ngfor on keys of a dictionary angular

<div *ngFor="let item of testObject | keyvalue">
    Key: <b>{{item.key}}</b> and Value: <b>{{item.value}}</b>

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object loop key value angular object | keyvalue angular keyvalue angular how to update array with another if keyvalue match in angular 8 ng for key value angular for loop object angular 8 get value form key using custom pipe access value form ket using pipe angular create a pipe to get value for key in angular create map object and export it in angular 9 how to iterate key value in angular template for key value in angular how to iterate object in angular 8 angular key value array angular key value pair ng for object only iteranbes key use in angular loop object in angular 8 *ngfor angular keyvalue pipe exclude key *ngfor object angular keyvalue html keyvalue pipe in angular angular 5 ngfor keyvalue make a keyvalue pipe angular 5 create keyvalue pipe angular 5 keyvalue pipe angular 5 keyboard values angular key value pipe how to write key value pair in array angular one key angular angular template associative array value angular template associative array angular ngfor object let keys 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