js array get index

var list = ["apple","banana","orange"]

var index_of_apple = list.indexOf("apple") // 0

Banago 125 points

                                    const beasts = ['ant', 'bison', 'camel', 'duck', 'bison'];

// expected output: 1

// start from index 2
console.log(beasts.indexOf('bison', 2));
// expected output: 4

// expected output: -1

//*** Thanks to MDN Web Docs ***//

3.33 (3 Votes)
Steveh 110 points

                                    var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
return fruits.indexOf("Apple"); // Returns 2

Luoiliembac 115 points


3.88 (8 Votes)
Mcdoty 160 points

                                    search = (arr, item) => { return arr.indexOf(item); }


                                    const array1 = [5, 12, 8, 130, 44];
const search = element => element > 13;
// expected output: 3

const array2 = [
  { id: 1, dev: false },
  { id: 2, dev: false },
  { id: 3, dev: true }
const search = obj => obj.dev === true;
// expected output: 2

4.2 (5 Votes)
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an element how to grab index of array in javascript javascript find get index javasctipt find the index of array element javascript find index of value find item by index javascript findindex of array js findIndex(function index of element in array how to find the elements in array using index in javascript how to show an index of an array of variables in js get index of value from array javascript how to get index of a value in a list javascript how to get values of an index in javascript array return index with value from array in js node array find index js to get the index of an array based on the value javascript how to use findIndex javascript return the index number of an object in array javascript return the index number of an array find position of element in array js found the position of number in array in javascript javascript get array indexof js findindex from end index element in array find array from index to index javascript array get element by index javascript return 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index javascript how to find current index of element in array array .find indexof array .find index find index of element in array where js get index of array by id javascript array element index how to know if particular index is in array javascript js array some get the index js get position of element in array node js get object from array by index current index value js get index value from array javascript get javascript array index access index of array javascript js findindex string how to know the index of an element in an array javascript how to find the index of a valu in an array javascript use index array javascript get the index of an element in array javascript find index js of items how to find index of element in array node js get array from index to index javascript js array get at index array find index of a value get index of value in list javascript how to find index of array object in javascript findIndex( javascript index of element in array array get(index) How to find index in js JS get index of array element how to get index of a element from an array in javascript get item array index js hoe to find the index of a element in an array get position of value in array javascript find array index of value javascript index of javascript array how to find index in array through value js js find index of array.find index javscript how to grab the value at an index of a list find index of array js index of value in array javascript javascript get index object in array where value java script arrays get index find the index of a in array take from certain index in array javascript index of value in js array how to know all the indexes of a value in an array in javascript javascript array find value and index in array get element in array by index js get element in array ny index js array findIndexin javascript how to find the index of an item in an array javascript how to use findindex in javascript with object array javascript array.prototype.findindex finding index of element in array javascript find index of element in array javascript -1 how to find index of object in array javascript find the index of an element in an array find index by element javascript javascript array get index of value how to obtain a value of an index of an array get index id of array find indexes of elements in array array find index of element javascript areturn the index of a array in js find index in array where js find index in array js javascript findindex if how to get index of array object in javascript get index of array by number js how to use findIndex how to find an index in an array es6 find index of item in array how to get index of object in array javascript HOW TO return index position of array in javascript how to get the index of an element in a array in javascript get index value of array in javascript how to get index of an element in javascript array find the index of an element with value in javacript array find index of array with value js get element of array by index javascript find index in array of arrays javascript get item in array by index javascript findindex nodejs javacript find index get elements by index js findindex javascript includes findindexOF() find the value of an index javascript js array return index if find value js array return index if find js index of value in array in array get index value of array item how to read index array js js position of element in array nodejs get index of array element how to get index of an item in an array javascript js get array elements from indexes how to get index no of a element in array javascript return from findindex findindex javascript returns -1 means findindex javascript returns -1 how to get index of element in list js Array.prototype.findIndex() nodejs find an index in array from item js javascript method to find index of array does an index have to be an array javascript find index of element javascript arrays js get 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of values javascript get item from array by index javascript get index how to find index in an array js javascript how to find index in an array get element from index javascript array find index javascript array index of item findindex in array js how to get index of any element in js array getting the index of an element in a list javascript get item index in js javascriparray get by index print index of array javascript javascript array find index of value get index in list javascsript how to find the index of an element in array in js find index of in array object javascript return index in array javascript find index value in list js find index of value on list in js how to display index number of array in javascript get array index by value javascript es6 get index of array display index of array javascript how to get index of element in array in JS get the index of an item in an array javascript .getIndex js findindexof in javascript array findindex in javascript array find index on values js arary find index in javascript how to print the index number of an array in javascript how to get index by value in array object in javascript how to find value and get index in javascript array object how to find value and get index in javascript array find indexes javascript how to get array index javascript array return index how to index a javascript array get certain indexes from array js get index array from value get index of 8 element in array javascript how to indecate the index of the item in array find the elemet whose index in javascript array find the indexof in javascript array array get index of ks array get index of javascript get index array js find index of array element how to get index value in javascript how to get the index of element in array return index of item in array javascript es6 array findIndex find index of array by value js How to find a index of an array javascript findIndex in array get the index of a value in js return index of an array javascript how to index of array how to find index of an elemement in array in javascript findIndex all js how to get index value of arr in js find which index is used in array How do you find the number position of an element in an array javascript? javascript list find index return array index javascript get element from array by index javascript how to find the index of an element in a list in javascript javascript array find the index javascirpt get index of element in array find an item from an array javascript using index how to use index of array how to index item in an array js javascript find index index of elemt in array js how to find index of item in array javascript get array item by index javascript js find get index get index of element in list object javascript how to find index of value in array findindex of array findindex javascript object javascript determine index number in array js array return index javascript get array index where value find index number 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index of a given element in an array javascript js findindex in array how to find that element index is in array in javascript get index of dom element in array javascript js find element from array index list get index javascript how to calculate the array index for a value in js how to find the index of an element in an array javascript Get the index of a value in an array js findIndex value javascript array javascript find index how to find index of array element in javascript js find array index js find indexes javascript findindex object find index array js findIndexOf() js mdn get array index value get one element from array using index in javascript findIndex() in js return the index of a value in an array javascript array from index to index javascript find index number array javascript get index an element in array how to know the index of a element in a array get index position of array javascript how to get the array index in javascript getindex javascript array return position of item in array js get element by index js array get index by value javascript array javascrpt array index of array method to find index in javascript javascript get index by value array currentindex javascript find array item index calculate index of array element in js find value in array index how to find index of value in javascript how to find out the index in array javascript js find index on an item by value index of find value array js find value at index javascript javascript get item by index js find index of an element index of array element findindexof method in javascript find indexes of element in array find index of item in array js js array find index and value ways to get the index of element from array in javascript get index of element in array apart from indexof in javascript js findIndex can i use get index of array value get array index in js ~ JavaScript findIndex get index of array html javascript findIndex javascript returning -1 get index of item array javascript javascript array get index element get item at index javascript how to find the index of an element in an array get index of an array from a function get index of array element how to check index of array in javascript get index value in array get an index of an array javascript js array get index where value get the index of a number javascript javascript how to find an index from a number in array how to get the index of an item in an array javascript find the index of an array element in javascript get index where are the element array javascript metodo findIndex javascript get array item index how to find the index of array in js find element in array by index javascript find array using index how to find the index of an array how to find index in an array javascript array findindex object find index by value javascript get indexOf value in array javascript finding an index in an array get array index of value javascript javascript get element from array by index 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array find index of string findindex javascript w3schools js serach value in array javascript print position of array how to get the index value of an array print position of the current item in list js get element index number javascript js get index of array item array item index how to get the value of an array index javascript js get index of element in list arrays indexof how to find index number in javascript how to find index number on javascript How to get index number from array how to find index of object javascript print index of array element idexof js get index of an array findindexof javascript array how to use indexof in javascript java script find index index of object in array js print array index js array find index js js array index javascript array find element by index javascript code for findindex js get the indexof of array js get the index of array find index of element in list javascript get index of a word in array js js index jquery get index of item in array 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array findindex in javascript find index element in array javascript get object array index findIndex of an array .test but returns index javascript javascript get index of an element in array javascript find with index find index of word in array js var index = realData.findIndex( fullData => fullData.id === newId) find index w3school array findIndex es6 javascript array get element by index access index of array js js list indexof find value and index in array js javascript get array element index js indexof start position how to get index of a value in array in javascript javascript get array index value nodejs indexof array get index of list js js find value of index findindex javascript return find index react how to check indexof of an object i array javascript js function to now index in array finding index of array find the index of an element in javascript array js get index of string in array js array find index search element in array javascript get index of array item javascript how to find the index of an item of an array element? array index not match condition w3school findindex in react js get index in array by value js indexOf array of object javascript get array indexof in javascript get index of item in array js get item in array by index javascript how to get the index of an array that has a value .js how to get index in list javascrit js array find with index how to get index in an array gdscript how to get an index of a value in an area in javascript get array index from value javascript how to find the index of array in javascript javascript find the index,htmlsite info find index of an array value get index of element j how to get the index of an element in javascript' access index array javascript array of objects index of get the index of array in javascript find item index in array javascript how to get index in javascript get index of element in array .index javascript find all index js get index of an element in an array javascript or condition in findindex javascript javascript method that returns the index get index of o element in array javascript find object index javascript array index value if index of array js if index of array how do i return an index from an array javascript How do I return an index from an array? value of index of array how to log an index of an array in javascript INDEX POSITION IN JAVASCRIPT find array element by index in javascript how to show index of an array in javascript access index of an item in array javascript iondex0f js get actual index of character in array javascript array index of item javascript array get indexof mdn find index in array in array index vy how to find element between index javascript string findindex arrray inclide how to get index javascipt array indexxxxof javascript how to get index of an array element findindex in array in javascript javascript find value of array with index javascript find value of index in array index of item in list javascript js 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in javascript find index of value in list javascript js get index of list find the index of an element in an array and return javascript findindex string array find the index of an array in javascript index of string array javascript javascript thishow to pull an array index how to find the index value in an array starting a search in an array at a position javascript return the value at index in array mdn indexof javascript findindex method how to find the index javascript get the position of a element in js array getindex in array js get the arry index indexof element javascript array pos javascript how find index of certain elemant javascript get value of array index inside array javascript get index of array within an obect javascritp find index of variabe in array javascript find index position javascript indexof callback javascript .indexOf() method array javascript .indexOf array javascript find index starting from js return value index get index of a number javascript get index 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value get element at particular index in javascript angular array indexof get current index in array javascript get element index in array javascript mdn javascript array indexof how to get element of index in array in javascript javascript find index array how to find the array index of a from its value find index of content in array get array item index javascript findindex by name in array how to find index in an array indexof array function javascript string array search in javascript indexAt js how to find the index of an element javascript how to know the index of an element in an array in javascript js findinex get index of an item in array javascript get index of array based on value javascript javascript Get array item position based on value node js find index of object in array finfind index in array finfind index in array w3 .indexof for arrays array javascript position get index of element js find index of get index of object in array based on value javascript how to find specific array string pos javascript get the value of element by index javascript index of a number in js parcourir index table javascript find index of array in array of stringas js array find index of element How to return indexes of an array in JavaScript index number of a element in array javascript find the index of a value in array javascript how do i find out how many index in an aray js how do i get the index of an array in js? for index value in array js array index of value js array.indexof js get index of element condition in array js how to find index of a value in array js js if index element index of list javascriot indexof for arrays findindex js array how to check how many index in an array javascript? js element index find index from array in jquery get index element js\ array findinex javascript index [] find index of value in array javascript actual index not first index javascript function findIndex indexof element in an array js find array from an index get index of each item in array javascript findIdex js array position how to match an array item in javascript javascript get index and name of array how to get index of array of objects that has value in javascript how to get the index of a specific value of an array javascript indexof method of array javascript get value of an array indexc based on variable find index of array element in javascript javascript search array return index javascript index of an array .get javascript use index array method findindex indexof in list js get index of an element in array js javascript getIndex javascript get array of index javascript get array index arr.fimdindex how to get an index of an array by value index of any value in javascript javascript indexof part of objects get the index of item an array javascript get position of object array how to search indexOf numbers in js findindex method js Javascript item and indx find index of an element in array using value in javascript check number index in javascript w3schools how to find the index in array find index of value in array js index of an array js get index of object array item js indexOf array method find object in array with index javascript index of element in javascript array index of array js of indexof of an array find a number in the array by index javascript get index of object in array js array.index js index in javascript how to return the index position value in array js how to return the index of a value in javascript findIndex not found value js search index list js return index array javascript find array index from value array javascript get index get index of array of objects javascript get index of array of value index of object in an array in js Array.prototype.findIndex() find index by string value in array javascript find the index in array JavaScript Array indexOf() ja find index get the index of an array javascript array findIndex w3 function to return value at index of array javascript how to get index of arraylist in javascript index of in an array index of arrray in js array position javascript how to check index of array for a certain character js js how to write out .findinfex get index of array how to find the index of a particular value in a array in javascript find index of html element in array javascript find element index in array javascript find first valid index in array js index of array prototype.findIndex get index in array in javascript javascript find index that contains value msdn findIndex javascript javascript findIdex indexof javascipr array how to print array index in javascript how to print the index of an array in javascript javascript get index of string in array of arrays index of in array javascript js array get object by index array indexof javascrit indexof in array in javascript array object index how to find index of element in list javascript how to find array index in javascript find by index typescript find this index array indexo indexof array 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