reference data types in javascript

/*JavaScript data types*/
var string = 'ASCII text';
var integer = 123456789;
var float = 123.456;
//boolean, can be true or false
var t = true;
var f = false;
var undef;//defaults to undefined
var undef = undefined;//not common, use null
var nul = null;
var arr = ['Hello','my','name','is','Dr.Hippo',123,null];
var person = {'name':'John Smith','age':27};
var fun = function(){
    return 42;

OscarE 85 points

                                    //There are 7 data types in JS 
//They're split in two categories - (Primitives and Complex Types)

string, number, boolean, null, undefined

//Complex types
Object, Function

Doug Ecklund 105 points

                                    1, 1.0 // Number
'String', "String"
true, false // Boolean
{id: 1;} // Object
[1, 2, 3] // Array

4 (9 Votes)
Gldraphael 85 points


5 (1 Votes)
Jo mat 85 points

                                    //String Data Type
var strSingle = 'John'; //String with single quotes
var strDouble = "Bob"; //String with double quotes

//Number Data Type
var num = 25; //Integer
var flo = 80.5; //Floating-point number
var exp = 4.25e+6; //Exponential notation, this equates to 4250000

//Boolean Data Type
var isReading = true; //Yes, I'm reading
var isSleeping = false; //No, I'm not sleeping

//Undefined Data Type
var undef; //If a value is never assigned, any output will be 'undefined'

//Null Data Type
var noValue = null; //Null meaning that it is has no value, not the same as 0 or ""

//Object Data Type
var emptyObject = {};
var person = {"name": "Clark", "surname": "Kent", "age": "36"}; //The quotes around the propety name can be omitted if the property name is a valid JS name
var car = { //Same as person but easier to read
	model: "BMW X3", //Example with quotes around property name ommitted
	color: "white",
	doors: 5

//Array Data Type
var emptyArray = []; //An array can be of any data types (string, number, boolean, etc.)
var array = ["One", "Two"] //String array, note the index of the first element is 0

//Function Data Type
var func = function() { //Calling the function: func();
  alert("Code excuted"); //Outputs: Code executed

var funcVar = function(amount) { //Calling the function: funcVar(6); 
  alert("Code excuted " + amount + " times"); //Outputs: Code executed 6 times (if input was 6)

//Typeof Operator
typeof variable; //Returns the data type of the variable

3.75 (4 Votes)
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What is the function that can be used to check if the number is an integer or not? data types in js primitive type in javascript reference data types js value and types in js integer data type in javascript javascript data type which set value once javascript tupes data[1:] in javascript What are JavaScript Data Types? kieu du lieu trong js js get var type int primitive data types js explain with examples javascript data tyoes js how to set the type of var js complex data structures html structure of data-js-options ` string types javascript javascript all varibale types data type in html what is the difference between { main } = data and main = data in javascript javascript new primiticwe structure in javascript what datatype in for in js four primitive data types in javascript function data type javascript number of data types in javascript js types usag js double data type The primary variable types in JavaScript are: java script what are data types js enforce var types js data tpes 6 complex data javascript type 6 basic javascript type javascript types.js data operator javascript datatypes used for keys in javascript object javascript available values javascript integer data type what is a primitive data type javascript does js have a integer data type js has type js "@Type(): variable types javascript types of variables javascript javascript list type of javascript var datatype data types js js complex types any data type in javascript have types variables in js ? list of javascript data types with examples premitive types in js undefined datatype in javascript data string in javascript javascript basic types javascript has 8 types javascritp variable types refrential equality of objects with memory diagram in js js numerical datatypes javascript data type function javascript data types function javascript datatyeps Use comments to describe the correct data type js javascript native types for object what are data types in javascript long data type in javascript createdBy datatype in node js data type object model in node js A floating point number and a whole number are different data types in JavaScript define primitive data type in js type of data type fnction n js' In JavaScript, which of the following is not a valid data type? js create data type javascript native value javascript set data type number storing types in javascript what is the size of int in javascript precise type of data javascript javascript datat types none type in javascript javascript int size javascript typre int how to assign data type to variable in javascript ndejs How to use Data types in different ways in Javascript type conversion for non primitive data structure javascript object types js js primitive types typeNames js types in js how many reference type and value type in javascript how many kinds of data type in js how many kind s of datatype in js type definition in javascript data typing es6 data with javascript what are javascript types javascript type character in javascript array are data type javascript int data type store data type javascript var char=[ ] in js 1. Which is not considered as a datatype in JavaScript? 1. Which is not consider as a datatype in JavaScript? how to declare variable type in javascript js type pair typeof number javascript vs int what are types in javascript set() data type JS object data type javascript number data type javascript javascript 5 primitive data types 5 primitive data types in javascript float data type in javascript how to set variable type in node js is variable type a number javascript data type undefined types of strings in js type variable in javascript data javascript how to define type in javascript is javascript variabels tyeped how to declare variable in javascriptof type ist kind of data types javascript check type in javascript complex Data types meaning of Primitive data type in javascript primitive types js types of js primitive type is Js javascript variable type double data types java script assign data type javascript explain various operators and data types available in javascript basic JavaScript Data types primitive types javascript javascript data types method js data type of object js datatype of object list type js two example of null data types js two example of null data types bye type js syntax for dataatype finding in js do we have list data type in javascript do we have list type in javascript Which is not valid data type in Javascript? what string type is none in javascript defining variable types js object data type js number data type js type of string in javascript are arrays object data type in js different types in javascript javascript type= What's the longest data type of string value JavaScript javascript types in .js Int String Float Boolean Javascript data type : html javascript data? write an string data type in braces in javascript write an string data type in javascript write an object data type in javascript javascript all types of object Data types are not necessary in javascript? null in javascript List six types of datatypes in JavaScript types of datatypes in javascript what are primitve data type in javascript is varchar a keyword injs varchar keyword in js is function a data type in javascript javascript manage variable types javascript list of different datatypes chane by refrence in js javascript types examples does js support dynamic data types one js types of variables var a 16 4 in javascript data types used in JavaScript is functionn a complex types in JS complex types in JS different types of js js define data type by text data in js js data string primitive data types javascripts primitice datatypes in javascript what is javascript types @type in javascript primative data types in js javscript datatype is undefined type of in javascript skillnaden mellan value type and reference type in js point type javascript javascript set variable type size of character data type javascript can array in javascript contains values with of diiferent data types javascript what is data type.js undefined is data type Javascript and data types number types javascript we reference computer memory by using what in js when should i use data types in javascript? when should i use data categories in javascript? .data in javascript What is a Reference in JavaScript 6 data types js is a variable a data type in javascript primitive type js data type in javascript undefined data type in javascript object data type in javascript function type int js specify the type of data javascript typedjs define variable type javascript variables types in javascript how many types of javascript how many types of java script 5 types of vales js 2020 javascript typeof variable javascript List type all primtive types in js javascript ptimitive types javascript is var a datatype javascript what are datatypes data?, in javascript javascript functoins var double basic javascript types number data type in javascript nodejs defining the data typ Javascript does NOT have data types in the variables. what data types can you use with .call javascript what data types can you use with call javascript javascript data type list types of variables in js what are javascript data type? what is javascript data type? What are the primitive data types in JS? primitive javascript data types is data type any available in javascript js variable type as array what is primitive type js what is types in js What are the primitive data types of javascript? * is float a builtin object in javascript set data type in javascript type javascript type in js .type in javascript javascript primitive data types list what is a type in javascript what is the data type of a var set to a function javascript list types .type javascript js object data type is number a data type javascript types of var in javascript javascript primitive types what are data types in js javascript define variable type what are the 7 javascript types what are the 7 javascript data types JavaScript Intro to Datatypes seven javascript types seven javascript primitive types type int javascript data types objects in javascript why object a data type in javascript why object is javascript data type js field type double Which of the following options are primitive data types defined in JavaScript? javascript how to use a list data type using datanumber javascript .dataType js data-number javascript what is primitive data type in js types of number in javascript Declare object datatype in javascript js number data type string type in javascript javascript var type data type types in javascript Defning JS methods with datattype function declare in javascript with datatype js data from a variable javascript define data type js what are the newest javascript data types javascript data type null is javascript type js variable type integer type in js different data types in Javascript. typeof valuees in js what is datatype of object in javascript datatype of object javascript datatype on object javascript reference type js js double variable 7 javascript data type @type javascript number tyes js type js js reference types how to add varible type in javaScript function how to add varible type in javaScript js complex data types string type in js primitive types in javascript object properties data types onject properties data types undefined is which data type how to type in javascript data. javascript Which of the following in not a data type in JavaScript? javascript value vs reference types in javascripts basic data types in js var type javascript complex data types js complex data type javascript how to define variable type in js default data type of javascript variable javascript value vs reference types data-number in javascript js type is a function a coomplex data type. in JS? what are the most basic of variable of data types in javascript data types in javascript with examples $(this).data('type') what is data in javascript 7 different data types in javascript variable types js JavaScript Data Types Undefined javascript datatype command type list js what are data types in javascript for beginners javscript types .type js type of javascript • What are 7 Javascript data types? js type list what is object data type in javascript js object types types is data type javascript how to handle reference type update in javascript declare type in js javascript type Base var types javascript 6 types of javascript typwa 6 types of javascript list of javascript data types javascript [data] means referencing javascript all primitive data types in javascript data types in javascripot datattypes in javascript description of javascript data type js assignment is by value or by reference data- javascript is undefined a data type in javascript data types in javadscipt Which of the following are JavaScript Data Types? which type of data type is written in () in javascript how to save a reference type object in js 3. What are JavaScript Data Types? undefined data type different types of variables in javascript data types in javascript js using type How many data types does JavaScript support? three types of variables in javascript js primitive data types type data javascript primitive data types of javascript js for types data tyupe js type of a variable in javascript primitive data types in js different variable types in javascript data! in javascript how to specify data type in javascript new data type added to javascript wwhat are all the datatypes in js using @type in javascript javascript data type in function what is primitive data type javascript types js valid types of javascript is undefined a javascript data type what is NOT a data type in javascript different data types in javascript\ What are the datatypes in javascript value types in javascript What are reference types in JavaScript? reference types in javascript reference type in javascript type of variables in js different datatypes in array javascript javascript list of data types js string type type of variable in javascript why javascript needs data types javascript string type how many types of variables in javascript type of javascript var how are functions refrence type javascript JAVA SCRIPT DATATYPES 6. what are javascript data types text data type in javascript type of variable javascript Is there character datatype in JavaScript? data? in js types of variables in javascript how many different data types in javascript types of javascript variables how t deal with reference types in js type of variable javascirpt javascript aouyt typer types@ js datatypeof in js how many javascript data types? variable tyoes in javascript javascript add daata type what are the 6 data types in javascript Types os javascript data what is a ref value javascript which of the following is not a javascript datatype which of the following is not a javascript data type javascript all is reference type or value type does javascript have variable types how many javascript datatypes are there how to use types in javascript default data type of variable in javascript the data type of a javascript variable is by default primitive data types javascript javascript object types javascript types of variables types in javascrfipt how to declare number data type in javascript javascript different types basic js datatypes object data type in javascript how many datatypes in js data types comparison javascript primitive types in JS javascript specify data type javascript double data sets stating datatypes in javascript javascript this data example js passed by reference types node js data types JavaScript has dynamic types. This means that the same variable can be used to hold different data types data type javascript javascript datatype inside a object any javascript datatype any function data typr js javascript type of variable var double javascript base types js what is primitive data type means in javascript what is primitive data type in javascript javascript primitive data types js types of variables types of javascript data types of javascript js how many data types how many datatypes in javascript data types javascirpt all java script variabule types data type javascript string data type of string javascript float data type javascript javascript data type any does javascript have a list data type? javascript data Which datatype is not supported by Javascript? types of js variables js data type of function undefined data type in javascript Which of the following is not JavaScript Data Types? data type of variable in javascript js type of javascript complex data types primitive types in javascript java script object types Which of the following isn't a data type in JavaScript javascript data- basic data types in javascript how many types of data type in javascript javascript type javascript type of js declare data type specify data type js variables data types js what are the primitive data types in javascript javascript char type type in javascript different types of variable declaration in javascript primitve data types in javascript data in javascript typeof javascript javascript define object structure data type data types in java queue data structure in java java data types is list and set a data structure in python primitive data type in javascipt reference types javascript can you define a data type in javascript data types javascript data types in javascript how many data types js javascript [] is what data type js data types javascript define data type is object a data type in javascript primitive data types in javascript what are the data types of javascript javascript null data type javascript datatypes datatypes in js what are primitive data types in javascript how many data types in javascript dat types of javascript variable types in javascript valid javacript dattype data type in JavaScript? javascript daa types javascript time types javascript data types exercises underesatand type data in js variable types in js datatypes in javascript data type in js javascript variable types what javascript data type is DataTypes.TEXT javascript var types javascript data types
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