react setstate object

this.setState(prevState => {
  let jasper = Object.assign({}, prevState.jasper);  // creating copy of state variable jasper = 'someothername';                     // update the name property, assign a new value                 
  return { jasper };                                 // return new object jasper object


this.setState(prevState => ({
    jasper: {                   // object that we want to update
        ...prevState.jasper,    // keep all other key-value pairs
        name: 'something'       // update the value of specific key

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    this.state = {
   jasper: { name: 'jasper', age: 28 },

    jasper: {
          name: 'something'

4.33 (3 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

		name: "myExample"

3.33 (3 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    this.setState(prevState => ({
  food: {,           // copy all other key-value pairs of food object
    pizza: {                     // specific object of food object,   // copy all pizza key-value pairs
      extraCheese: true          // update value of specific key

4 (3 Votes)
Krish 100200 points

                                    import React, { useState } from 'react'
const Example = () => {
  const [ account, setAccount ] = useState({ username: "", password: "" })
      <p>Debug { JSON.stringify(account) }
			onChange={(e) => {
              setAccount({ ...account, username: e.terget.value })
			onChange={(e) => {
              setAccount({ ...account, password: e.terget.value })

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value of object to state variable using setstate react assign values of states from object vales change value of an object react react update object in state using object.assign in set state assign a whole object to state object react assigning object to a state react update state as an object set state with object setstate in object how to setstate object in react set object state using react react add property to state object setstate replace complete object setstate complete object set state complete object update object in state react change object state react change object in react state variable react can you set an object to this set state of attribute in object js setting state in object of object react react setstate with property that contains an object react state object key value setting state for object of object javascript react add key value pair to object setState correct way to add properties to state JSON OBJECT variable reacr update object property react react 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on an object how to desctruct an object inside state react save object to state prevstate react save object to setState prevstate react save object to setState setState prevState save object set part of an object react object in setState react update a single property inside state reactjs this.setState prevState object this.setState object reactjs update state object update state when state object changes setstate of object react react setstate to returned object react setState on a property of an object how to set state in object setstate add to object react state update on an method display updated state react js setState to change values of object why my setstate is not having spread object why my set state is not having spread object object in state react setstate object change value of object in state react react setState inside add content format setstate reactjs object state change handler react recat set state vs object set status false and stay react how to setstate inside an object in state in react update a specific object in state react assign a new property to state reACTJS assigning object properties with setState in react setstate update part of object react update state with object react assign object to state update all keys inreact setstate all keys set true react setState set specific field in react setstate change object setstate of object seting object inside the use state seting object inside the usesatte update state object react replace object property react state updating state of key which has object Updating an object with setState in React
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