npm redux

npm install redux react-redux --save

Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    npm install redux

5 (3 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    yarn add redux react-redux --save

4.5 (8 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    npm i react-redux

3.8 (5 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    import { createStore } from 'redux'

 * This is a reducer, a pure function with (state, action) => state signature.
 * It describes how an action transforms the state into the next state.
 * The shape of the state is up to you: it can be a primitive, an array, an object,
 * or even an Immutable.js data structure. The only important part is that you should
 * not mutate the state object, but return a new object if the state changes.
 * In this example, we use a `switch` statement and strings, but you can use a helper that
 * follows a different convention (such as function maps) if it makes sense for your
 * project.
function counter(state = 0, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'INCREMENT':
      return state + 1
    case 'DECREMENT':
      return state - 1
      return state

// Create a Redux store holding the state of your app.
// Its API is { subscribe, dispatch, getState }.
let store = createStore(counter)

// You can use subscribe() to update the UI in response to state changes.
// Normally you'd use a view binding library (e.g. React Redux) rather than subscribe() directly.
// However it can also be handy to persist the current state in the localStorage.

store.subscribe(() => console.log(store.getState()))

// The only way to mutate the internal state is to dispatch an action.
// The actions can be serialized, logged or stored and later replayed.
store.dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' })
// 1
store.dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' })
// 2
store.dispatch({ type: 'DECREMENT' })
// 1

3.75 (8 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    # NPM
npm install redux

# Yarn
yarn add redux

4.25 (4 Votes)
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