question mark operator javascript

const isBlack = false;const text = isBlack ? 'Yes, black!' : 'No, something else.';console.log(text);// "No, something else."

Pileus Storm 130 points

                                    FullName: (obj.FirstName && obj.LastName) ? obj.FirstName + " " + obj.LastName : "missing values",

3.83 (6 Votes)
EmeraldLake 110 points

                                    voteable = (age < 18) ? "Too young":"Old enough"
//         condition  ?   if true  :  if false

3.5 (2 Votes)

                                    //This is what is called a 'Conditional operator'
let result = condition ? value1 : value2
//               ^^        ^^      ^^
let result =  1 == 2   ?  "YES" : "NO!"
console.log(result)  //output: "NO!"

//Basically a short form of an if-else statment

4.22 (9 Votes)

                                    condition ? exprIfTrue : exprIfFalse

4.2 (5 Votes)
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question mark in js why do we use question mark symbol in javascript if true in javascript ternary expression in javascript if value true do else return true js ternary operator with one result js .? if true else false function javascript ternary operator javascript string ternary operators using composite conditiond in js Explain what is a ternary operator in JavaScript if either condition is true javascript js question mark meaning javascript question mark question mark if(true) in javascript using question mark in javascript && ternary operator javascript ternery in ternery js js question mark colon question mark and colons in js examples of ternary operators in Javascript question mark code javascript ternary operator js example ternay operator in javascript javascript question mark operator return how to return true or false in javascript if condition how to use ternary operator in javascript js ternary ?? how to add javascript style code in ternary operator javascript what is question mark meant for js colon question mark terniary operator in javscript if condition false javascript return true if statement javascript if true the false in js shorthand ternary operator javascript if(a == true) javascript javascript es6 question mark operator how to use question mark operator in javascript javascript es6 ternary operator when to use ternary operator javascript how to use the ternary operator in javascript js question mark syntax javascript ternary expression js question mark check what is question mark colon in javascript ternary conditional and operator in javascript ternary operator in javascript without else javascript question mark colon syntax js question mark question mark question mark in javascript with question mark sign in javascript one question mark javascript is the ternary operator a statement in javascript question mark symbol in js if true statement javascript return if value true else false js javascript question mark operator with return what is the question mark in javascript if condition using true in js js shorthand ternary js how to use question symbol javascript condition with true meanings ternary operator javascript js if true false single question mark operator in js using question mark in javascript javascript question mark point operator javascript ternary if ternary operator in node js javascript question mark operator object javascript terniarty operator ternary operator return js ternary in js if true loop JS question mark and colon javascript what is use of question mark in javascript javascript what is question mark java script question mark? html question mark javascript javascript 2 question mark operator ternary operator in js javascript use of question mark operator question mark in javascript return true in if statement javascript if statement with boolean javascript javascript if statement for true ternary operator in function javascript ternary statement javascript what does question mark mean in js question mark in javscript javascript what does question mark mean question mark function javascript javascript question mark dot terenary operator javascript how to check true or false in if condition in javascript js syntax question mark dpt js conditionals or if false javascript method with question mark what is question mark in js question mark operand js how to use question mark in js ternary operator w3s question mark dot javascript what does question mark colon mean in javascript mark question point javascript js ternary expression javascript question mark operater ternary operator javascript return js if true then false else true what does the question mark syntax do in javascript return true false in if else condition javascript true or false in if else javascript true or false else if statement javascript else if statement javascript true or false questionmark in javascript javascript what is the question mark if statement using true in javascript what does a question mark in js do how to return value from ternary operator in javascript js question mark operate with one javascript if true the false if otherwise question mark syntax javascript ternary operator javascript with functions javascript ternary operator check only do if true javascript 2 question mark in js js question mark question makr javascript function question mark string in ternary operator javascript ternary expression js javascript ternary operator question mark use javascript if condition is true javascript javascript check if function is true in a if statement return with ternary operator javascript js how does one do question mark javascript execute if true TERNARY JS FUNCTION javascript if = true javascript call function in ternary operator javascript meaning of question mark ternary conditional operator js question mark meaning javascript if else ternary syntax es6 ? conditional how can ? conditional operator be used in javascript javascript ()? in ternary chaining together ternary operator ternary operator js else if condensed comparison operators js js if null turnery expression '?' in javascript javascript ternary && example how to ask a question in ternary operator in javascript ternary operator true false ternary conditionjavascript when ternary operator was introduced in js ternary operator in node.ks node js ternary javascript conditional operators what is a terniary operator node js if corto javascript if using ? js ternary operator else if javascript ternary operator return statement javascript if operator javascript typescript ternary operator ?? javascript inline or operator ternary operator not greater than javascript ternary with return ternary chain or statement in ternary operator javascript || in ternary operator chaining ternary operators javascript how to return false in ternary operator js ternary and js ternary return how to format your tertiary operator ?: in js the conditional ternary operator javascript if else shorthand es6 ternary shorthand typescript tenary advanced ternary operators javascript advanced ternary operator javascript if statement shorthand javascript ternary statement js return js condition operators if else question mark react how to use ternary operator to slidesToShow not getting %3A% when stringifying the colon mark in javascript Ternary operator condition ? exprIfTrue : exprIfFalse is just syntactic sugar for doing condition && exprIfTrue || exprIfFalse . in which version of javascript was ternary operator introduced es6 inline condition conditional operator js ternary syntax four double ternary operator ifor javascript shorthand if statement javascript ternary else return ternary else if tenary if statements ternary comparrison nodejs javascript if true then false give no value in ternary operator js inline if can we do ternary operator in ternary operator nested if else ternary operator javascript if ternary operator operator question mark javascript inline conditional javascript binary javascript conditional statement : ? ternary operator inside ternary operator js ternary conditional operator, conditional variable javascript ternary operator typescript js assign ternary ? condition js js unary if conditional operator "?" in javascript check the query param in js ternary condition can you do ternary operators conditional ternary operator for object properties in js js es6 ternary operator chaining TERNORY OPERATOR USE IN JAVASCRIPT ternary conditional operator conditional assignment javascript javascript tertiary operator ternary operator with return if else statement javascript with question mark Conditional ternary operator ( ? ) can't put a berax in a ternary operator typescript ternary assignment two positive returns ternary operator ternery operator in js js ternary for greater than or equal js ternary caniuse js condisonal operatos if true assign value ternary operator tenary chain javascript ternary operatos js javascript condition set ternary operator fires function javascript question mark in javascript variable The conditional (ternary) operator how to use ternary operators in javascript javascript return ternary ternary === [] conditional operator in javascript javascript conditional expression how to check not equal to in ternary operator terinary operator js plus ternary operator js ternary operators js javascript if else conditional operators javascript if else operators typescript ternary operator shorthand conditional operator in js ternary op javascript ternary if else typescript if statement short in js ternary ternary mdn ternary operator mdn javascript set conditional must be integer ternary statement how to make a ternary operation on false disable js ternary operator shorthand doble question mark js advanced ternary opErator advanced ternary oparator ternary if statement javascript javascript turnary javascript or else operator if ternary triple operator javascript question mark operator in javascript javascript ternary return chaining ternary es7 terenary operator in js urnary operators js java script ternary ternary operátorok ternary operator javascript example if correct:true js javascript data shown question mark js conditional operator only true javaScript ternary {} es6 conditional check using ? : return ternary operator javascript ternary if javascript js conditional operator ternary conditional terney operator javascript ternary operator in typescript how to brief condition javascript ternary function with 3 conditions if true javascript es6 js conditionanl three tenary javascript javascript conditional ? ternary comparison js 4 options ternary nexted if else turnnery operator js how to check if number is true in terniary javascript typescript ternary operatio ifelse in ternary operator condition true false javascript Which of the following is a ternary operator? ( Choose one ) (condition) ? ... (condition) $ .. (condition) &.. If (condition) chain ternary operator javascript javascript variable with question mark javascript expression if statement how to give the ternary operator to a variable ternary if ternary operaator js javascript do things if compact javascript es6 condition syntax ternary if else javascript chaining ternary operator javascript channing ternary operator javascript conditional operator javascript turnary javascript ternary in javascript javascript ternaryu how to write a ternary function in javascript ternary operator online ternary operators in javascript tenerary js node ternary operator condicion and with if ternary tertiary js js ternary operator expression js ? : tenary return in ternary operator javascript ternary operator shorthand javascript how to simplify complex operators conditions in javascript else if ternary javascript cannot chain ternary codeawrs conditional operators javascript how to compare two values without if or switch or ternanry javascript question mark after variable javascript javascript conditional with 3 ands conditional operator in javascript example javascript ternary operator if else how to put a ternary inside a ternary operator ternary javascript object ternary operator ternary operator <% ternary js js ternary shorthand javascript declare variable question mark question mark operator javascript variable statement and operator javascript es6 insert statement with ternary operator in node js example conditional ternary operator javascript what's the interrogation point in javascript if statement javascript true js quiestion mark and colon if else if condition ternary operator js question mark and colon in javascript question mark operator in js if else using ternary operator javascript how to use question mark how to compare to boolean value in javascript question mark javascript operator javascript if statement question question mark operators javascript and js question mark if js question mark if ? 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true : false js ternary operator print true false javascript compact if condition js conditional with ? mdn ternary operator question mark in js if else if shorthand javascript nodejs question mark in function questionmark in js js if statement qeustion mark short hand if statment question mark in condition in javascript question mark double dot javascript ternary operator with else if if else javascript shorthand js ternary question mark and colon in ternary operator operator javascript question mark js ternary or u ? u : 0 javascript turnary statment u = u ? u : 0 javascript turnary statment value with one question mark in javascript JS conditional statements if else ternary operator js ternary notation javascript js ternary if statement js questionmark question mark and colon in javascript” javascript question mark if else javascript + ternary operator ternary operator with senior citizen javascript javascript shortened if statement javascript if else statement using question mark when comparing string values javascript if else statement using question mark termary expression nodejs what ? mark do in js small if return statement js if statement set variable ternary operator itinerary statement to check boolean javascript js conditional javascript if statement using question mark if statement js with question mark javascript if else es6 how to use ternary operator in js question mark conditional javascript javascript shorthanf if else if else statements with binary operator javascript question mark java script js if short javascript ternanry if else opperator javascript es6 variable based on if stateemnt javascript "?" interrogation opertor javascript variable question amrk js interrogation mark variable question mark question mark operator javascript javascript using question mark js inline ternary javascript question mark sign javascript question mark booleans with if statment conditons javascript javascript interrogation mark turnay js javascript terniary ternary operator with return javascript javascript questions mark short if else statement js Javascript ternary null if condition of question mark inline js condition check for two expressions javascript if else in ternary operator js terney javascript statemtn js condition true should i use ternary or OR operator js ternery operator js tenary operator js inline javascript ?: ternary operator in javascript question mark javascript javascript if statement but with question mark and colon question mark and . javascript javascript if true if else statement javascript using question mark and colon questions mark in js condensed if statement javascript return boolean javascript with question mark js cond else if ternary operator javascript ternary expression javascript turnary js can we evaluate condition? true: condition ? true: false in javascript ternary statatement in js ternary condition in javascript typescript ternary operator question mark js javascript conditional operator use interogation point js javascript questinmark ? ternary operator js ?: javascript question mark typescript if else javascript object with question mark js if else shorthand javascript shorthand if else ternary expression short conditional javascript ternary chain javaascript javascript ternary using a ternary in a for loop js javascript question mark statement js question mark operator javascript if with question mark short javascript if statement if true javascript use question mark to if statement javascript typescript ternary ?? ternary javascript using the question mark and two points in javascript react conditional question mark javascript ternary if else ternary operator javascript if ternary javascript question mark in react conditional expression ternary conditional javascript if statement javascript es6 react variable question mark ternary operator ! javascript javascript can you have a question mark without a colon question mark validation nodejs javscript if question mark integer sorting in javascript with question mark operator javascript ? questions mark oiperator question mark in javascript interogation mark js whats the question mark in js question mark check javascript js question mark javascript if using question mark what is question mark in javascript javascript question mark after variable adding a question mark after an object in javascript question sign javascript how to use question mark in javascript javascript question mark and colon conditional statement using question mark example question mark javascript return question mark javascript true or false question mark .length javascript question mark react js javascript if else using question mark how to use the question mark symbol in javascript question mark colon operator how to put a question into an if statement javascript how to put a question into an if statement javas question mark colon js if statement with question mark javascript question mark in react js question mark operator react questionmark after react questionmark object react questionmark javascript question mark operator python question mark js operator question mark question mark colon javascript javascript question mark notation javascript if else with question mark question mark in javascript javascript operator question mark react question mark syntacx question mark in javaScript\ what does the question mark mean in javascript questino mark condition javascript what does question mark mean in javascript whioch type is question mark in javascript what does a question mark do in javascript question mark and colon js variable javascript questionmark js question mark operator called what is the question mark operator in javascript question mark operator javascript javascript question mark colon
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