splice method in javascript

let fruit = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'lettuce']; 
// ^^ An example array that needs to have one item removed

fruit.splice(3, 1); // Removes an item in the array using splice() method
// First argument is the index of removal
// Second argument is the amount of items to remove from that index and on

Ryo Hirai 125 points

                                    const numbers = [10, 11, 12, 12, 15];
const startIndex = 3;
const amountToDelete = 1;

numbers.splice(startIndex, amountToDelete, 13, 14);
// the second entry of 12 is removed, and we add 13 and 14 at the same index
// returns [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ]

Mina Mohs 115 points

                                    let arr = ['foo', 'bar', 10, 'qux'];

// arr.splice(<index>, <steps>, [elements ...]);

arr.splice(1, 1);			// Removes 1 item at index 1
// => ['foo', 10, 'qux']

arr.splice(2, 1, 'tmp');	// Replaces 1 item at index 2 with 'tmp'
// => ['foo', 10, 'tmp']

arr.splice(0, 1, 'x', 'y');	// Inserts 'x' and 'y' replacing 1 item at index 0
// => ['x', 'y', 10, 'tmp']

4 (7 Votes)
CMB 95 points

                                    const months = ['Jan', 'March', 'April', 'June'];
months.splice(1, 0, 'Feb');
// inserts at index 1
// expected output: Array ["Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "June"]

months.splice(4, 1, 'May');
// replaces 1 element at index 4
// expected output: Array ["Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May"]

months.splice(0, 1);
// removes 1 element at index 0
// expected output: Array ["Feb", "March", "April", "May"]

4.2 (10 Votes)
Paul B. 75 points

                                    let numbers = [1,2,3,4]

// to remove last element
let last_num = numbers.pop();
// numbers will now be [1,2,3]

// to remove first element
let first_num = numbers.shift();
//numbers will now be [2,3]

// to remove at an index
let number_index = 1
let index_num = numbers.splice(number_index,1); //removes 1 element at index 1
//numbers will now be [2]

//these methods will modify the numbers array and return the removed element

4.1 (10 Votes)

                                    let colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green'];

let index_element_to_be_delete = colors.indexOf('green');


//Colors now: ['red', 'blue']

3.86 (7 Votes)
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mdn array splice splice javascrypt javascrio array remove element remove item from array javascript remove item from array javascript remove item from array javascript remove item from array javascript remove item from array javascript remove item from array javascript remove item from array javascript remove item from array javascript remove element from array javascript javascript splice(-1) javascipt splice node js array splice splice javascipt mdn splice array.prototype.splice function javascript array.prototype.splice javascript hwo to use js splice array splice method mdn splice method .splice mdn splice in an array array item remove javascript javascript splice() arr.splice javascript splice mdn js splice of array splice method javascript mdn splice javascript javascript splice example array.remove sp splice(index, 1) meaning javascripts .splice array method splice remove others except the referenced index javascript remove Item at an index javascript peel parts of an array using splice() to add elements within an array js spkcie remove item by index javascript mdn delete element from array remove elements from array in js pop array index to end of array javascript javascript remove an index from an array remove an element with splice js sp[lice javascript array replace array remove an element js w3scholl javascript delete an element from an array how to use array splice javascript function uniqueArrayFilter(array){ let alteredArray = array; let len = alteredArray.length; foreach(element of alteredArray) { for (let i = 1; i < len; i++){ if (alteredArray[i] === element){ array.splice(alteredArray[i],1); } } } return alteredArray; } mdn js deete item from array rmeove array element using splce javascript string splice splice review string splice javascript splice w3schools use of splice in javascript alternatives to splice js splice moethod in js list.splice javascript splice from array javascript js array delete by index splice in javascrip splice method 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array javascript js splice .splice( ) js slice and splice in js splice arrary array splice method js javascript splice how to array remove elements from the begging in javascript? delete by index js splice particular element from array remove first 10 element splice in js remove element from array by index splicing an array javascript splice function js splicde splice ja javascript spilce delete an item from array javascript js splie what splice does remove index from array javascript.splice es6 remove from array remove element from array using index javascript remove array index element javascript how to remove an element from the array by the index in js javascript array remove inde javascript remove array of index what is array splice in javascript does delete work in array javascript array splice in javascript splice method on array .splice in javascript how to remove element from array with index in javascript splice js array splice object javascript splice method to remofe in js 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remove " " in array javascript js splice slice .splice() javascript array.splice deletes multiple values removing element i from array javascript splice js node how to remove an item from an array javascript find and remove from array javascript remove element by index how to use array.splice( remove by index javscript splice array of objects javascript splcie() javascript splice delete element from array javascript splice object from array .splice in js how to remove item in array at given index in sj how to remove item in array at given index in hs js delete index in array javascript array method samples how to remove value from array in javascript how to remove an index form an array in javascript javascript remove item from array by index delete index array js after splice delete element delete items from js how to remove from list js javascrtip splice javascript array pop index what is the use of splice remove lement at index from array javascript remove current index from array remove one element from array javascript javascriopt splice splice method array remove item from array js How to replace and array item when there is a match with other array item array insertat vs splice can i remove main index.js javascript array .splice() jquery splice from array delete element in array javascript js array.splie splice array in js remove array data by index delete using splice remove element by name from an array js user remove item from list removing one item with splice() remove from array at index javascript js remove item from array remove an item in javascript array.delete in js remoce element frommarray js slice splice javascript how to remove index from array in js remove data from array javascript splice methord splic js javascriot splice array remove oject at index javascript delete item from array this.splice remove by index javascript delete from array by index js why to use splice index splice json object js remove index from array how to splice array javascript remove from array removing index of array javascript remove element from array javascript js splice( javascript array.splice splice() in javascript input.splice(i, 1)[0] javascript splice()[] javascript splice arrray array slice and splice js splice how to use splice for an array js react splice how to use splice in javascript splice do ? array splice js what is splice in javascript splice slice in javascript splice parameters in javascript using splice in javascript splice() java script .splice method javascript splice function js where splice method are used splice array in angular .splice() js w3 splice slice javscript splice javasript splice javasscirpt javascript for in splice .splice method in javascript splice in array js javascrip splice meaning of splice in javascript splice() method js array .splice splice arr javascript how splice array splice array methods splice(i 1) in javascript how to splice array in javascript Splice method jsavascript arr.splice javasscript array splice use of splice() splice in js what is splice javascript JS splice in array splice(index,1) javascript splice array slice javscxcriopt js splicwe js splice() JAVASCRIPT .splice list.splice() documentation spalice js array . splice splice(-1) javascript how to get the array when doing splice javascript .splice() .splice() what does splice function do in javascript array.splice javascript splice method javascript what does splice do in javascript splice function in javascript array.splice() in js javascript splicas splice an array what does splice do array.splice js splice in array javascript splice() in js array.splice i js splice array method js splice function splice in array splice js show all jhavascript splice javascript documentation splice arr.spluce javscrtipt splice what is the use of splice in javascript javascripot splice javascript slpice jquery array splice javasccript array splice splice(index 1) js splice method es6 splice array.splice js array.splice(index,1) nodejs splice splice syntax javscriot splice array javascript splice to array splice node js splicing array javascript plice js splice function javascript function splice can splice in javascript give an output splice array in javascript splice array for associated array js .splic js splice javascript spllice javascript js plsice node js splice javascript array splice from to js splice number splice example in javascript java script array remove spilce javascript javascript splce array .splice js splice an array examples array.splice() javascripot splice en javascript splice on array array splic ja splice() javascript array.splice javascript java splice method splice javscript splice() js splice array splice index in to array in a function javascript javascriptsplice splice function in array .splice javascript array splice example in javascript js array splice splicing arrays javascript array aplice splice in javascript what dose splice do js splice arguments javascript splice array in place javascript array splice javascript splicein javascript array splice syntax splice in node js .splice splice method in array javascropt splice array js array.splice javascript array splice javascript splice array splice array javascript array. splice splice js array splice splice array js javascript splice arrays splice() splice method in javascript list.splice in js js splice array splice method splice javascript array javascript splice method javascript how to use splice .splice js js splice javascript splice
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