manifest.webmanifest example

<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.webmanifest">

Happybuddha 155 points

                                    {  &quot;short_name&quot;: &quot;WAM&quot;,  &quot;name&quot;: &quot;Web App Manifest&quot;,  &quot;theme_color&quot;: &quot;#eb5252&quot;,  &quot;background_color&quot;: &quot;#000000&quot;,  &quot;display&quot;: &quot;fullscreen&quot;,  &quot;Scope&quot;: &quot;/&quot;,  &quot;orientation&quot;: &quot;portrait&quot;,  &quot;icons&quot;: [    {      &quot;src&quot;: &quot;images/android/android-launchericon-48-48.png&quot;,      &quot;type&quot;: &quot;image/png&quot;,      &quot;sizes&quot;: &quot;48x48&quot;    },    {      &quot;src&quot;: &quot;images/android/android-launchericon-96-96.png&quot;,      &quot;type&quot;: &quot;image/png&quot;,      &quot;sizes&quot;: &quot;96x96&quot;    },    {      &quot;src&quot;: &quot;images/android/android-launchericon-192-192.png&quot;,      &quot;type&quot;: &quot;image/png&quot;,      &quot;sizes&quot;: &quot;192x192&quot;    }  ],  &quot;start_url&quot;: &quot;index.html?utm_source=homescreen&quot;}

Karin 110 points

                                    {  &quot;short_name&quot;: &quot;Weather&quot;,  &quot;name&quot;: &quot;Weather: Do I need an umbrella?&quot;,  &quot;description&quot;: &quot;Weather forecast information&quot;,  &quot;icons&quot;: [    {      &quot;src&quot;: &quot;/images/icons-192.png&quot;,      &quot;type&quot;: &quot;image/png&quot;,      &quot;sizes&quot;: &quot;192x192&quot;    },    {      &quot;src&quot;: &quot;/images/icons-512.png&quot;,      &quot;type&quot;: &quot;image/png&quot;,      &quot;sizes&quot;: &quot;512x512&quot;    }  ],  &quot;start_url&quot;: &quot;/?source=pwa&quot;,  &quot;background_color&quot;: &quot;#3367D6&quot;,  &quot;display&quot;: &quot;standalone&quot;,  &quot;scope&quot;: &quot;/&quot;,  &quot;theme_color&quot;: &quot;#3367D6&quot;,  &quot;shortcuts&quot;: [    {      &quot;name&quot;: &quot;How's weather today?&quot;,      &quot;short_name&quot;: &quot;Today&quot;,      &quot;description&quot;: &quot;View weather information for today&quot;,      &quot;url&quot;: &quot;/today?source=pwa&quot;,      &quot;icons&quot;: [{ &quot;src&quot;: &quot;/images/today.png&quot;, &quot;sizes&quot;: &quot;192x192&quot; }]    },    {      &quot;name&quot;: &quot;How's weather tomorrow?&quot;,      &quot;short_name&quot;: &quot;Tomorrow&quot;,      &quot;description&quot;: &quot;View weather information for tomorrow&quot;,      &quot;url&quot;: &quot;/tomorrow?source=pwa&quot;,      &quot;icons&quot;: [{ &quot;src&quot;: &quot;/images/tomorrow.png&quot;, &quot;sizes&quot;: &quot;192x192&quot; }]    }  ]}

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