react pass prop to parent

//Form (Parent)
import React, { useState, Component } from 'react';
import Input from '../../shared/input-box/InputBox'

const Form = function (props) {

    const [value, setValue] = useState('');

    const onchange = (data) => {
        console.log("Form>", data);

    return (
            <Input data={value} onchange={(e) => { onchange(e) }}/>
export default Form;

//Input Box (Child)
import React from 'react';

const Input = function (props) {
    console.log("Props in Input :", props);

    const handleChange = event => {

    return (
            <input placeholder="name"
                onChange= {handleChange}
export default Input;

S Ped 80 points

                                    import React, { useState } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Todo from './components/Todo'

function App() {
    const [todos, setTodos] = useState([
          id: 1,
          title: 'This is first list'
          id: 2,
          title: 'This is second list'
          id: 3,
          title: 'This is third list'

return (
        &lt;div className=&quot;App&quot;&gt;
            &lt;Todo todos={todos}/&gt; //This is how i'm passing props in parent component

export default App;

function Todo(props) {
    return (
            { =&gt; { // using props in child component and looping
                return (

4 (1 Votes)
Orange 130 points

                                    class ToDoList extends React.Component {    constructor(props) {        super(props);        this.state = {            listDataFromChild: null        };        },    myCallback = (dataFromChild) =&gt; {        this.setState({ listDataFromChild: dataFromChild });    },    otherFn = () =&gt; {        [...within this other function now I still have access to this.state.listDataFromChild...]    }    render() {        return (            &lt;div&gt;                 &lt;ToDoItem callbackFromParent={this.myCallback}/&gt;                 [ here I can pass this.state.listDataFromChild as a prop to any other child component...]                   &lt;/div&gt;        );    }});

4.33 (3 Votes)
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pass data from different child react functional component how to pass data from parent component to child component in react js pass prop from child to parent in react how to send props from child component to parent component react native how to send props from child component to parnet component how to pass props from 2 parent component react props function from parent to child how can we pass props from one parent to three child child functional component send data to parent functional component react how to pass props with rest from parent how to pass a value from child to parent in react passing props from parent to child in react return null how to pass props from one parent component to another parent component react react pass child method to parent react pass child function to parent pass data from parent to child react react pass parent input props from child react pass information back to parent How to create a callback function from child component to parent component and pass parameters in ReactJS17 How to create a callback function from child component to parent component and pass parameters in ReactJS react pass a function child to parent how to give a prop to parent in react how to send a prop from children component to parent component in eactjs passing parent ref to child props in react react pass props back to parent pass state from child component to parent react how to pass data from child to parent in react in functional component pass method from parent to child react react call components pass in child react pass data from child to parent component react data pass from child functional component to parent class component react passing data to parent component react set child state from parent props in functional component how to pass data from parent to child in react on functional component pass props from child to parent using hooks passing props into parent component lit-elements passing function from child to parent in react react how to 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parent functional component in react how to send a value from child functional component to parent functional component pass from child components to parent components passing values from child to parent react components pass prop child to parent send parameter from parent to child component react pass state from child to parent pass prop from child to parent react hooks how to pass parent clas to child class props in react child pass props to parent react react pass info from child to parent passing props from child to parent hooks child component to parent component react functional how to pass props from child to parent react how to pass data to component which is not parent or child of the sender component in react pass props to children via parent how to pass value from one component to another parent functional component how to pass a prop from parent to child in react How to Pass data from child to parent component. how to pass state from child to parent pass state data from child to parent component in react js pass a value to parent component react parent send props function in child component pass props from children to parent how to pass a function as a prop in react from child to parent react pass up state to parent react send props from child to parent hooks how to props use parent to child function call in react js passing data to a function from child to parent in react how to pass child prop key to parent prop pass all props to parent react native functional component pass from child to parent react send props from parent to child react hooks send new props to child when parent state changes react props from child to parent how to pass data from child to parent react react functional component pass state to parent passing props from parent to children of props.children how to pass props in react parent to child functional component how to pass props in react parent to child react pass props to parent bind pass data parent to child react react how to pass props to child passing state from child to parent send props to parent component react passing data from child component to parent component react pass props from child component to parent onClick passing value from child to parent react pass props back to parent from child pass the props back to parent pass props to parent from a function passed as prop pass data from parent to child in react using functional component react how to chnage props and pass to parent ract how to pass props value to parent component pass data to child component in react functional component how to pass props from functional parent component to child component in react pass data from child component to parent component react how to pass data from child component to parent component how can we pass props from child component to parent component how can we pass the data from child component to parent component pass state from child to parent react functional component pass props from parent to child react class component passing prop to component parents how to pass state from parent to child passing function defined in children to parent react pass data from child to parent react functional component props setting props to the parent How to pass data from the Child component to the Parent Component props passing child parent react pass props from parent to class child component react pass props from parent to child class change prop of component from parent component react react function props from child to parent how to pass state from parent component to child component class how to pass state from parent component to child component passing a value child to parent react send props from child to parent in react how to pass props from parent to child state call parent method from child react pass parameters functional component how to pass different commpomnnent to parent in react how to pass value from child to parent in react functional component how to set props from child to parent in react pass props to parent from child pass parent component props to child react pass data from parent to child react functional component how to pass parameters to parent react component pass prop to parent child to parent transfer of property react functional component give props to parent passing props child to parent class react using ref passing props child to parent class react using react react passing props to parentb functional component send props from child to parent react class component how to pass props from child to parent class component send props back to parent using functional components react pass prop up to parent pass prop up to parent react pass a function from the parent to the child component using props how to receive props from parent to child component in react how to pass props from parent to child component in react react child component pass data to parent react pass value from child to parent how to pass props to child component react pass child props with another data to parent props react js pass state from child to parent functional component react class component pass state from child to parent react pass props from child to parent functional component react js pass state from child to parent how to pass state and props in react to child functional component how to access parent component props in child functional component pass value from child to parent component react pass value from child to parent component passing data from child to parent component in react react router pass props to parent pass props parent to child react pass class from parent to child component react pass var to parent passing props from child to parent react js passing parent props to child react pass state from child class component to parent functional component props are not passes from parent to child functional component pass state from parent to child react how to pass function prop from parent to child component in react js how to receive data from child class component react to parent functional component in react how to send data from child component to parent component in react react pass state to parent passing props from child to parent react functional component how to pass a value as props in subclass from parent in react pass props from parens to child react pass state as prop to parent react passing data from parent to child react react sending props to parent passing props on onClick from parent to child component function how to get parent component re send props to child passing the function child to parent in react pass function parent to child react pass data from parent to child class component react pass data from parent to child component react pass data from child to parent component react pass child component to parent pass props from child to parent react hooks how to pass data from parent component to child component how to add props to a parent component in React react pass props from child to paretn functional component how to pass props child to parent in react js how to pass props child to parent passing props from child to parent in react js how to pass state from child to parent in react react pass property from child to parent passing props to parent class component in reading native pass propes child to parents reactjs functional components pass props from parent to child reactjs functional components pass props from parent when to pass data from parent to child react react when should you pass from parent to child react passing children props to parent react passing chidren props to parent pass updated prop value back to parent function component react pass a prop value to parent react functional component pass a prop value to parent react can functional components pass props to child react passing data from child to parent send props from child to parent react hooks send props back to parent functional component send props back to parent how to pass data from child to parent component how to pass function to parent element in react how to pass value from child to parent in react how to pass value to child component in react can we change props in parent component pass data to parent component react how to use function pass by parent component to child component in reactjs pass a function down to a child component react react router pass object as parameter how to pass prop from child component to parent pass jsx from child to parent react functional component pass object from parent to child react passing down a function from parent to child react how to send props to parent in react send props back to parent react while passing props my child is displaying on parent component how to pass props to parent component react passing props from parent to child react class component how to pass function from child to parent in react passing parent to child react pass prop to parent react how to change props based on component parent functional component pass data from child to parent send props to parent react how to pass props from child to parent in react js passing function from parent to child react react pass data from parent to child functional component pass value to parent component react react passing props from parent to child how to pass props from parent component to child component in react update props from parent + react functional component pass data from parent component to child component react js pass data from parent component react js passing data from child to parent component how to pass the data from the parent component to the child component using the react functional component pass props to child from child pass props from parent to all child change value of props in parent component react pass prop from child to parent how to pass function from parent to child in react how to pass the data from parent to child in react js react functional component pass props to child sending data from child to parent react js functional component how to pass our props from child to parent how to pass props to child functional component react how to pass props from parent to child react functional component pass props to parent pass parent function to child react pass information from child to parent react how to pass argument from child to parent in react how to pass data from parent to child component in reactjs pass props to pchildren to parent how to pass functions from child functional component to parent functional component in react js gow to pass functions from child functional component to parent functional component in react js how to pass data from parent to child in react passing function from child to parent react how do i pass data from a child to parent in react with functional components how do i pass data from a child to parent in react functions this there a way can pass data from child componnet to parent component react how to pass data from child component to parent in react using functional component react props from parent to child pass data from parent to child in react react best way to pass data from child to parent component react functional component return data from child to parent react js pass props from child to parent how to pass data from child to parent in react pass value from props to parent component reactjs how to send data from child component to parent component by props in react how to pass value from child to parent react react js pass data from child to parent how to pass data to parent component react react pass data from child to parent functional component functional component pass data to child pass value from parent to child react pass parameter from parent to child react functional component react send props to parent class component react send props to parent pass information to parent component react pass props from child to parent pass state from parent to child react functional component pass state from child to parent react funtional componets pass parameter from child to parent react pass props from child to parent react functional component react pass data up to parent in functional component pass property from child to parent react how to pass components as props in parent component pass function from parent to child react sending props to parent in react pass a prop from child to parent how to pass variable value from child to parent component passing props from parent to child react react expose props to parent how to pass all props from parent to child in react parent to a function child passing data in react js passing value from parent to child component react js how to pass a function from parent to functional child component in react how to pass props to parent component pass the data from child to parent in react how to pass value to parent component in react easiest way to pass data from child to parent in react react pass function from child to parent sending props from parent to child pass data from child to parent react functional component child to parent props react pass props up react react pass data from child to parent pass string through to parent props react react emit to parent react pass props to children components to parent components passing props to a parent in react through event listener passing props to a parent in react react js get props from child component pass a value from function child to parent react how to send child prop to parent in react ? passing a simple value to parent from a child component in react how to pass props from child to parent component react how to handle data property in main component and prop from parent component react only send object detail to component react How to transmit to a parent component the props of multiple child component child of the parent component react js pass props up to parent component pass state prop from child component to parent pass state prop from one compoennt to anothger set a prop field from a parent component to a child component prop field set a prop field from a parent component to a child component prop vfield set a prop field from a parent component to a child component prop vield set a prop field from a parent component to a child component set a prop field from a parent componenet child component use parent component props pass a state to another component in react pass props to parent react props children to parent react props childre nto parent pass method value from child to parent how to send a value from one child to another in react how to pass props from parent container to child component pass props to child component react js after a side effect in parent pass child data to parent react js how to to pass the data from parent to child in ReactJS pass props from parent to child react functional component react send props from parent function component to child react child component set parent value prop how to pass props to child component react 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props to parent how to pass props in parent component in state in react react hooks passing props to parent react passing props to parent passing a value from child to parent react react how to pass data between unknown components pass data from parent to child react usecontext props send parent component react functional ^prop child to parent get prop from child component react pass function from child to parent react react passing funciton to parent react parent props to child how to pass props after loaded in react how to pass state to parent component react pass data from parent to child component in react props from child to parent react How to Pass Props Object from Parent Component to Child Component react scoped child component variable from parent component how to pass props from class parent to class child in react how to pass props from parent to child in react pass props to another component react send props from child to parent passing props from child to parent and use it in another component sending props from child to parent how to pass state from one component to another props parent to child react passing props to parent component jsx callback passing props to parent component jsx props child to parent react not able to pass function from parent to child in react js passing props to a parent component how to pass the state from one component to another react pass parameters to props parent reactjs how to get parent all props in child component without call props in react js how to get props in child component redux pass props up to parent pass props to parent react react ref pass to parent how to pass data to another component in react how to pass state between components react react image component parent props send props from child to parent react react pass props from one component to another react props child to parent pass data from child to parent react how to pass props up in react react get props from parent where to use props child or parent react pass data from parent to child react emit event to parent how to pass value from one component another in react react pass props from child to parrent how to pass props from child to parent pass ref from parent to child react pass props from parent component to child react passing props from child to parent components passing props from child toparent components how to pass props from child to parent in react pass prop from child to parent react pass props from child to parent reactjs give props to child component react from parent how to get props of a component in parent react native child send props to parent react react transfer state to component pass child props from parent react pass child props to parent react how to pass props from child to parent component react how to pass values up react pass variable to parent how to send props from parent function how to send props from parent functional component react properties from son to father react how to pass props from child to parent react child component emit event to parent react pass props to parent passing props from child to parent react pass props child to parent passing props up to parent return the props value back to parent componen function component props to parent react function component pass props to parent send another component to parent component react pass props parent on function send prop from child component to parent component react return props to parent pass props from child to parent react js passing parameter with props to parent component how to emit event from child to parent react get props from children to parent in react child component pass props to parent pass props from child to parent react passing props back to main component functional component send props to parent component react can you pass prop from child to parent react pass message to parent react pass prop to parent
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