spread and rest operator javascript

var myName = ["Marina" , "Magdy" , "Shafiq"];var newArr = [...myName ,"FrontEnd" , 24];console.log(newArr) ; // ["Marina" , "Magdy" , "Shafiq" , "FrontEnd" , 24 ] ;

Lionel Aguero 33605 points

                                    var myName = ["Marina" , "Magdy" , "Shafiq"] ;const [firstName , ...familyName] = myName ;console.log(firstName); // Marina ;console.log(familyName); // [ "Magdy" , "Shafiq"] ;

3.33 (3 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    function myData(...args){console.log(args) ; // ["Marina",24,"Front-End Developer"]}myData("Marina",24,"Front-End Developer") ;

3.75 (8 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    function sum(...numbers) {
	return numbers.reduce((accumulator, current) => {
		return accumulator += current;
sum(1,2) // 3
sum(1,2,3,4,5) // 15

4.22 (9 Votes)
Bippy 8155 points

                                    function sum(x, y, z) {
  return x + y + z;

const numbers = [1, 2, 3];

// expected output: 6

console.log(sum.apply(null, numbers));
// expected output: 6

4 (1 Votes)
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Function Parameters In order to help us create more flexible functions, ES6 introd how to spread an object into an array spread object into function invokation node Rest and spread operators javascrip spread rest and spread operator in react js spread operator in arguments js expand object array spread array values as properties spread array in C what does spread syntax do javascript spread an object in named args rest param java script The Spread Operator java script Rest Parameters spread oeprator javascript es6 rest parameter gas spread operatpr js function object spread parameter javascript ...rest rest and sprea spread opertor rest/spread operator js javascript spread new array rest operator spread operator rest operator example Spread & Rest Operators HOW TO ADD ARRAY WITH rest OPERATOR javascript resty rest syntax node ... rest operator ts how to return array elements spread spread objects js spread within array object spread javscript example javascript arguments spread spread in parameter function rest parameters javascript on objecst rest params spread and rest operator in javascript example of rest and spread operator spread operator to add to array is rest operator es6 function rest parameter js spread operator object what is rest and spread operatior in js how to use rest operator in javascript javas ript spread spread syntac spread multiple objects javascript which comes first object spread javascript spread operator update element in array and add rest spread operator and rest parameters rest operator in object using the spread operator javascript REST & OPERATIR array spread notation spread operator i useing spread operator in js Spread parameters spread operatore assigning many fields with spread operator js rest array of objects js pread object add to an array using a spread operator would spread operator copy function rest operator es6 js rest and spread operator spread operator assign to a string javascript spread array to text get specific element from an array using spread and rest rest an array javascript spread params javascript using spread operator to add to array spread operator without return function in javascript spread returns array store in array rest parameters for function parameter Spread Syntax or Spread Operator rest and spread parameters spread object example js spread object into another spread syntax add value spread operator in json spread syntax add element reserved order spread operator property srepad javascript spread operators on object in javascript spread syntax inside fetch separate operator javascript spread operator javascript on object spread operator args javascript spread opeartor with set js spread in function calls arguments and spread js e.target.value spread operator add object item to array spread operator ecmascript spread operator parameters in rest api javascript spred js rest parameters js rest spread operator difference between spread operator and rest parameters spread operator first object in array can you use rest operator and add array of numbers how to use spread and rest togetehr in js varargs vs rest paramerter react spread and rest add item to array object javascript object spread the spread and rest operator in javascript What are the benefits of using spread syntax and how is it different from rest syntax? spread syntax javascript array spread operators python null validation spred vs rest js spread operator in es6 passing the paremeter using srpead opratior javasript spread arguments and rest operators in javascript well explained with examples spread javascript new object @rest variables spread operator [...array] spread args javascript reset parameter array push spread operator JS spread object key that is a number rest parameters vs spread operator difference between rest and spread operator spread operator on obj javascript spread syntax rest() function what does the spread operator do javascript spread operator breaking up 0 0 spread operator 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Starting with node v8.21, it could be enabled via command line flags. rest javascript mdn javascript print rest array rest operator with object js spread operator for objects spread array javascript spread operator for array spread operator javascript for number 1-10 rest in js opposite way of spread operator in js javascript es6 spread operator and rest parameter javascript multiply arguments js ...rest javascript spred and rest operatoeras javascript rest arg javascript es6 spread javascript spread operator push specific key and value what {...rest} in js spread objects javascript JS rest parameters before last parameter js object spread operator spread operator on array spread object what is rest parameters in javascript pick the rest numbers spread operator js spread operator in javascript object javascript rest parameters HOW TO ASSIGN A ARRAY TO AN OBJECT KEY BYUSING SPREAD OPERATAOR spread add array js spread string to array javasript spread operator string to array .rest javascript es6 array spread operator rest operator with function parameters what is spread in js Rest Parameter with Function Parameters REST parameter to the function is required but not passed memoziation with rest parameter function in javascript javascript spread/rest operator ... When ... occurs in a function call or alike, it’s called a “spread syntax” and expands an array into a list. typescript array syntax with ... operator reset parameter js javascript rest parameter syntax javascript es6 object spread does rest operator calls json.parse function pararms spread operator function pararms rest operator What is the correct syntax to separate an iterable expression into its individual items with the spread operator spread operator object rest function in javascript function spread operator parameters spread operator in function arguments spread operator for arguments javascrip javascript array spreader javascript rest arguments operator rest and spread in javascript spread string into array js spread an object into function javascript expand array spread method js js spread operator parameter spred operator js spreadoperator in js spread and add property to index array javascript javascript function parameters spread into object how to extract spread paramter function how to add an element to the array using spread operator spread operator object javascript how to use more than 3 number of array in spread operator ... soread javascript how to spread object into an array how to add array using spread operator javascript spread object into another object rest parameter in javascript using spread operator with objects rest js javascript spread string how t spread function parameters spread and rest operator javascript object spread operator javascript spread syntax array from object javascript javascript spread objects console.log rest operator object spread operator spread operator string iterator array spread syntax js rest syntax rest parameters object js array with spread operator es2015 spread operator spread operator and length spret syntex in js es6 call function with spread arguments node js spread object ...rest javascript javascript spread and rest operator rest and spread operator ...rest in javascript what is rest operator in javascript rest javascript spead into array spreading items as arguments js spread array of objects ...rest js spreading operator single array object spread js rest and spread spread operator js object spread an object from an array @params js es6 spread function javascript rest operator array after index spread javascript javascript spread operator push array spreader javascript spred operator in js spread in javascript Rest parameters and spread syntax ...rest operator javascript spread operation push object javascript array 1 to 10 spread rest operator ja does spread operator was suported in es5 Uncaught SyntaxError: Rest parameter must be last formal parameter add to javascript object spread spread object key and object values javascript spread operato can i use spread operator rest es6 object spread javascript spread operator javascript in html ...args.input can we use spread operator spread operator javascript as a parameter spread operator push spread arra of html elements spread operator on object property array spread operator rest parameter js spread from require spread parameters javascript spread operator in javascript with filter javascript spread operator parameter to funtion js spread every arguments ...spread in js javascript es6 rest parameters rest parameters in javascript javascript spread opertator retuning a sepcific value rest syntax javascript js array spread spreading javascript sum num with rest javascript spread opperator array javascript spred operator javascript object ".?" operator javascript object "?." operator js spread operator array spread operator array js rest parameters javascript rest function multiply *2 javascript rest function multiply spread operator javascript object rest params js js spread javascript rest api sample array parameter spread js array spread js create array with spread operator js create array with rest operator rest array javascript array spread spread operator in javascript javascript call spread rest parameters javascript spread operator and rest operator in javascript do spred in function spread operator in js javascript array ... operator spread and rest javascript javascript spread operator reactjs convert propert number to array using spread operator js rest and spread return array js with spread operators spared oparetor in javascsript es6 rest parameters example javascript spread javascript parameters operator spread syntax javascript rest arguments javascript rest operator in javascript spread operator js ellipsis operator javascript js spread operator spread operator javascript spread operator js rest operator js make rest parameter required js make rest argument required javascript REST javascript spread rest spread rest operator javascript rest and spread operator in javascript rest operator javascript javascript rest operator javascript rest object the rest operator javascript
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