js read mysql database

//put these lines in a seperate file
const mysql = require('mysql2');

const connection = mysql.createPool({
    host: "localhost",
    user: "",
    password: "",
    database: ""
    // here you can set connection limits and so on

module.exports = connection;

//put these on destination page
const connection = require('../util/connection');

async function getAll() {
    const sql = "SELECT * FROM tableName";
    const [rows] = await connection.promise().query(sql);
    return rows;
exports.getAll = getAll;


                                    // Use https://github.com/JackChilds/jsmysqldb

// Then once it's setup you can just do this:

// Config that will be sent to server
const config = {
  "table" : "customers",
  "limit" : "50",
  "offset" : "0"

// Use the _POST_REQUEST function to send data to the server and get a response
_POST_REQUEST("link-to-server/database.php", 'config=' + JSON.stringify(config), (response) => {
  // Convert the response into an array of rows:
  var data = JSON.parse(response);
  // Now do what you want with data
  // data[row index][column name]

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database mysql.createConnection node.js framework mysql db basic mysql with node js node js connect to mysql how to link a mysql database to node how to connect mysql with node js nodejs with mysql node with mysql mysqlw nodejs how to install mysql in node js how to create database connection in express js mysql integrating with nodejs javascript mysql mysql javascript nodejs with sql database login nodejs mysql how to integrate node js with mysql how to use node.js with mysql node mysql database connection node js mysql database backend node.js node js mysqly javascript mysql example connecting mysql with node js nodejs y mysql javascript connect to database node js mysql connection mysql nodejs nodejs sql nodejs mysql python create persistent connection on a request page python create persistent connection on a page chech internet connection in python node js connecting mysql node js mysql use database in node js mysql connect to mysql database from nodejs mysql with nodejs node and mysql connecting to mysql with node js connecting to mysql wiht node js connect to mysql nodejs connect to mysql from node js connect to mysql from js adding mysql to nodejs adding mysql to node nodejs mysql application nodejs app mysql node js mysqk how to use mysql with node.js connect mysql with nodejs using mysql-connect connect mysql with nodejs using mysql connect connect mysql with nodejs mysql node js use php to connect to mysql database in node
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