resize image react native

import { Dimensions } from "react-native";
const win = Dimensions.get('window');

    width: win.width/2,
    height: win.width/2,
    resizeMode: "contain",
    alignSelf: "center",
    borderWidth: 1,
    borderRadius: 20,


                                    Adding Image
Let us create a new folder img inside the src folder. We will add our image (myImage.png) inside this folder.

We will show images on the home screen.

import React from 'react';
import ImagesExample from './ImagesExample.js'

const App = () =&gt; {
   return (
      &lt;ImagesExample /&gt;
export default App
Local image can be accessed using the following syntax.

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Image } from 'react-native'

const ImagesExample = () =&gt; (
   &lt;Image source = {require('C:/Users/Tutorialspoint/Desktop/NativeReactSample/logo.png')} /&gt;
export default ImagesExample

3.57 (7 Votes)
Isaace 85 points

                                     	flex: 1,
    width: 50,
    height: 50,
    resizeMode: 'contain' 

4.17 (6 Votes)
Sanjiu 100 points

                                    First import Dimensions from react-native

import { Dimensions } from 'react-native';
then you have to get the dimensions of the window

const win = Dimensions.get('window');
Now calculate ratio as

const ratio = win.width/541; //541 is actual image width
now the add style to your image as

imageStyle: {
    width: win.width,
    height: 362 * ratio, //362 is actual height of image

4.11 (9 Votes)
Usysinc 65 points

                                     flex: 1,
    width: 50,
    height: 50,
    resizeMode: 'contain' 

4 (5 Votes)
Eslsyc 130 points

                                    	image : {
		width      : null,
		resizeMode : 'contain',
		height     : 220

4.25 (4 Votes)
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html image element in react native react native imag esource ref in image veiw react native react native display image react native show image image uri react native how generate image form react native screen react native Image props display image in react native added props react native import image react img resizeMode how to display image in react native react native image fi react native + image component image cover react native render image in react native react native image src react nativ e imagae image react native uri Image react-native src url react native image prop image from url in react native resizeMode react import image react native import image on react native import imageon react native image in react naytive react native image resizemode react native take an image react native image from url react native img image container react native react native remote image react native image stretch react native image cover react native image source url react native resize mode iamge image in reactnative uri reactnative image react native source how tou use the png imgae in react native react native image size resizeMode=&quot;stretch&quot; reactnative image react native image uri react nativ image from uri react nativ image react native uri image image from url react native image reacy native stretch image component in react display image in react native image component react native react-native Image react native view image react-nartive logo react native load image react native picture react native logo react native add image to view react native resizemode react image style image react native url img on recat native react native image url react native images images in react natice resizemode react native react native image source image size in react native react how to contain image image resizemode react native react native uri how to add images in react native importing local png files in react native react native image to server react native image binary react native image picker android permission image set in react native img react native react native imeges react native image component image reactnative react native image tag image in react native image source react native images in react native image tag in react native show image within view in react native react native iamge image props react native image component in react native react native image source uri imag react native react native image Image react native
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