js create object from array

const names = ['Alex', 'Bob', 'Johny', 'Atta'];

// convert array to th object
const obj = Object.assign({}, names);

// print object

// {0: "Alex", 1: "Bob", 2: "Johny", 3: "Atta"}

LordSacha 110 points

  { id: 10, color: "red" },
  { id: 20, color: "blue" },
  { id: 30, color: "green" }
].reduce((acc, cur) => ({ ...acc, [cur.color]: cur.id }), {})

{red: 10, blue: 20, green: 30}

3 (1 Votes)
GelS 95 points

                                    myArray.find(item => item.isAstronaut)

3.86 (7 Votes)
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an object and array in javascript finding elements in obj js return object from array javascript js find for object returning item i of object find object based on value in javascript node js return object in array javascript object.find javascript object find() return itmes form an array select object of an array js find object js js find in object by value find value in object javascript return an object from an array using search object javascript function to return an item from an array how to return objects from array search object from value js object find javascript array return a object search an object javascript select an object from an array javascript find object returning object from array javascript .find object with value for each key within an object, find value within other array search in object javascript find in object javascript how to get object out of array javascript how to return a new array of object in javascript how to return an array from object javascript 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