivalent to typeof javascript string get type typeof number javascript js typeof function typeof string javascript on type js get type of variable type function in javascript console log typeof how to find type in javascript type if in js print type javascript js typeof object javascript get type of object use of typeof number in javascript type of variables in js return var type javascript find out type javascript javascript type condition typeof var number javascript find typeof javascript is type of object javascript check array value typeof number javascript javascript log type of object Write a JavaScript function to check whether the given argument is function or string or object or number by using Type Of operator. object typeof checking data type in javascript display the type javascript pourquoi on utilise typeof en javascript how to change javascript object value typeof type of javascript var typeof node module check datatype js js get what type a property is javascript is type of if (typeof javascript) nodejs typeo js stypeof javascript return type of element javascript typeof class object typeof == object javascript is typeof tupe of js js console log typeof type of string in js js typeof() js voir si element string ou number log typeof variable typescript javascript how to check the typeof a variable get type javascript js if typeof integer get the type of a variable js .type() javascript javascript console log var type javscript typeof javascript check type typeof nodejs value types js javascript return type of value javascript typeof list get type of javascript object javascript print type js typeof react element condition javascript console type of 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javascript object of type string js typeof class javascript get type get object type javascript how to get type of a string injs console.log(typeof 'blubber'); get var type js typeof javascript number how to return a new array that consists of only boolean in javascript using typeof using typeof in if statement javascript what is typeof in javascript javascript type of object console log type javascript type check type of how to check the typeof a variable in javascript wich type javascript js type of variable check data type javascript check typeof string javascript get type of variable javascript how to find datatype in javascript check type javascript javascript checkl type create typeof function javascript `h`typeof typeof find type javascript js check variable type type of in javascript javascript typeof object primitve data types in javascript typeof this javascript type of for string check typeof in javascript check type object javascript python typeof javascript typeof operátor javascript type of operátor get data type of a variable in javascript typeof javascript object js typeof string .typeof javascript typeof variable in js type of variable in javascript javascript type of VARIABLE javascript get type of using typeof javascirpt how to get the type of in console log js how to return typeof js js tipeof typeof string node.js typeof type of in java script console.log(typeof function) how to return variable types in javascript typeof example typeof object what is the use of typeof operator in javascript how to use a typeof property in JavaScript get type of data in javascript type of in js type of js how to print typeof in node js how to check data type in javascript operator used for finding the data type of the variable in javascript what does typeof do in javascript The operator used for finding the data type of the variable js how to check type of variable in js which function can find the datatype of a value in javascript oftype string javascript how to 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