text input phone number react native

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { TextInput } from 'react-native';

export default function UselessTextInput() {
  const [textInputValue, setTextInputValue] = React.useState('');

  return (
    	height: 40, 
    	borderColor: 'gray', 
    	borderWidth: 1,
    	placeholderTextColor: 'gray',
      onChangeText={text => setTextInputValue(text)}
	  placeholder="Insert your text!"

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { TextInput } from 'react-native';

export default function UselessTextInput() {
  const [value, onChangeText] = React.useState('Useless Placeholder');

  return (
      style={{ height: 40, borderColor: 'gray', borderWidth: 1 }}
      onChangeText={text =&gt; onChangeText(text)}

4 (8 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    npm i react-native-phone-input --save

4.38 (8 Votes)
Rubixphys12 15320 points

   onChangeText={(text)=&gt; this.onChanged(text)}
   maxLength={10}  //setting limit of input

4.29 (7 Votes)
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naive textinput using input in react native react-native phone number input with country code how to generate TextInput in react native react native textinput state number input sobe react native react native textinput only react native text input with button react native textinput property input react natve native text input fields TextInput in react-native react nativeinput access native textinput from event textinput in react native as phone number style textinput in react native as phone number react native text input handling react native text input type handling input field react native\ textInput reeact native intl tel input react native react native textinput update react-native textinput type attribute handleinputtext for all textinput in react native reactnative textinput onChangeText type textinput value react native react native international phone number input phone input in react native validation phone input in react native textinput on press react native using textinput react native docs reactnative textinput intl phone number input react native react native textInput on Textchange react native textinput examples create textinput in react native input component in react native textinput mreact native phone input for web react native react-native phone input react native phone input REACT-PHONE-number-input react native textinpuut react native phone input for any phone numbers react native need input write any phone numbers react native phone numbers input in react native react-native input phone textinput to complete react native react native textinput s react native textinput support onpress react native input elemt regular phone number input in react native react native textinput sample react nativ text input using textinput in react native React native TextIput text input attributes react native how to add view in textInput react native react native textinput onSubmitEditing exmplae create input in react native how to handel the textInput in react native text input methods react native react native render on textinput TextInput example in react native from aboutreact react native textinput name react native text field inout onTextInput react native input react native get text from textinput react-native-elements textInput validate phone number input in react native react native what is textinput onblue react native textinput onblue React native text input components react native textinput phone number react native TextInput value type take input value from textinput react native phone number input in react native input type phone no react native textinput react native types input form react native textinputs in react native add textinput in function react native input text field react native react native TextInput text style form input in react native does react native have input tag react native input from field TextInput Field Number input react-native input component react native react native cell phone input validation text input box react native input with information react native how to define input type in react native how to define text input in react native type react native formatting textinput to phone numbers create input component react native react native handle text input text input react-native make only support number textinput in react native reactnattive text input how tp input text in react native textinput props react-native-phone-number input textinput props react-native-phone how to disfocus textinput react native contry phone number input react native differnet ways to get text input in react native different ways to get text input in react native react native elemtns input forminput react native elements react native textinput pattern international phone input react native text box for user input in react native textinput number only react native TextInput type react native handle text input number react native react native text input to recceive number react native textinput prop input from input field in react native input form in react native add textinput react native text input type react native react native input text tag react native input text example &quot;TextInputComponent&quot; react native use input form in reactnative react native tex input react native textinput onclick textinput react native input type in react native textinput event react native making a textinput component in react native react native phone input functional component handle input in react native react native input textbox inpute in react native textinput design react native react native textinput ontap react-native textinput label react natie input text input react natvie how to use react native TextInput onCahnge react native TextInput event text value text mergin in textinput in react native textmergin in textinput in react native inputtext in react native textinput take text up in react native textinput in reactnative text input class component react native inputs react native elements recat native text-input react nativeinputs store textInput in react native react native text inpuyt textinput phine number react native forminput react native from input react native react native number TextInput take textinput react native reeact native input react native phone number input codepent react-native textinput onchange input type in react native elements react native phone input complete code textinput city react native make input on react native text input component react native elements 4 input react native text input react native type react native textionput input reactnative how to get input in react native use react native TextInput textholder in textinput react native get textinput value react-native treact native input react native simple input text react native textinput keyboard textinput react native dev what is input in react native get textinput text react native rwact native input textinput in react native doc textinput box react native using text input in class component react native text input in class component react native how to make an input form in react native textinput props in textinput react native ontextinput props in textinput react native set textinput type TextInput on react native reactnative text input textinput react native ui code on input text input react native input text box react native reac native Input using TextInputMethods react native react native textinput format input phone number react native value textinput react native inputs forms react native react native get input with inputtext how to get text from textinput in react native input of react native text input syntax in react native class component text input syntax in react native text input type eract native how to make an input field in react native react native text inpute textinput input text react native react native textinputt format a phone number in a textinput react native textinput only number react native Inputfield react native textinput react native web textinput react native phone number how to submit textinput in react native android text input react native &lt;Input /&gt; in react native react native phone number text input textinput text style react native TextInputProps react native react native text input type textInput class component in react native phone inputs react native react native phone number textinputprops dont work React Native Phone Number textInputProps React Native Phone Number Input css react-native-phone number-input example react-phone-number-input react native reat native textinput textinput type reactnative textinput attributes react native input native element textinput react native class component textinput in react natiev textInput from react native react natiev input textinput onpress react native native react input box tetinput react native methods react native textinput Text Input control Done in react native react native TextInpu tract native TextInput how to create text input in react native how to use input react native elements text input react native ele how to use textinput as a button in react native input react native elemnets react native textinput phone number validation react native textinput onendediting react native textinput onendediting example reat native text input react nativr input how to read textinput value in react native example teaxtInput react native textinput format react native input in react native elements TextInput react native display text function react native how to make a input box React native TextInput validation example react native elements text input use react native text input textiput react native how to create an input in react native react-native textinput get text textinput react native values react oninput react-native form input value in textinput react native textinput type in react native type in react native in input type of text input in react native input react native textinput react native input type phone number react native textinput require focues react native textinput onfocus react native box textinput react native textinput css react-phone-number-input react native react-phone-number-input recat native how to use react native input text input for react native react native phone-number-input react native code input text input ract native teextinput react native react native form input example text native input react react native + textinput textinput code react native react native tags input TAg input in react native textinput react native component react native textinput managmement react native textinput on leave input import textinput react native react ntaive textinput react native textinput number only react native textinput docs react native phone input js react native elements input example react native elements input type phone react-native elements input' react native input tag react native textinput onSumbit input for description react native textinput keyboard react native get textinput value react native TextInput + react native react native textinput auto enter phone number react native input component textinput react native elements react native user input mobile number input in react native input telephone react native input description react native react native textinput api textinput + endediting + react native how to set Textinput type in react native type input react native how to use input element in react native react native textinput submit input field reactnative react native textinput stlye react native tetionput text input value in react native react native input code input tag react native input tag in react native textinput react native type react native input elements component react native input docs TextInput react native field react native unput text input example in react native textinput phone number react native react native text input documentation react native textinput documentation react native form input textinput android react native react native for input how to get textinput from react native import { TextInput } from 'react-native'; react native phone number input install react native phone number input from react-phone-number-input react native phone input react native react native text input docs input native react native textimput textinput react native ios phone number input react native take input in react native react native telephone input event on input text react native react-native text input react native phone input text container react-native textinput example react native type box react native focus react native phone input TextInput vs Input in reactnative textinput value prop list input box in react native react-native elements input email type react native react native email feidl textinput editable react native text input get value react native onfocus true or false check react native textInput value to text react native react native get text from text input textinput placeholder react native number form ios react native text set value name-phone-pad react native Textinput how to submit textinput react native default text on textinput reat react native text input multiline react native textInput button e.text in react native what is e.text.value in react native type for react nmative text inputs react-native-autocomplete-input render textinput react native text input for ios react native input properties react native input submit react native textinput lag react-native textinput number styling text input react native how to style text input in react native text inpout styel react native email text input api in react antive email text inputapi in react antive appinputtext react native tex input react native keyboard autofocus react native get value of text input react native textinput native native event text input rteact inputbox react-native react native SimpleTextInput size react native textinput attributes react native text input style type react native input text with label phone-pad react native in react native textinput style example reactnative textinput doc react native placeholder edit valu textinput search type react native numeric text input react native text input react natibe react native input onsubmitediting react native input events text input inside view react native react native multiline text field react native types of inputs description input field react native react-native textinput email reactnative onchange text change react native keyboard type in react native elements input keyboardtype in react native elementsinput keyboardtype in react native input react nativetextinput email how to set input text type email in react native how to set input in react native react native input keyboard keyboardType react native react native access textinput value react native input pas\ react native onChnage text react native text input autocorrect react native % in number react native get textinput value input in react native' textinput react native default keyboard type onchangeinputvalue is delting previous input react native textinput react native display something while textinput onchangetext text input functions react native react native input &quot;focus&quot; react native input focus recat native teaxtinput onfuc small text box react native Add textinput parameters react native how to take input in react native text input style in react native textinput placeholder react native how to make Text Input component in react native how to make TextInput component in react native keyboard types react native keyboard types react nativ multi line textinput react native keyboard type in react js textinput react native check noo text react native textinput get value keyboardtype textinput react native on focus react native text input react native hint text input component reactch textbox react native react native import textinput inputs in react native react native textinput input default value format text input react native react native onblur react native multiline input react native text area default value react n,ative textinput onchangetext as componente react natve react native input vs textinput reusable textinput react native text input for react native style input react native input react native component react native onchange textinput textInput onFocus default value text input react native message model with input text in react native oncahngetext react native number text input react native native textinput textinput react native plaseholder textinput react native number text input rac native react native 2 text inputs linked text box in react native text input react native elements react native iinput text reat-native text input value react native text input value simple react native text input text input email address react native how to make it so that wherever you type on a page it goes into a text input react native text input with button react native react native text input for message onchange react natieve on write input react antive tet input rn react native required text input field react native textcontenttype react native password and email input style of text input react native text input change keyboard type react native text inside textinput textinput for email react native ios input field react native input ios react native email textinput react native textcontenttype react native input react natie textinput react native on enter react native text input ty[es input number react native react native description input react netive onchange text react native textInput focsus taking input in react native keyboardtype email in react native react native ios field textbox title pressed in react native react native textinput keyboard type textinput style in react native ract native input displabe text input react-native react native text impuy TextInput Style Props focus in react native React native textinput complete react native paper number input props textinput react native text input react native placeholder style react native focus input text input onfocus react native react-native-otp-textinput example keyboardtype in react native textinput onBlur react native react native fake input text text input react native value textinput react natvie react native text input on submit editing text input react native style onfocus react native react native textinput on change number pad react native textinput component react native example textinput component react native input autocapitalize react focus react native input text show in text react native text react native react native textinput context api textinput react native in class component TextInput spaceholder input react-native-element style text input react native textinput keybord type react native elements inout change keyboark type for a inout field in react ntive how to make an input box in react native react native scroll to textinput input react native onchage react native phone input validation text input style react native value attribute of textinput in react native submitting text in react native focus input react native text input paragraph react native height of text input to phone react native rn input multiline react native text react native setstate textinput react native set textinput value to state react native get text from state react native onchangetext function textinput with text react native on focus textinput react naative function which triggers on each letter react native text input onsubmit input react native adicionar 4 items textinput react native text returnKeyType react native textinput react native onsubmitediting textinput textinput ios react native numeric keyboard TextInput ios enter text react native textinput type file in react native free text react native input reactnative elements input text in api react native through text input input text in api react native text entry react native onchange state react native input textinput vs component react native input box in react native app imput reac t native elements react native elementrs inpit keyboard type react native react native elemnts input react native textinput language input type react native react native textinpot android input box react native text input react native ex Value in react native react native input styles rn textinput multiline auto focus rn textinput focus multiline rn textinput multiline react native text input change react native model to take input test input react native react native text input show - inbetween phone number reactnative input react native textinput design selection textimput react native numbers only for phone input react native input value in react native textinput styles in react native textinput styk phone number code react native react native elements textinput number input filed in react nartivw text input change text Text input field react native react nativeText input text onchange react native Take text input values react native react native input autocompletetype react native elements input keyboard type how does required prop of textinput of react native works style textinput react native react native textinput text position textinputmask react native 24 hour textInput react-native react native numeric keyboard get text from textinput react native recat native textfield placeholder vs value react native input onchange textinput react native value recat native TextInput react-native textinput style react native component example textinput onSubmitEditing of textinout in react native textinput e.nativevent react native native events react native textinput how to get value of textinput in react native react native bind input editable text input text react native keyboard type numeric android react native reactnative TextInput ='Limit' placeholder gone keyboard type number. pad android react native textinput autofocus react native react native textinput default value multiline input react native input type number react native input focus react native components get value of textinput react native error at react native text input ontype finish text input react native input fields in react native text input save in react native view textinput save in reactnative view keyboardtype react native example text input use native how to create text box in react native number field for text input react native react native text input text covered how to get text value from react native textinput react-native-paper textinput text input react native ? set input style react native change text input text react native for multiline inputtext react native react native input text change keyboardType react antive return view text input react native return view textinput react native text input focus text value type text input react native form input react native textinput onchangetext react native text input keyboard type input on react native price textinput textinput placeholder react native input text box in react native field input react native text input react native style on android input box in react native reactnative input types controls OTP input react native textinput on focus react native input text style react native TextInput all props styled react textInput eclipsemode input react native react native textinput styles keyboard type react native example edit text inside textinput react native react native textinput get input textinput tyle input text type in react native text input keyboard numeric react native take input from user react native text input on react native react native ask input react native text input underlineColorAndroid input react native react-native input type url default value react native submit textinput react native react native number inputs fill textinput react native fill textinput rea textinput react native onsubmitediting react native paper textinput take variants input react native reat native text input props TextInput on write text input value react native react native input text style input onchange text react native react native textinput text up down input react native value onchangetext SELECT TEXTINPUT DEFAULT react native textinput default value react native row textinput react native REACT TEXTINPUT TYPE how to get text from an input box in react-native react native element text input placeholder react native textinput RUN REACT NATIVE NUMBER PAD ONLY ONE TIME SHOW CLICK TO VALUE HIDE NUMERIC PAD IN REACT NATIVE text input on change text react native texinput react native textinput setState how to get values from text input and store them in state in react native reasct nstivr text input how to access input text value in function in react native react native onChangetext input react native create component with input and output react native text inpunt change input type in react native react native get value from text input editable text input react native InputText react native properties react native textinput get value from textinput react native multiple choice text input react native react native textinput style example user inout react native input type email in react native apply Inputtype in textinput in react native react native text password textinput react native initial value react native textinput onpress react native text input component add a character in keyboard react native textinput keyboard type how to get value from textinput in react native text input email react native how to set textinput value in react native onChangeText text inpu in react-native textinput search react native how to input value react native text at two end of a input box textinput react native react native elements input textinput example react native attirbut textinput react native ios text input react native style io text input react native textinput styleying react native textinput react native element textinput react native paper how to show input box in react native react native text input class component text input in react native class component text input in reat native react native inpur react native textinput state accessing input react native input vs textinput react native onTextInput react native onChange reactNative react native handle text change how to check the TexstInput length text change listerner in React Native input type field keyboard react native input type field react native text fields react native react native textinput onSubmitEditing text input onchange react native props on change text react native react native input get value nput react native element text input in react native key values value prop in text input react native react-native inpute field react native on start editing onchange in react native text input search react native react textinput placeholder onsubmit text input react native react native text input get text textinput react native onchange text input under view react native textinput submit react native raect-native add text with ... react native input with text type number input react native react native input onchangetext placeholder showing one character react native placeholder taking only single letter react native create an input react native textinput placeholderr name react native prop should be implemented as handle text changes in React Native textinput onchangetex how to style react native textinput This prop should be implemented handle text changes in react native. input type number in react-native-elements bind TextInput react-native input bar number only on react native react native textinput params App Text Input react native AppTextInput react native react native text inpu textinput size react native react native keyboard numeric number-pad react native text input component react native display value in text input react native fget a text from input react native TextInput react native TextInput react native textinput style react native text box style rn TextInput textinput react natve textinput size rea react native keyboard type email text input required react native textInput values in class based component in react native textInput values in react native react native textinput controlled component Input react native element TEXTiNPUT REACT_NATIVE text input type number react native text input height react native input react native elements how to use textinput in react native when to update set after all textinput are filled react native textInput props react native text input types textinput implementaion react native input in react native onchange text form react native react-native number input react-native number input field react native textinput onchagne react native type number how to require a textinput in react native input event react native reference text input react native react antive textinput react-native input field react native keyboard type number react native input on change react native text inpur react native textinput onsubmit text input on value change react native required text field react native react native keyboard number react native field app android passing of text input react native input with number react ative react native element input REACT NATIVE ADDRESS input COMPONENT using value of textinout react native Text in put in react-native react native textIntput react native edit field react native text input events recent text in textinput react native input email react native react native submit text react input TextInputProps text input error react native text input on text change react native what typing for text input react native how to pass input text hint react native react native input placeholder react native textinput change react native text input initial value search value text input react native react native textinput keyboardType entered text react native textbox reactnative react native tezxtinput email textinput number react native element input num react native Because the RNE Input component is built on top of the React Native TextInput component, you will need to consult both the RNE Input documentation and the RN TextInput documentation for information about using the above props. inputtext in detail in react native how to handle text input in react native react native input value prop react native inout value prop react native text input focus react native input change number react native change input from number text input react native password writing a text input functional component in react native textinput componenent works for android and ios react native react native submit textinput input output react native textInput native props react native react native tinput react-native field textinput props react native edt text input react native example react native onChange campo input react native add text from keyboard react react-native input text input react-native-elements text input properties in react native react-native + textinput react native input phone textinput input type react native react native text input submit button KeyboardTypeAndroid + react native textinput submit button react native enter text input \n react native how to use onchange text in react natiev textinput onchange text input react native props react native text inputnnumeric rn textinput placeholder change text handler react native react native textinput search on return react native description textInput react native reactive native input component url required text input react native url require text input react native use of all props of TextInput in react native textinput keyboardtype react native react native make text field of type email Input in react-native-element react native input type mail value react native onchange to native input react text input racct native TextInput Text keyboard type in textInput in reat native text input react native class component textinput text format Text input phone number react-native input default value react native getting the text input from a react native text input react native input email react native text input ios inline left ract native text input react native textinput props number pad text input react native react ntaive keyboard type textinput type react-native input component Create textInput Component in react native props text input selection react native selection text input react native react native value of textinput input text value started from starting in react native react native handle input change react native text input on focus TextInput in react native example textinput initial value react native textinput rn text input react native input about react native text input number keyboard react native input small react native text input on change number react native text input on change create textinpu reference react native react- native text input text input react native on change autocapitalize= off react native react-native-elements input react textinput onchangetext react textinput onchange message input react native component number react native message input react native edittext react native return in textiput multitext react native create a textINput multilined react native create a textINput multinumbered react native type for react native text input react native keyboard type textinput value size react native text input size react native text input methods eact natvie onchange react native text input notes input field react native textinput react native style react native numbers label input box react native to get mobile number textinput style react native autoCapitalize text Input react native autoCapitalized textInput react native input autocapitalize react native elements react-native onselection textinput react native input with line text formatting in react native textinput react native textinput document react native read keyboard type input initial value react native react native phone number TextInput react native multiline text input react-native switchable edit textbox place holder react native input onChange TextInput react native input methods What does the filed do in react native react native textinpput react native textinput type number react native input data keyboardType=&quot;string-pad&quot; react native texinput react native react naive input react native text fields react native text input onchange example react native text input description box react native text input placeholder end react native text input with end email input maiil with right text react native textinput react native properties react textinput props make box for text ininput react antive textinput value component react native set text input for writing a message in react native how to set text in textinput react native edittext in react native input events in react native add entry in react native text input password react native keyboardType props react native How to do creater restriction on TextInput react native use input react native react native mobile number input input react native datatype react native cool input text multiline react native react native input type email text placholder react native react fill textInput TextInput Properties react namtive textinput value in react native React native TextInput type email react native editable text field React native validate input keyboard type email react native input keyboard type react native textinput underlinecolorandroid number input in react native react native textfield react native input value put in the form on change in textInput in react native text input password in react native react native code that has 4 input field react native -modal-datetime-picker in input display react native -modal-datetime-picker in input display react native -model-datetime-picker in input input inputtext react native dialpad input react native large textinput react native text area in react native react native email input react native textinput type text text field native react input types in react native keyboard type in react native on textinput react native input going out in react native back in textinput react native textinput password react-native input type react native onchange text area react-native react native textinput on value change react-native android input field only one key number input react native react native textinput hint react native defaultvalue vs hint text input phone number react native input textview react native inputtexttype react native react native txtinput how to get input form text input when button is pressed in react native react native keyboardType password text input react native text inputs react native react native textinput required react native text input selection react native input type number react native inpt react native foormic textinput text input react native similar to input in react natvie what to use in react native instead of input input type string. react native textarea react native text input number react native react native text area react native text input list react native text input lis react native input value list force maj react native input text force maj react native input autoCapitalize react native input text input react native elements for mobile apps android input react native create input field in react native default value textinput react native change input props in react native text input react native on focus textinput name react native React native + input password input react native react native text input data detector types react native text input data detector react native leave textinput react native input password types of inputin react native auto capitalize react native onkeypress maxlength react-native react native textinput with $ react native textinput with $ text input react native onchange textinput onchange react native change focus input field in react native onchange text input react native equivalent of on change of input in react native typing in &lt;textinput&gt; react native how to use textinput value react native react native textinput type mail set value of text input react native react native get input value nativeprops react native input react native texinput type email onchange input react native text input react native appr text field in react native TextInput type=email in react native textinput field in react native inputs react native react native textinput login react native textinput value number text input react native example inputreact native react native textinput on change changes input value too textInput type = number in react native react native text fied react native textinput placehlder text input properties react native react native text edit textinput auto capitalize react native react native textinput NativeModulesm call react native text input number only react native TextInput input react native TextInput inut react native textbox react native set props to text input value react native set props to textinput value text input multiline react native input text area react native textimput reactnative having a large text input react native textfield react-native react nastive input text react native text input props react native text input default value react native numberinp[ut input password react native how can one add a doc to react native textinput how to make react native text input start at the beginning of the test textinput reactnative react native textinput usref react native Value text bar input react native react antive text input react native + textbox input react native onchange react native textinput ontextchanged textinput all attributes react native text input react native size react native on text change \username with TextInput in React Native react native textinput example how to username from input text react native using class how to username from inputtext react native react native input layout TextInput with class react native inputText react native placeholder textinput react native react native textinput password how to give the input type in Textinput in React Native react native input elements handle value onSubmitEditing react native react native iput an input text react native react ntive input field react native best ux input text react native passowrd input ontextchanged react native react native input fields react native textinput email react native textinput onchange react native text placeholder tap to change text textinput react native react native text input line react native text input with lines reactnative text input react native text input on blur react native text input phone number react native textinput number react native textinput pass vakue functional component react native set input focus react native textinput focus react native const textinput set input react native input field react native react native textinput underlines value textinput required 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inout onchangetext react native example react native inputs text input react native email input fields react native write text with js react native input in reactnative textinput react native example textinput deletes input react native textinput set value from top react native onchange react native react native textinput multiline react native large text input textinput handle change in react native input in react native input data react native get text input in react native react native textinput set text react native text input email react native addingtext to textinpput onsubmit in editing text input react native textinput type password react native textinput type email react native textinput email react native react native number input text over input react native react native textInput your location autocapitalize react native react native text input placeholder onChangeText how to know text input typing is over in react native textinout props details input box in react native react native input text box input text in react native react native input class component textinput react native password react native text input example react native text inout react native textinput value react native input text react native input types react native email input ios react-native textinput react native textinput onchangetext text input on change react native react native multiline input style NativeTextInput keyboardType: string, in TextInput react native react native list with textbox text input type email react native placeholder in textinput react native text input onchange react native text input on submit react native Textinput react input rN react native text input password react narfive text input react native password text input textinput react native example react-native input react-native input focus react native TextInput placeholder TextInput while editing in reactnative react-native textinput password placeholder react natie textinput react native required onChange on textinput react native textinput artribles react native big textinput react native TextField textinput set text react native Textinput react natice textinput number react native reactnative textinput text output box in react js textinput textinput react native key default opening TextInput indenation react native text inputText react native function example text input props react native text input with more control react native textinput type number react native active react native input text textinput password react native react native input text onchange onchangetext textinput react native text input hint in react native text input styles in react natie input style in react required input textinput in react native keyboardtype password react native react native input form react native textinput placeholder color react native checkbox react native placeholder textinput textinput react nativ TextInput function react native basic text input react native text inut textfield 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input react native use Input Text in function component react native InputText onchangetext react native textinput react native input
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