
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";

const FirstPage = props => {
    let history = useHistory();

    const someEventHandler = event => {
           pathname: '/secondpage',
           search: '?query=abc',
           state: { detail: 'some_value' }


export default FirstPage;

Awgiedawgie 440215 points

  pathname: '/template',
  search: '?query=abc',
  state: { detail: }

3.67 (3 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    props.history.push({  pathname: '/register', state: data_you_need_to_pass});

Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    <Link to={{  pathname: "/register",  state: data_you_need_to_pass }}> Register</Link>

3.75 (8 Votes)
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How to pass params with history.push? history push search params passing states from history.push in react how to pass id in history.push react router react router dom history push with para history.push values in react route in params this.props.history.push with params react router history push does not work with second parameter reactjs history push with parameters javascript history push params history push react router dom set props for component how to pass params in us history.push this.props.history.push('/profile') params through history.push props history push with props this.props.history.push(path); how to pass props in history.push in reactjs this.props.history.push react get push histpory params how to push data in history react router push param in react router props.history.push syntacx props.history.push('/'); react router dom push params this.props.history.push("/"); send url parametes in history.push this.props.history?.push react history push with props example push params in react router by using javascript history.push get parameters pass paramater to component on route change react using history push how to set params in history.push history.push with parameter react push history with params this.props.history.push of undefine how to history.push with id parameter react router history.push with props push history and pass id react dom react js history push route params history push url params This props history push react-router-dom push parameters history push with parameters this.props.history.push with props function this.props.history.push function this.props.history.push with props useHistory.push params history.push with parameters pass route params in history.push adding props to history.push react router history push with params access a parameter passed in history.push react pass in a parameter to history.push react use history.push react with parameters how to get params passed through history.push react router history push with props props.history.push('/') how to use this.props.history.push state props.history.push with variable history javascript only push parameter to state “how to pass data in history.push in react js” react router docs props.history.push this.props.location.push how to pass the data in history.push in react js router push with paras in reactjs props.history.push with state react history push pass data this.props.push.history react native usehistory push with params react props.history.push("/"); while history push pass data react pass values with history push react react router history.push send data react router push path params props.history.push explained props history push in react js props.history.pushState in react js props.history.push in react js history.push witn params react router history push query params passing data with history.push in react react how to use historuy push params pass the props with history push in history.push react react router params history push how to pass params in history.push props.history.push('') how to access which is pass with history.push in react-router v4 what is props.history.push react get props from history.push react history is push props values params history push react-router push url params react router push url params get push params react-router history push with props react router use params with history.push how to send params this props history.push history.push pass params this.props.history.push is used for react this.props.history.push with params props.history.push sate pass params with history.push history.push parameters this,props.history.push react what does props.history.push do what is props.history.push do history.push props react route push with params this.props.history.push in class component router push params react history push props react how to use props.history.push in class how to get params from react history.push how to access parameters with history.push how to pass parameters with history.push react hostory push rout params history.push adding parameters this.props.history.push('/') how to props history push react work history.push react components with props react router id parameters and history push props.history.push react router params on url got added up on history.push history push in react with url params react router history push with id params react router dom send params with histur push pass state to history push react router dom react js history push with props sending params history .push push to state url this.props.history.push react history.push query params pass parameters history.push react how to get the params in another website in this.props.history.push how to use this.props.history.push react router props.history.push undifenid react router props.history.push how to pass data with react router history push how to pass data with react route history push pass data with history push react router how to use props.history.push react-router-dom props.history.push react props.history.push parameters history.push history.push with arguments react router history push params simple example history.push with param react react props history push how to pass params via history.push react prop.history.push history.push with params react send an additional parameter with history.push js history pushstate new param history push arguments react set params without using history.push this.props.history.push('/appuser') this.props.history.push in react js this.props.history.push inside react-router history push params accept the url parameter why i use props.history.push react router push pass parameters react router push pass params props.history.push("/") react history push with parameter React using history.push with arguments connected react router push params what is this.props.history.push in react props history push router.push() pass data react search not being passed in push add search in history push search not passing in history push how to redirect using props history.push pass parameter to react page using history push history state react history get params router.history.push with props how to pass data using history push get all url history react router pass props after history.push pash a props in component in history.push arrow function pass props in history.push react router dom history params this.props.history.push example this.props.history.push uses react this.props.history.push react how to push id to pathname this porps location history push props.location.history.push with props how to history.push the same url but different parameter history.push method passing data in react router history,push props.history.push not working this.props.history.push pass parameter how to get params in reactjs using history passing data from one component to another by using history push in react js this.props.history.push not passing state pass props history.push history.push with props how to pass to props in history react props.history.push pathname with json parameter getting params and history How to retrive state react router history push react-router-dom push with params react-router-dom history.push current path + id react-router-dom history.push current + id how to go to a specific part of a web page using history.push history push react-router-dom with state react router dom push with props react history push patams this.props.history.push error pass state in history.push history.push send data How do you pass data with history push? how to pass state object in history.push react.this.props.push history.pushstate react router history .push react arguments history.push with state react react-router history push use history and use params sending state using history react native send data using react router native history push react native send data via history router props.history.push other page params on history.push history.push react router dom history push id in react js history.push react route usehistory react user see url direction pass props through history.push how to pass this .history push react router history.push props reactjs historyback with params react history push parent router url pass data with push history how to push state with usehistory passing match, history, location as props using history to pass parameters react history push pathname router history.push.prams react router get params from history.push ${match.url}${link Url} template string react-router passing react-router state usnig useHistory put state in this.props.history history.push react send data history.push with query params how to pass props.history between components message after $router.history.push how to pass data using url in history how to pass params in history.push() how to pass component in history.push how to pass stste with history.push how to pass stete with history.push usehistory to get data from one page to another on redirect in react memory history can be passed to a switch react push to new component with props browserrouter history param access data from history in react router dom pass values in history push history push get current history push get cu can history.push redirect to different url createbrowserhistory history.push pass paramiters react pass props to another page by history how to define {history, props } in react together how to define history and props in react together pass props through push how to pass the state value with the history how to only pass props of history.push component location state parameter passing props with history.push props history push with state history.push react history.pushreact router dom history push state key how to use history.replace in react props not getting params history pass data to another component react using history send data in history.push jaa react redirect props push history prop second paramater state state parameter history push history.push state react router react router pass data history push get dynamic route id from props.history can i passs object using route histroy ? history action react how to check history react router dom history stack react history.push reading 20 as 2525 push in history react router How to push props in state how to access data passed with history.push in react react router dom 4 history props.history.push react usehistory().push parameters how many parameters does history in react take push params object react router browser history push react router how to get params in react history.push how to pass params in react history.push react redirection props history push with data custom history object react this.props.history.append get location and history react get history props on other page react props.history.push router.push params push i ihstory object react router dom history react history push path and props history .push in recat js react router pass variapbles hostory push why push history keep previous views pass object from history.push functional pass object from history.push passing state to push in react router react get props from history history.push with props history push props send query with history.push history.push after the the state update in react props.history.push in react js get data pass data with history.push in react change passed history react history.push adds to the url props.history.push in react js send data react-router dom history history prop in react react history push to another router react redirect using history with parameters history.push params fuctional component send data via browser history .push react router send data via browser history .push pass data with history push react-route-dom props.history.push(route); history push with params of object chekc history react router dom pass vakues from history push params from history react params from history push with params react how to get value after push in history state reactjs push a component with props in react history push react pass state in history.push react dunamic link history push react pass multiple states with history.push pass multiple states to props.history.push pass multiple states to props.history.push props.history.push pass multiple values react history props.history.push state create memory history props.history.push to same url new state react-router-dom histort push history push send props pass props history this.props.history.push state example react router browser history history push react router history push with pathname and state in react js history .push state react router history object react history reactjs history react docs props.history push with state pass component props to history location state pass routing params in history.push props history redirect react how to pass data from history.push histroy push react history push how to send value of history location react router to other component how to send value of history location react router how to route to a specific section of page in reactjs using props.history.push reactjs history.push with props pass data from props history.push history replace react router react router pop history push with state react routr how to access history.push(path,state) use history mode for router in react class component pass data in history.push history push access data history.replace history.push react with state how to pass params props in history in react react router history pass props how to send props.history in react how to send history props in react pass param in url history.push reactjs react get state passed by history.push() Router history={history} this.state = { > 20 | location: props.history.location how to send props in history.push how to pass function as a parameter in history.push reactjs how to pass function in history.push reactjs how to pass props across pages in react with history.push how to pass props using history.push pass data history.push react router rom how to pass array in history.push react js search history.push react js how to pass params in react router.push history params react router dom push state react router this.props.history.push with href history.push to multiple pages how to access props.history.location array history push router react send props in history.push history push get params this.props.history.push adds props to url react router pass params gistort react router history push state history pathname search how to send state in history.push how to pass props in react router doom when pushing a screen react history pass state this.props.history.push how to get state of history in react router how to send params using hitory push in react router how to pass something with history.push how to get params in history location in react js how to get params in history.location in react js this.props.history.push('path') jsx this.props.history.push(path) history push with data react push history with data what are the properties of history.push pass actions in history.push() react js can you pass actions in the history.push react js pass state history.push react pass parameter history.push how to pass history to push to two different pages how to pass history to push two pages? how to get data in history.push how to pass data in history.push react router get state params send props with history.push params heastory react router react router history push search history.push react router props.history.push(url, state) react history push send data params react history push send data get data from history push history push pathname how to set location push hash react history.push with pass data react use history to push array to component sending data over props.history send id with history.push how to send history.push data react send data with history.push pass data with history.push(path) react hooks pass data with history.push(path) react reactjs how to save this props history state reactjs keep value this props history in state how to redirect to component in history push reactjs set state this props history push params props history react history.push state react router push params this.props.history.location.push react router push route with props how to call history.push parameter in next page pass paramert in url react-router-dom using history.push react get passed prop history access data after history push react history push with params how to pass data with history.push route path to history.push how to pass an object through history props in react js how to pass an object through history prop in reactjs how to send params using props.history in react js how to pass props with history push this.props.history.pathname this.props.history params how to sand params to history react props.history.replace react props.history.replace history param react router history params react router push with state passing props in history.push history.push params history push pass the params how to pass message ti proc.history.push props history push state react router dom passing state to history.push router dom history.location or history.push to redirect react history push with param value history push with params id how to get paramters passed in history.push how to get paramters passed in history.push in the second page use of search in history.push in react pass params in history.push react history push to next page history.push(path, state) how to add state in props.history.push this.props.history.push pass object history push with state in react push params to component reactjs pass data to another page usnig history add data to history.push react history.push maintain the state react history push with data javascript history pathname with parameters push state with props.history.push in react react history pass props get the params from use history react how to access state sent through history.push send state during history.push how to send state from one component to another in react after history.push pass state between routes react push history props.history.push with data history push with data react react send data throw history history.push variable in pathname history.push({ pathname: "/faq/"+title, }); this.props.history.push({ pathname: '/', search: `?serviceOrderNumber=${number}` }); how to get state from history in react history.push add props history.push pass data react router history push pass data react router use history to get react component params history push react state props history push send data history push method how to pass query to react router history this.props.history.push with state react rpouter push to route wiuth params pass data history.push pass data in props.history when we pass some custom props to functional component, how can we access props.history.push? how to access props.history if we are passing some props? send data with history.push react access id of history push react id parameter of history push react pass value using history push in history push which parameter pass react send props hisrory through link history push with state history.push data history push with params react how to send data with history history params how to use the value with history.push in react how to push id in param in react in class component how to push id in param in react props.location.push history push with props how to add state in this.props.history.push in react js history.params react router store variable in history react this.props.history.replace usehistory push with params props.history.push with props pass data aling with this.history.push send data using history.push in react history state and props in react how to send functions as props in history push how to get the data from use history how to send data with history.push send props and history router history push with params push connected reatc router pass params history push and pass props passing parameters in history.push How to pass props in history.replace react pass props in history.push react react router dome history.push(path); history.push with data reatc js history push react router with params react router history puhs with state this.state.history.push mehtod send object react router history.push props router history array this.props.router.history react history push passing parameters react-router history push params history.push with state how to pass data using history.push send state in react router history pass state while pushing in react roputer how to send data with this.proips.history history.paramns react props.history.push with array history.push arguments react Pass props in history react-router pass props on history push react router how to use this.props.history.push with parameter in react js react setParams to history get history state react react pass props through history.push setstate with history.push react push to history with state react router passing params in react router push how to transfer data through history in react react send params on history push using history.push react to reatian state' router .push params react router props.history.push custom function history push parameters reactjs use history react router dom paramters pass state with history react router dom pass data from History in react history state react router history push parram with only numbers not strings react router history.push with params withRouter react router history.push with params push variable with history send data with react history push history push data react what is search in history.push in react How to pass parameters in history.push in react js get props on push react router history push state react router react history push state react route history push state react router history push search vs state history.push with props react props.push react react history push pass props useHistory get query params push route in react with props using history.push react to push params react router push state to history push state to history react react router pass params native react props.history query react props pass in history passing props with history in react js history.push(path state) react how to push in history api in react with params history push with props react how to pass query params from history in react make state variables return with history react router react router history.push with state react s pass props with history push how to send parameter in react router props.history react router dom push with params props push react react router history push params history.push with params react hstory push object get state from history react how to use history state in react pasing info to the history object react router push prop to page how to pass id in history.push in react js react router dom pass props history push history push react router params history push with statusreact router want to pass object through this.props.propdata.history.push(`/Checkout`) read data after this.props.propdata.history.push(`/Checkout`) example how to pass params with history.push in react-router v4 history.push react state react history push pass params get query param with useHistory pass parameter in history.push react send key vaue in routing using history in reactjs How to send state variable in href and send back to page in reactjs 16.8 history.push a function as location state how to execute function passed with history.push inside of redirected component react router push component props how push params react route pass props using useHistory passing history as a function param props.history.push append previous page route hash router history.push push variables also history push location state add function connected-react-router push with params history.push() in react with all arguments react router dom history push with params how to history push variables react pass props to component through history.push react pass param in usehistory push history.push with data change state of component react after history.psuh get state from after history.push pass state with history push set route param without history replace react react-router how are history and params passed down history push search history push params history push react pass query params react-router history push props pass props with history push this.props.propdata.history send prop react this.props.propdata.history send prop how to send props while using history.push this.props.history pass data how to pass state in history.push pass props using history.push react update url params react router dom v5 vuejs router push name how to remove query params from url react router react router get params react router history push and get data react router history push with state react history.push with props how to pass data in history.push in react js pass a prop with history.push react history.push react with data React passing state using history prop send query with history.push react js react router dom use history send props react withrouter history push pass parameter history push react with props react history push props react router push with params passing data through history object react-router-dom url params react js props history react history push send props react history push params react history push with props how to pass data with history.push react react router props history push pass get parameters one function to hisotry.push into new route how to send data react history push multiple history push with state react router history push state react How to pass params with history.push in react-router
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