string json to object c#

using Newtonsoft.Json;

var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    var resultCon = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(jsonStr);

string json = "{\"ID\": 1, \"Name\": \"Abdullah\"}";
User user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(json);
public class User
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

4.1 (10 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new {foo = "bar"})

5 (1 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    using System;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;

public class MyDate
    public int year;
    public int month;
    public int day;

public class Lad
    public string firstName;
    public string lastName;
    public MyDate dateOfBirth;

class Program
    static void Main()
        var obj = new Lad
            firstName = "Markoff",
            lastName = "Chaney",
            dateOfBirth = new MyDate
                year = 1901,
                month = 4,
                day = 30
        var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(obj);

4 (7 Votes)
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to classe c# .net convert obj to json string c# create object from json convert json string to c# class json to c# example how to convert object to jason in c# how to convert json to string c# turn json to c# class online] turn json to c# class convert to object from json c# JSON string to class C# c# string json to object convert json string to jsonobject c# convert json to c# object online convert json string to model c# convert json to c# model value convert json object to c# object online C# Convert JSON string to model C# turn string into json & get object value c# convert object to json and back c# json string to class c# string to json boject json to c#class how from json to object C# convert json to string c# online how to convert to json string in c# convert json response to c# class json to to c# simplejson string to jsonobject c# simple json string to jsonobject c# how to normal string to json string in c# convert json c# from json to object c# .data from json to object c# convert json to c# oject c# to json online .net converter string to json make string to json c# convert online json object to c# object convert online json to object C# convert json to object and read values c# convert c# object to json online json convert c# create json from class c# JSON STRING to object in C# c# to json converter online convert object to json c# to convert string to json json object to string c# online convert json to c# model class c# object to json online json to object in C# string to json object in c# convert json into c# object json string to c# class Json converter to C# class online c# object to json transform json to c# class convert json to string objec c# json string to jobject c# convert json FIELD INTO STRING IN c# convert json to c# class online c# converter json c# obj to json convert json to c# class c# object from json string example turn string into json object c# convertr c# para json type json in c# and turn to object convert object in json object 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in c# json to object c# convert jobject to json string c# make json string in c# C# make json into an object C# make json in to an object c# json to class object json string to c# string onlin json string to c# string c# string to json class how to convert json string into class object in c# JSON to a JSON object c# c# model converter to json online json to object c# object from json c# c# how to convert object to json create json object from string c# object to json c# convert class object to json in c# read json string to object how to convert json string to a class c# convert json to c# objects convert json to class in c# to json string c# convert json to string in c# convert object to json c# for API JSON to C# data c# json convert json json to c# object converter convert json response to c# object class to json c# convert object to json format c# convert to json in c# c# read json into object c# converting json string to object json to class object c# convert object to json object c# c3# to json convert json string to json object in c# from json string to class c# convert class into json c# create json object c# convert json to jobject c# json to string c# how to convert a string into a json object c# c# from json string to object c# receive json and convert to clas c# code to json tool for c# class object to json string json c# convert class to json in c# tool json to object c# json to c# convert string into json object c# json c# convert class to string stgrign to json c# create object from json c# from object to json c# convert json string to json object c# json to c# string convert json to string c# json data to c# c# convert json string to class C# convert json object to class create json from string c# string to json string c# convert string inro json object c# get json object from string c# c# clas to json json as object c# convert json to c# object convert json into string C# convert json into class object c# converting an object to json c# c# from json to class convert json data to class c# convert json data to class object c# best way to convert json data into c# object convert json into c# class .net object to json C# to json converter how to convert string to json in c# how to convert json object to c# object code how to convert json object to c# object convert string to json c# convert json with data to c# read json string to class c# json convert to c# C# class convert to json class convert json to a new object c# tool convert json to class C# c# load json string into object json convert to object c# c# object convert to json string how to convert json object to class in c# json to c sharp c# json string to object c# string as json json to c# string convert json to c# string c# class to json json to c# class convert from string to json c# how to convert json to object in c# c# convert json to object json object to c# class how to convert a json object to string in c# how to make json string c# object c# to json c# convert json in object convert json to c# object class c# convert string json to json convert object c# to json online create json object c# from object create json object c# from string json to c# class converter c# create json from string json converter c# json to c# converter from object to json string in C# convert string to object c# .net json to object object convert into json in c# convert json into object c# core convert in json c# convert json to c# class C# to object json convert object to json c# windows application convert object type to json c# json to object c# convert json in c# new object convert json object into new object c# newtonsoft json convert string to json json to class c# c# convert string to json json serialise obj to JsonResult convert string to json in c# turn C# model class into json string c# newtonsoft json deserialize serialize c# jsonconvert serialize T c# class to json class covert c# class to json post json covert c# class to json post convert object to json string c# newtonsoft json stringify object c# json parse c# c# jsonobject to object how to use newtonsoft.json in c# json string c# parse json string to object in c# model to string c# c# turn json string into object c# claas to json JsonConvert.SerializeObject deserializa convert object to string c# c# object from json string c# get object from json string c# json to object format string data to json in c# c# json serialization format c# object into json serialize string json c# .net newtonsoft json to object c# json deserialize o class using newtonsoft json serializer jsonserializer usage c# convert a string in json format to custom object convert json object to string jsconconvertt c# json serializeobject jsonconvert serializeobject c# to jsonconvert deserialize deserialize json to class c# json serializer c# c# convert class to json string serialize to json c# newtonsoft jsonconvert.serializeobject c# example serialise to json C# write a plain json object json serialize object in object c# conver to json c# from object to json object to json c# seriealize json C# convert json object to a class C# Turn JSON Object to variable of its Class JSON.Net C# turn json string into class c# string to object c# string to object C# save object in json newtonsoft json object to string write serialized json to file c# how to convert http property to string before parsing to serializer c# json string c# json object jobject to json string c# convert object of objects to json c# using using Newtonsoft.Json; parse json file to object c# json string to class object c# parse json to string c# c# convert object to string from json to c# convert array to json c# json string to .net object c# json serialize map without library string to object c# c# serialization get result object JsonSerializer.Deserialize() serialised string value to json object c# convert string object to json c# how to convert class to json in c# c# serilisiation json model json c# convert string to c# object deserialize json c# to class stringify c# class jsonnet convert to json serialize dto to json c# convert json object to string json deserialize c# convert string to object c# newtonsoft serialize string to object deserialize from file serialize json values deserialize json c newtonsoft string output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(product); object to json js serialization json text object newtonsoft json deserialize convert class to json c# newtonsoft c# json newtonsoft serialize asp mvc convert to json json serialize and deserialize in c# how to convert object to json in c# newtonsoft serialize class to json C# model class to json string C# how to convert to json convert complex object to json c# c# using serialize c# using json net serialize c# convert object into json using jsonserializer C# convert object into json newtonsoft json serialize object to string c# c# jsonconvert json object how to convert a class to json in c# object to strin json c# newtonsoft json object convert to object c# model to json c@ how to specific collection only serialize and deserialize json write stringify objects c# JsonSerializer.Serialize write json string in C# how to use deserialize json in c# json to js object convert model class to object c# json to objects in java how to deserialize json in c# json to object online converter c# object to json java serialise object to json c# json class c# json to jsonobject from json to javascript object c# jobject to json string json to json object c# c to json object c# Json string to json deserialize object in c# c# newtonsoft json serialization get object json in string c# JsonConvert.SerializeObject json List<class> deserialize error core json to object convert obj to json c# serialize and deserialize json c# classes to json object to json string using moshi jsonserializer.deserialize example javascript json to object JsonSerializer object json number type jsonserializer example from c# object to json deserializing json c# json serializer newtonsoft parse json to object c# jsonserializer.deserialize c# convert a c# class to json serialize object to json c# object to json object c# jsonconverter serialize how save the result of JsonConvert deserialize in List<class> core how convert object to json string in c# js json object to string c# format json c# newtonsoft json deserialize json serilise and write deserialize object c# json string to json object c# json convert serialize object csharp to json c# convert string to json newtonsoft serialized json string to object c# serialize class to json file c# how to deserialize the json file to net object convert object c# to json class c# to json c# encode json Newtonsoft convert json c# C# response JSOn as object jison object to string c# json object to c# jsonserializer.deserialize display object as json string c# java object to json string c# deserialize json c# serialize object to json file how to serialize json in c# serialize c# string Newtonsoft json class to json c# c# how to deserialize json to object tutorial convert an object to jsonc# newtonsoft serialize string as json serialize json in c# newtonsoft c# similar class to BinaryWriter but with json c# class to json object convert model to application json c# serialization object to json serialization in json c# using json serializer deserialize json c# meaning json net deserialize newtonsoft object serialize c# json c# to json newtonsoft deserialize json example class to json string c# json c# class to json json serialize to object c# json to .net class get json format from class c# object to string json c# newtonsoft JsonSerializer serialize c# serialize an object to json c# JSON Seralize newtonsoft serialize string to json extension method to convert any generic class to json object c# json convert how to convert c# class object to json c# class to json c# class as json Newtonsoft serialize example c# class to json method json serialization vs jobject c# serialize a "class" to json convert c# class to json c# make class json serializable json obecjt to string c# json object to json string how to serialize with json newton soft c# json serialze serialize to json file c# newtonsoft stringify json object c# conver object to json serialize json to c# class how to serialize json what is json serialization used for in c# serialize to json string convert json to c# object using newtonsoft object object to json json convert object to json JsonConvert.Serilize convert jsob to JSON Serialized format convert class object to json c# c# class to json string newtonsoft c# class json to string serialized string to json serialize object to json string newtonsoft c# class to json json deserializer deserializer json data to json c# serialization and deserialization in c# json json object to string c# deserialized to json c# class object to json string how to serialize an object in c# json c# deserialize json to class serialize json c# newtonsoft serializing json JsonConvert.Serialize string to json c# object to json newtonsoft serialize and deserialize json c# convert json string to object c# json string to json object object to json json serialize object json deserialize serializeable class deserialize json c# file c# newtonsoft serialize object how to serialize json object in c# convert object to json c# newtonsoft convert object into json string in c# convert object into json string string to json c# string to serialize object how to serialize a json object that has \\\ in c# how to serialize an object that has \\\ in c# to json how to serialize an object in c# to json that has \\\ c# string to json parse model to json c# json string to object json object to string newtonsoft.json serialize convert json to different serialize object serialize a json string into string c# json serialize with "\" c# json serialize with "\" c3 serialize json with \ dotnet serialize object to json c# convert json string to object how to covert an object to json c# newtonsoft serialize object to stream json object to stream c# convert class to json result c# json convert object how to convert model to json in c# ToClass<T>(json) c# json deserialize to object c# Newtonsoft jsonserializer.serialize c# example convert code to json .net JsonConvert newtonsoft json serialize object to json JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new {}) seralize json seralize json c# model data to json serialize des object who content object in json with c# using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization; json convert c# serialize newtonsoft json serialize and deserialize c# deserialize any json serialize json string in c# .net json serializer convert to json using newtonsoft c# jsonserializer.serialize c# c# convert json to object jsonserializer get json from class c# json serializer adding ? newtonsoft json serialize example in json string c# convert c# object to json how to serialize a json string C# how to serialize a json string json stringify c# class JsonSerializer netjson json to string .net .net string to json newtonsoft string to json .net how to convert class object to json in c# c# convert to json object c3 convert to json object c# serialize from json jsonconvert serialize object c# serialize an object to json what is jason serialization json c# serialize NewtonSoft json to serialise object to json c# newtonsoft serialize json to string json.serialize c# convert json object to string c# newtonsoft serilaising json string json serialize serialization json c# newtonsoft json stringify c# convert custom class to json jsonconvert.serializeobject c# c# serialize string to json hwo to use JsonSerializer how to serialize into json in c# serializer json how to use stringify object .net serialize object c# json seralize into json string how to use newtonsoft json serializer in c# how to save a objext in json string serialize model to json how to use jsonserializer c# json object to json string c# json convert serialize object c# newtonsoft json serialize json to object to string c# serialize class to json asp net serialize json newtonsoft json decompiler serialize and deserialize json. serializer as json serialize json in c# serailize objects c# json convert kson object to string c# c# read json file deserialize Json.serialize object to json csharp how to convert into json in c# c# transfer objects into json c# json serialize object json as serialization objec t model to json c# string to json c# newtonsoft convert class to json c# how to serialize an object newton json c# json serialise object Turn an object into a json object C# class object to json string c# how to convert class to json newtwon deserialize json C# Onbject to json converting .net objects to json c# serialize as json how to serialize using simple json c# class object to json c# how to Json serialize object in c# convert object to json in c# jsonconvert.serialize json format c# c# how to convert c# object to json searialize e deserialize json c# get string from jsonserializedobject c# convert class to json newtonsoft c# how to make a function to convert class to json convert a class to json in c# new jsonSerializer() javascript new jsonSerializer() serialize c# object to json c# json serializer serilisation using newtonsoft c# how to c# method to serialize to json serielize json jsonconvert serialize and deserialize convert jsonresult object to string c# how to convert object data to json in c# newtonson convert to json c# object to json in c# object tto json c# json convert in c# c# json convert with json property how to use json net serialize object c# save class as json c# create object convert to JSON json serialize c# object json serial string type c# class tojon newtonsoft object to json newtonsoft json serialize to string work with json object or deserialize convert model to string c# serialize and deserialize json in c# c# model to json how to convert json text to json object in c# serialization and deserialization in c# newtonsoft what is serialization and deserialization in c# for beginners newton Save class as json C# newtonsoft serialize object c# serilize json c# Convert c# object to string json system json convert object to json serlize to json c# serlize to json json converter.serializer object deserialize json file c# json serializing objekt to json string c add json to deserialized object c# what is serialization newtonsoft deserialize a string into a string json serialize object to json c# object .tojson c#convert to json dotnet object to json convert object to json newtonsoft parse object to json c# parse an object to json c# convert object into json in c# json from object c# object to json string c# deserialize to json object c# newtonsoft.json dserialize and deserialize object over network serialize to json jsonconvert.serializeobject example json c# serialize object convert to json string why serialize object to json c# c sharp object to json c# serialize an object to json deserializeobject json c# example how to serialize class to json in c# saving object as json c# c# save object as json how to encode values into json newtonsoft json c# c# serialize object as json string how to convert var data to json in c# will serialize methods on a class newtonsoft serialize object to json using jsonserializer how to use a json serialize an object in c# c# objects to json string convert class data to json string c# convert json object to string c# c# parse object to json c# console app serialize object to json convert obj to json string sc# newtonsoft json serialization how to serialize object in c# using newtonsoft corrent way to traqnsfor string to json newtonsoft convert to c# object json strring to json .net json serilization jsoobject serialize convert entity to json using c# convert class object to json string c# convert object to string c# json object to string c# json serializeObject c text# how to serialize json c# serialized to json serialized json c# c# to json object json serialization c# newtonsoft c# tojson c# json string from object newtonsoft serialize json to object c# c# newtonsoft serialize json object c# serialize json object serialization c# json serialize json to json string to object c# serialize json string to object c# turn c# verctoir to javascript json c# model object to json what is serialization and deserialization in json use newtonsoft json to serialisee convert to json newtonsoft c# newtonsoft json deserialize converto to jsson format c# class to json string jobject serialize json serialization in c# newtonsoft convert model to JSOn object to json string in c# serialized a json Serialize.SerializeObject c# searilize json json .serialize serialize class to json c# how to seralize a class in c# newtonsoft.json seralize json c# how to seralize json with c# json serialize object c# serialization json serialized json newtonsoft object to json string deserialization c# jsonconvert.serializeobject in c# model to json c# json newtonsoft serialize c# c# object to json object c# object serialization to string c# object serialization to json object to json c# C# serialize object to JSON-LD serialize object to json serialization in c# json to convert class to json newtonsoft.json serialize c# encode json with newtonsoft.json serialise to json c# convert parameter value to json c# c# .net serialize object to json c# serialize json to dto how does a json convert to a class does jsonb serializes object c# serialize object newtonsoft json json string serialize c# c# serialize json to object class json c# how to convert C# object to json string serialize string to json c# newtonsoft json serialize c# serialize to json serializeobject and deserializeobject in c# write class as json string to console deserialization json convert json to string c# newtonsoft c# JsonSerializer.Serialize ToJsonString c# c# stringify object convert model to json by newtonsoft c# json serialize any object newton serialize c# stringify json newtonsoft c# c# convert object to json string how convert object to json string c# Json.NET serialize object serialize json to string c# serialize object to json c# convert c# object to json string convert C# object to jason string to json serialize c# c# from model to json what is json deserialization .net to json turn a class to json newton serialize json convert model to json string c# newtonsoft json serialize c# c# serialize json c# convert object into json string json convert object to json string newtonsoft json serialize object to string c# c# serialize object as json and print it serializable json searlisized to json json serialize c# class deserializeobject json c# convert var into json in c# convert object to json c# output an object to json how to convert model in JSON string html text serialize json c# c# jsonserializer .net object to json string c# convert to json bsonconvert.serializeobject c# json serialize to class c# how to write serilized json in file object to json string c# how to convert any model into json serializing and deserializing json C# tojson c# json serialize stream c# and deserialize object c# to JsonResult json serializer deserialize json string to object c# c# JsonConvert c# json serialize what is json serialization convert to json c# convert object into json string c# c# JsonSerializer.Serialize example convert from string to json newtonsoft c# convert to json string c# how to convert class into json c# newtonsoft jobject jsonserializer serialize to json c# serializeobject c# json serialization c# object JSON & Serialization json serialize netown soft Outputting JSON & Serialization newtonsoft json deserialze object into json c# serialize object to json json to c# object json serialize c# newton json encode serialize and deserialize json object c# c# json object to string newtonsoft create mapping serialise to object json serialize newtonsoft object version .net objects to json serialize serializa object c# convert to json c# model to json string how to serialize with newtonsoft json and serialization newtonsoft convert object to json serialize json serialize json meaning conver varialbe to json string c# c# json object to class convert to json string c# c# class object to json json deserialize c# json serialization c# convert c# class to json string jsonserializer and json difference how to parse jsonSerialiser.Serialize() jsonserializer c# json serealizer c# json serialize variable json serialize json serialization json serialize and deserialize .net serialize object to json Newtonsoft json serializer convert string to json c# newtonsoft c# serialize deserialize object to json mqqtnet net json serializer json deserialize c# to class jsonserializer serializer json serialise json data serialize deserialize c# deserialize json c# newtonsoft json serialize object newtonsoft json serialize json serilize converting object to string python save class json c# mongodb convert string to objectid in query c# convert object to json json object json to c# string online c# convert generic object to type convert tentity in object c# object to josn c# .NET convert object to json string C# convert class to json convert model to json c# how to convert an object to json in c# c# object to json string .net c# object to json string c# object to json c# to json string
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