node read file line

const readline = require('readline');

const readInterface = readline.createInterface({
        input: fs.createReadStream('name.txt'),
        output: process.stdout,
        console: false

 for await (const line of readInterface) {
readInterface.on('line', function(line) {


                                    const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');

async function processLineByLine() {
  const fileStream = fs.createReadStream('input.txt');

  const rl = readline.createInterface({
    input: fileStream,
    crlfDelay: Infinity
  // Note: we use the crlfDelay option to recognize all instances of CR LF
  // ('\r\n') in input.txt as a single line break.

  for await (const line of rl) {
    // Each line in input.txt will be successively available here as `line`.
    console.log(`Line from file: ${line}`);


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