moment js get date 1 month

moment(monthNumber, 'M').format('MMMM')

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    //The correct function to use is .date(): === 25;

4.11 (9 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    var currentDate = moment('2015-10-30');
var futureMonth = moment(currentDate).add(1, 'M');
var futureMonthEnd = moment(futureMonth).endOf('month');

if( != && futureMonth.isSame(futureMonthEnd.format('YYYY-MM-DD'))) {
    futureMonth = futureMonth.add(1, 'd');


4.13 (8 Votes)
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day of month get month name with moment js moment() recognising date as month moment date format full month name get from day using moment js moment get year month day get month using moment how to get date from moment object for 1 month ago get name of month from date momentjs how to convert datetime to month name date moment js moment js converting date to month name get month number from date moment moment create new date with year month day moment.format month name short get the past months moment js get days in month in moment get first day of month moment moment show date as day how to get starting date of month in moment starting day of the month in moment js moment get month start and end date moment js weeks in month moment js get the month number month name by date string in momentjs get month name in moment js moment format month and year get the year and month in moment get only the year and month using moment js get full month name from moment moment js format date month day year moment adds a month to my date 6 month moment date get current month start date momentjs how to get days of month in with momentjs using moment to 1 month back moment() month start moment month day year format moment complete month name set month in moment moment return day when i select may month number is getting 1 in moment passing month and year in moment js moment month() get current month number in moment js momentJS get month and year get day of date moment moment format takes a month how to get this month in moment js how to get month in moment js momentjs get the last date of a month moment js require month moment get day in month moment js get day number\ get day name from moment moment js format month name it moment format year month day get month and year from date moment js get month and year from date momentjs get all date from given month and years in momentjs moment format month name get month name from number moment get moment next month moment get days in month moment get month name short moment get month name shot moment date format month name moment get start of current month get day using moment js moment date format day month year moment extract day get number of day moment moment get current month number get one month before date using moment get number of day moment js moment add current month (moment().daysInMonth( date . get day, date, month year moment get current month moment.js moment get month name from month number set month year in moment js how to select the first date of a month with moment month name in js date format moment how to find the day by name from moment how to find the day from moment get day month and year from date in moment moment get beginning of month from date moment get beginign day on month moment.js get curent month start and end date moment js format day month year how to convert date into monthdayyear using moment moment get number from month moment get days from asdays format date only day name,month name in moment how to get day from moment how to get date from a day in moment moment get day number of year moment get month name from number moment return month name moment js get month and year range moment get number of month moment format month as string moment js returns month as 0 moment get number of days in month how get day of moment date moment month name format create date using month number in moment how to get the current Day, Month and year in moment js npm moment get past date of month moment get start of month get day number from date javascript moment get day from date javascript moment get month from date javascript moment getting a date by month number moment js how to get month from number moment js moment js convert month number to name momentjs last day of month moment get all month names moment get all months name moment get current month from a date moment get day of month from date extract day from moment moment js get next month get currnet month and date via moment get current month in moment get current month first day in moment javascript get current month range in javscript moment get current month in javscript moment how to get current month in moment js how to get cuurect month in javascript moment find current month in moment js momentjs this month end get current month using moment how to get next month with same date in momentjs next month from momentjs get current month number by moment get current month moment moment object get month momentjs get month ad day moment + get day name moment + how to get day moment + how to get the current month and year moment + how to get the first date of current month moment + how to get the first day of current month moment js get current month number create month date using month number and year in moment js find start Day using month and year in moment momentjs change day of month get start date and end date of month moment momentjs day of month format momentjs get day of month with th momentjs get day of month momentjs get date of month moment get day dateobject js moment days in month moment get month name from date get year month day using moment moment js get first day of current month create date object from separate month and year moment create date from month and year moment how to get start and end date of month in moment moment take date print month display month and date in momentjs table how to display current month in moment js moment(month) moment js check beginning of month moment create date last day of month get last day of month momentjs moment set month and day get day from date moment js moment get start of month of date given momentjs display only day and month momentjs only day and month moment get current month last day moment format year month moment get year and month moment js sub month moment js get start date of month moment js subtract months get dates of month in javascript momentjs js get month start time moment how to get month name in moment js moment change date format having month name in starting get year month day from date moment moment show day name moment get month and day from day of year moment js date format getting one month earlier moment js get day get month name moment by date get month name momnet momentjs year month date moment date afeter a month get day of month moment find the day string using date and month in moment find the day using date and month in moment moment.month() get last day date of a month by month number using moment get last day date of a month using moment extract day month and year from a date object using moment extract month date year from a date moment js get day with moment moment js show only month name moment js show only month nam moment js show only month moment js months range momentjs date from month day year moment get all months moment print only day and month moment js beginning of month month year date format moment js moment js get current month start date get day name using moment moment().month() moment get day of the year moment js get first and last day of month how to get the full month moment js moment js day month year moment get day name from date moment format date month year momentjs last month range moment js get all days in month get each day of month in range moment js moment js set date of current month get day from date moment moment get first date of month and year momentjs add months moment format day, month and number of month moment format day, month no month get all days from months in momentjs moment month to days get month name using moment js months value in days in moment js month starting date using moment how to get current day momentjs get 1st monday of the month using moment js moment month string momentjs first day of month get current month with momentjs moment get starting date of month how to find the quarter start month using moment js moment get day and date format moment js show local month name moment month and year format moment get month string moment day name from date momentjs get day get month day and time moment number of month in momentjs moment how to know month in date get month and day from date moment get day from date using moment moment format with one day or month how to get specific month last date from year in moment using moment to get month from date add a month to a date in moment js get day with moment js moment js firstDay in month moment js month number moment js a month ago moment js number of days in month moment js parse with only day month is day start date of month in moment js convert month from number to name moment js moment get the month moment get dayname moment js set day of month moment set day of month get month from date in moment js momentjs get 12 month get current month number moment moment js get only month moment get current month name moment get all dates of this month moment format for full date month momentjs 2 months from now moment get weekend day moment.js add month get current month and year moment get a month ago using moment moment get current month first day momentjs format get month how to get name of day from date with moment js how to get day from date with moment js moment get day name by initial get day name from date using moment get days in month moment momentjs set to month of same year moment get first and last day of month of date object moment get date current month moment get current month start date moment js get last month date after 5 month moment js date after 5 month date moment js moment js add months get day name from the nodejs moment moment.js get last day of month how to get day from date in moment js moment js month name moment get short month name moment js get last day of current month add month on date momentjs moment get month from date string moment.js get month value moment format full month name get number of months from specific date using moment javascript to get month week day from specific date using moment javascript get the current date of the month in moment get the current month in moment moment js year month day format moment set next day of month moment get next date of month moment js get all dates in month dates in current month momentjs array of dates in current month momentjs moment get all datesin month moment get day of year moment get day of time momentjs show month day year momentjs show month date year moment get array of dates in a month moment js format date month and year moment make date from month and year moment js month from 1 to 12 moment format day of month get month number moment moment create date from month and year momentjs months array moment get month weeks how to show name of a month with moment jalaali using moment to get date of next month get days from time moment moment format day month year moment js subtract month how to get day number from days name using moment moment date month name year format moment format date to day and month get current month moment] moment get month in name get full month name in moment moment print month find 1 month ago date from current date using moment javascript moment js for date 1 month ago moment.js get start of month how to use moment to use month and date get start and end date of month in moment js selecting start of month in moment js momentjs start of month is 12 get month name moment moment get day in number get Month day and date from a date moment moment return days of month how to set month to month dates other than the 1st in moment.js how to calculatoe moment of inertia with J and rad/s moment date format just month name get date from from day moment print month name moment moment get init of month js moment get date in beginning month javascript string date to date and get month moment moment js get todays date date month and year moment format month name and day moment format day and month moment.js equivalent of getDay() moment.js show months, days, and minutes moment.js show months, days, and minutese moment get month and day get start date and month of the date in moment moment js subtract 1 month moment month start date get the month number from the date moment moment get current day of month moment js format date month + 1 momentjs day of month number momentjs get current day of month number momentjs get current day number js get day moment moment js get this month moment js current day to start of month moment js this month js moment get current month and year moment js get Day and month starting date in a month momentjs moment day month year format change momentjs month name get year and month moment get month from moment js moment js 1 month ago moment get day only moment add 1 month javascript get month from date using moment moment js year month day get day momentjs get current month moment js moment get today month moment js start of month how to get month end using moment get last day of month moment js moment js month add how to get current month using moment in node js moment js set month add a month to a moment javascript get day of the month moment js moment get first day of current month moment js get end of month moment get month name moment get date month year get month end date in javascript moment moment get year month day from date moment set month and year moment js get amount of weeks in month how to date is this month moment start month date for given date in moment js how to get month in moment moment js create date from year month day how to set month in moment js moment js month and year only moment format get day of month how to get the first day of current month in moment moment get month day and full year moment js get day name from number momentjs date month and date moment js day of month moment js months() get month moment moment set year month day moment js get end of month dayname moment.js get month moment js get month as number js moment get last day of month Moment get day number get month end day in moment js moment js get month end day moment js startof month moment js get first day of month moment set month moment js get day number from date moment js get day name moment get last day of month how to get month from number in moment javascript moment js day month year format how to get the string month from a number moment js get the month from a number moment js get month number moment js how to get month number from month name moment js how to get a specific day in month in moment month and year format js moment month and year moment javascript how to get the date in months from a number javascript moment get month from date moment moment to 1st date of month moment js month year format moment format day month year time get only day from the date moment get month moment js moment get next month momentjs get day name moment js get current month start and end date get month with moment moment js add 1 month get first day of month javascript momentjs moment js how to convert date day and month moment js get month get day name js from momentjs get date moment js from number of days in month moment js get last 12 months moment js month start day name moment js month start day get day in moment moment js get time apart in month moment js get time months apart day month date year format in js moment get day name from date moment moment js last month date from current month moment js last month from current date moment js data of last month from current date datae how to get month moment string date fetch month js by moment moment get first day of month moment js get month name from date moment js month string get the day from moment date get the day from moment object moment js get current month moment js current month day of month momentjs moment get month number january moment get month number moment get month days moment get first date of month moment js build date from month and year get current month momentjs get date from day month year javascript moment get month from moment momentjs set day of the month moment get current month moment.js month day year format moment js format only day month moment get month date year from date moment get month from date moment get day name how to get month from date in moment js get day name moment moment get one month ago get month day and year using moment moment to get next month moment.js add next month moment.js return this month moment get day moment get day of month number moment js add months value moment get hour moment get current date moment get first day of next month moment js get selected day moment show day of week moment().get('date past months from current date moment list of last month from current date moment how to check the given date is last day of the month in moment how to check the month end date in moment how to get date from moment moment().add(1, 'days') end of day moment().add(1, 'days').calendar(); example dateFrom = Moment(Moment(new Date()).format("YYYY-MM-DD")) .subtract(1, "months") moment.add months get day from moment moment how to add months ? moment get day from date momentjs get date in human current date lus 1 year momentjs get last month start date in moment moment get current year moment js get day from date moment js and get 6 months date from now get day number of week from date moment javascript moment.js get day get day moment moment get 1st date of particular week moment get week number for date moment js date to day moment js compare month momentjs get last day of month js moment getDay() moment js get hours javascript date after 3 month moment moment js get last 5 dates from today moment get name of month from number moment get current number day date one year moment 3 month from now momentjs moment get day in string moment get day DD moment get today day moment get day of the month momentjs load moment with month and year get month in moment js add 6 months to a date using moment node js add 1 month to date time get one month before a particular date moment momentjs subtract a day moment add 2 years javascript add 2 month in current date in moment.js how to calculate current month and year by using only day using moment how to calculate next month and year using moment add 30 month in timestamp moment js add month in timestamp moment moment format Day, month date, year js moment 1st of last month check date difference is greater is month in moment add year in moment js js new date letter month get 6 years from moment.get moment js today day of month get last date in month moment moment js get last day of month how to add month in moment.js javascript moment add month how to add months in moment moment js add months remove day moment get month number from date moment js get day of month using momentjs to add a month to date add hours in duration moment js moment js add month to date mokment set date after one week momentjs add 3 month a month ago moment js moment month date moment js get month name get date month and year in javascript moment moment js get month from date get date sunday in month moment how to add one year in an existing moment moment js get days of month moment get month moment js get month number moment end date curreent date plus number day moment construct a date from day month year new date moment get month momentjs add month get date of one year back moment one month is less in MMYYYY moment add 1 year to date in moment moment create date from year month day get 12th date of month moment get only month and date from moment vue add month moment add months in moments moment get day of month moment get date 1 month from know date and format moment date one month ago moment update month based on current date moment add 30 days is date after 1 year using moment moment add onemonth moment js one year from now add 1 month moment moment js - 1 month moment add month not working moment add months how to to show next month today in moment js format moment add month after dec how to add month to date in moment momment.month() is adding 1 month momment is adding 1 month in .month() moment().month() is adding 1 month automatically moment.().day().month().year() is adding 1 in month moment add one month moment js add 1 year date now in add 5 year in jquery moment js how to add 4 months in javascript by using moment add month to date with moment moment.js now - 1 month moment add 1 month min 1 day moment add one month error add month in moment two months before moment js angular moment add a year how to increase moment date by a month in js moment js add month react native moment add a month to current date react native moment add 1 month to current date problem with moment js in days in a month having extra value moment.js add months add month moment js add 30 days to date moment js add month in today date using moment js moment js add months to date how to get current date and plus one month in nodejs momentjs 10 months ago moment js one month ago moment add month to get 6 months date from today in moment.js moment add 1 month add month in moment js subtract hours moment js from date string moment js plus month
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