javascript remove uniques from array

// usage example:
var myArray = ['a', 1, 'a', 2, '1'];
var unique = myArray.filter((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i); 

// unique is ['a', 1, 2, '1']

Rubixphys12 15320 points

let uniqueArray = [ Set(arrayWithDuplicates)];

function removeArrayDuplicates(arrayWithDuplicates) {
    let seen = {};
    let uniqueArray = [];
    let len = arrayWithDuplicates.length;
    let j = 0;
    for(let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
         let item = arrayWithDuplicates[i];
         if(seen[item] !== 1) {
               seen[item] = 1;
               uniqueArray[j++] = item;
    return uniqueArray;

3.29 (7 Votes)
A-312 69370 points

                                    function getNotUnique(array) {
    var map = new Map();
    array.forEach(a => map.set(a, (map.get(a) || 0) + 1));
    return array.filter(a => map.get(a) > 1);

console.log(getNotUnique([1, 2, 2, 4, 4])); //[2, 2, 4, 4]
console.log(getNotUnique([1, 2, 3] )); //[]

4.33 (9 Votes)
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Relative searches
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delete duplicate elements in an array in javascript javascript filter unique items in array remove duplicates from array using javascript unique numbers in array js leave only unique values js array get unique id array js filter return non unique value js filter non unique value how to remove duplicates from javascript array js remove duplicates how to remove value from list to unique javascript remove duplicates from array in js how to remove duplicate numbers in array javascript how to avoid entering duplicate elements in an array in javascript javascript how to remove duplicates from array js unique array filter generate unique array js return uniques elements in an array using vanilla js check the unique of array find unique numbers in array remove duplicates element from array javascript using for loop how to filter unique numbers injs find a unique number in an array javascript count unique values from array javascript get length of unique values from array counting unique values 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javascript how to remove duplicates from a javascript array check unique values in array javascript js get unique objects in array remove duplicate string js remove duplicate from string in js javascript array functions es6 remove duplicates how to make array unique in javascript uniqueness of array in javascript unique elements in array based on condition javascript js find unique values count filter array javascript unique filter javascript unique number array find unique elements in arrays javascript array filter unique using javascript remove duplicates from an array javascript array filter unique numbers how to remove duplicate items from an array in javascript how to filter unique elements by key in array js get unique elements from array js find unique elements length in array javascript get unique values length from array javascript array unique value array array length of unique values javascript unique an array in javascript return only unique array values js ts get unique 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javascript typescript get unique values from array show to get the unique values from array in javascript get unique values from array js set to get unique values from array js how to get unique values from array using map in javascript get all unique values in array javascript to find unique elements in an array array unique in nodejs how to print unique elements in array in javascript javascript array unique id how to get a unique value in js javascript only get unique values in array of ints get unique value array js unique element array array unique values unique array of arrays javascript javascript arry unique value remove duplicates strings from array javascript delete duplicated element from array javascript finding unique in an array extract unique values from array javascript find unique elements in array in js how to remove duplicates out of array javascript set from array javascript unique array methods in javascript to get unique value javascript method to store unique values in array javascript store unique values in array how to get unique value from array jaavscript js array only unique values find the unique element in an array finding the unique values in array of object in js how to get unique values from array javascript how to find unique values in an array javascript find all the unique string from array js find unique values from array js take unique value from an array js delete duplicate element array get unique value for the array how to get unique values from array in js finding unique numbers in array javascript return an unique array array unique javscript javascript get unique values for keys find unique values in array in js find unique values in array how to keep unique values in the rray in javascript to find unique in js javascript unique values how to get all unique values from an array unique array list javascript js get all unique values from array find unique element in arrays in javascript get unique values from array javascript mdn unique items in array javascript get unique value js find unique values from array js with log n how to filter an array for unique values unique arrays in js unique in array how to get unique values in javascript array javascript algorithm return array of unique values js unique array entries array unique values js js filter get unique values unique values in javascript array remove not unique elements in array unique an array javascript how to set only unique values in array in javascript unique values array make unique array from arrays js js combine arrays remove duplicates find unique values in javascript array array unique value len of unique value in array js how to delete duplicates in js array how to find unique value from array javascript remove duplicate numbers from array find unique in array javascript find unique values in list js remove duplicates for string javascript get unique values js js array filter uniques array of unique in js unique value in javascript js get uniques from array javascript get count unique in array find unique array in js get all unique elements in an array javascript how to remove duplicates from array in javascript see how many unique values in array javascript javascript array unique set removing duplicates from an array javascript javascript array remove duplicated items how to get unique items in an array remove duplicate string in javascript get unique values from list in js getting unique items of array js array of unique values js how to make elements of an array unique how to get unique items js unique values from array without inbuilt function in javascript how to generate a new array of unique in javascript get unique values from array javascript without built in function get unique values from array javascript using without built in function get unique values from array javascript using withoutbuilt in function get unique values from array javascript using built in function unique record in array javascript get unique element from array javascript create an array of unique elements from array array unique number array only unique values javascript find unique javascript array filter unique values javascript find unique character in array javascript find unique elements in array javascript node js array unique log remove duplicates in array of strings javascript javascaript array unique how to find the unique values in an array count unique elements in array javascript how to find a unique number in array create array with unique values javascript how to only keep unique values in array javascript javascript unique array method keep duplicate strings in an array javascript how to make array have unique values javscript get unique values from array javascript get unique number based on time remove duplicates from array js js array unique elements and their count remove duplicates string javascript javascript filter filter unique value filter array unique values javascript array get unique values array unique get unique values from 2 arrays js find unique values in list javascript how to find the unique values in an array in javascript pure javascript return unique items in list javascript return unique values from array without array methods javascript return unique values from array find unique element in an array remove duplicate strings in array javascript find unique items in an array how to take out unique numbers in an array find unique values in array typescript javascript unique array of array remove duplicates in js make array unique value js remove matching value from array javascript filter unique objects in array javascript js array keep unique js remove duplicate string filter unique array js how to get unique items in js array count unique values in array javascript given array in unique elements javascript find unique numbers in array javascript unique element in array js only unique values in array set unique elements javascript array 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the array javascript find unique number in the array javascript javascript array of unique values get unique array javascript js array find unique values how to get unique values in array javascript calculate unique value javasccript js count unique array how to get only non-unique values form array using javascript js array with unique values javascript guarantee unique array value how to store unique values in array in node js find unique value from array how to filter unique property values from an array javascript how to make an array unique in javascript count number of unique values in array javascript how to find unique values in javascript array find unique elements array javascript how to find uniques items from an array what are unique values in js get uniques from array using key javascript how to find a unique value javascript make an array unique in javascript javascript get all unique values from array array get unique values javascript number of unique values in array search a unique element in an array js find unique word in array js find a unique word in an array js return unique values in array javascript how to display unique values in from array javascript remove duplicates of strinf from array using node js how to print unique elements from an array using node js how to print unique elements from an array sing node js how to print unique element from an array sing node js unique elements array javascript remove duplicate string javascript how to find unique elements in array in javascript how to find unique number in array get the unique values from array in js get unique values in an array js displaying unique number in array javascript displaying unique values in array using javascript from a given array how make array of unique id javascript javascript get unique number in array javascript set on array for unique items js check unique values in array how to find unique elements in array js array get only unique values js unique from array keep unique values in array javascript javascript array filter non unique values javascript find all unique values in array ensure unique javascript array how to create unique array in javascript get an array with unique values how to show unique values an array javascript javascript print unique value from array find unique in array javascript make array unique unique elements in array javascript Set js unique elements in array how to return unique element in array javascript how to remove one duplicated characters from array javascript how to remove one duplicate characters from array javascript how to eliminate duplicates in javascript array unique number from array how to get unique values from array in javascript finding unique elements from list of items in javascript find unique elements in array array unique items javascript filter unique items in array javascript remove duplicates from array javascript how to remove unique values from array in javascript how to remove unique value from array in javascript how to remove unique values from stringin javascript how to get only value which is not unique in array javascript how to get unique values from array remove duplicate values in js array remove duplicate value from string in javascript unique value in javascript array count unique values javascript remove all duplicates in array javascript js get unique value in array unique element array javascript remove duplicates from sting javascript how to filter an array to be unique find the unique element in an array javascript filter unique elements in array javascript count unique in array javascript unique elements in array remove duplicates in array javascript js create unique array how to get a unique value from array in js find unique object in array javascript count unique values in javascript array find unique elements in array typescript how to get unique values in a javascript array how to remove duplicate letters from array javascript unique array in js js unique array values find unique number in array finding the unique element in js find unique element in array javascript find unique value in array array with uniques values javascript remove duplicates in string js how to count unique values in an array javascript finding unique elements in an array unique value in array javascript set get unique values from an array filter array unique id js javascript remove duplicate words from string how to filter a unique number js filter array with only unique values javascript filter array with only unique values javascript\ javascript remove duplicates string find unique values based on key value elements in array javascript typescript remove duplicate values from array js array get unique values how do you find all the unique elements in an array remove repeated from array no repeat javascript javascript distinct elements in array javascript array delete all same elements check for unique value in string javascript how to exclude duplicate indexes in an array how to find unique values in array in jquery get unique values from array of json javascript unique elements of array filter distinct in array js get distinct values from list javascript javascript remove duplicate entries in array javascript get unique from array .getUnqiue() javascript js remove duplicates from array how to get rid of uniques javascript javascript filter array uniqe how to delete duplicates from a string in javascript remove dublicates from array filter duplicate array javascript from array select 3 value same value and remove javascript function to remove duplicates from array remove duplicateds in javascript array es6 javascript remove duplicates set string array remove duplicates javascript array with unique elements typescript get only unique values from object array only unique javascript how to delete duplicates in an array javascript nodejs remove duplicates from array return a unique array using index numbers javascript unique array of numbers js how to find unique values in array of objects using javascript remove duplicate values from array typescript javascript reduce to remove duplicates findUniq js how to check that all the array values are different and remove duplicate javascript compare and get unique from array js hwo to erase equal value javascript make array have all unique strings filter unique names array javascript reduce remove duplicates check for unique array in javascript distinct arry js filter for duplicates js find unique values in array js .uniq javascript javascript distinct items in array delete duplicate element js javascript filter array remove duplicates no duplicates in an array with set find unique value from array javascript without any function remove the duplicate elements in array javascript array select distinct javascript set disable uniqe js js filter array unique how ' to keep' duplicates while creating an object in es6 how 'not to remove' duplicates while creating an object in es6 set remove non unique numbers javascript get unique data count from array in javascript unique elements of an array javascript best way to check for all unique values in js array Create a function unique(arr) that should return an array with unique items of arr. how to filter unique values in js how fetch unique value in es6 make unique array in nodejs node js unique array of objects return distinct object javascript get unique objects from array of objects get unique from array how to get unique values from every objects in javascript filter out only unique items js generate unique id from string javascript js includes only unique values in array how to get unique record from two objects in javascript create unique array of objects javascript javascript array map remove duplicates how to get the unique values from array in javasript how to count unique values in array javascript js array delete doublon -jquery remove duplicates from string js how to remove duplicate from an array in javascript unique array of value and keys javascript how to filter unique values in javascript js array of unique values from key in array of objects remove duplicates javascript set unique values js javascript remove duplicate and keep first remove duplicates in string javascript js avoid array javascript map array of objects unique javascript array to unique Js get unique number typescript get rid of duplicates add html to list of unique values javascript ES6 distinct array of objects es6 get disting list of strings js array of unique js list unique values array same values strip javascript es6 array unique spread js array unique filter reduce duplicate javascript how to delete all of duplicates from array javascriopt find out unique from an array javascript javascript array unique value get only unique array item javascript object.values javascript .unique how to get unique values array js js return only unique values in array get unique values from array of objects react js map avoid same values javascript create new distinct object from another object js array without duplicates stirng distint in js javascript array,unique unique elements of 2 objects arrays nodejs how to remove duplicates in js get uniq from array extract unique values in array js node js remove duplicates from array .unique js remove duplicates from a given string javascript javacript uniq value in array loop to sort for unique values without using underbar javascript array.unique js javascript uniq array how to remove duoblicae values in javascript js count unique values in array how to find unique elements between trwo array in javascript javascript make list unique express server I wanta unique array javascript not duplicate array how to get unique object from array in javascript return array of unique values javascript duplicate line remove duplicate js arry get unique elemenst in array js uniq remove duplicates in js using set remove duplicates from array of arrays of string javascript remove duplicates from array of strings javascript js unique values in array how to remove multiple duplicates using js js get unique values javascript same array element not repeating how to remove the duplicates from array in typescript unique value in array javascript unique in java script find unique values from array javascript array remove duplicates javascript new set get distinct values from array js get distinct values in array javascript remove duplicates string array javascript js array filter unique unique valaue in array in js filter for same elements javscript remove duplicate numbers from array javascript js array remove dupliatted find ifferent values in array javascript remove duplicate value from array in javascript remove duplicate array es6 set does not removing duplicates javascript Filtering an array for unique values how to take a duplicate number in array js remove duplicate entries from javascript array duplicate array values javascript return non duplicate values in array javascript javascript array remove duplicate items array filter remove duplicates how remove duplicates in an array javascript array value unique check filter array to not have duplicates array without loop duplicates length javascript javascript get all distinct values from select options array with unique values javascript set how to remove duplicates in araay js only unique values in array js remove all duplicates from array typescript get rid of duplicates typescript how to remove duplicate values in array typescript map without duplicates javascript uniq command to remove duplicates javascript javascript add element fi no duplicates get only unique values in list js get unique item from array javascript removing duplicates from array js get distinct items in array js array remo duplicates array of unique values remove array dublicates js delete duplicates array js unique values in an array javascript array distinct javascript typescript array without duplicates js get array unique values unique array typescript filter duplicates javascript array .reduce uniwue value sjs js remove double remove duplicate from array react js for each loop unique values js filter dublicates how do I remove duplicates in array js remove both element if duplicate javascript filter the distinct elements from an array js filter array for unique values only one unique from array ks js filter duble value filter same numbers from array javascript uniq value in array js distinct array js remove repeated javascript JavaScript Array Distinct() javascript remove same identified record from array js check array different values array filter duplicate values javascript array no double values how to filter unique element in javascript filtering of duplicate data and making it unique data in js delete duplicate array javascript js array without duplicate keep only unique array nodejs filter on uniqueness js remove duplicates react js javascript array duplicate how to filter only unique items in array javascript remove uniques from array array delete duplicates javascript unique from js array get unique array elements javascript javascript array return unique array javascript function to return unique eleements of an array filter js unique array uniq() native js array duplicate javascript how to get distinct values in array js how to get distinct values in array angular array filter distinct keep only unique values in array js include duplicates with filter js js delete duplicate in array typescript remove duplicate objects from array javascript remove duplicate values from array js unique filter javascript filter unique values return unique array js remove duplication of array ele in js array.duplicates delete duplicates from array filter arrays no repeated new set print only unique values javascript node remove duplicates from array nodeJS duplicate / split values based on unique values of an array js array filter distinct es6 find unique values nodejs remove duplicate entries javascript sorted arrays and remove duplicates loop through javascript set no duplicates use reduce to remove duplicates typescript use reduce to remove duplicates how to make an array with unique indexes javascript remove duplicates array reduce array reduce remove duplicates array javascript remove duplicates js fastest way to dedupe an arrray array remove duplicate reduce javascript filter duplicates from array javascript only leave unique objects javascript only leave unique entries filter unique string typescript array array find unique values js filter unique values written only uniq value from arr array with unique values objects javascript use a set to get unique values numbers from array remove duplicates array typescript javascript + array + unique javascript value not repeatable remove repeated values in array js js filter duplicates from array how to unique array in javascript remove repeation from array js array keep unique values javascript array no duplicates find unique number in an array js find unique elements on array javascript Find Unique, Repeated and Distinct items in an array jafvasript unique if array has duplicates js get rid of both my uniq javascript filter duplicates in array javascript js unique array numbers unique array of strings javascript map filter unique entries js compare entries ensure only uniq allowed into form js filter duplcited js node.js remove double entries get unique value from arrray javascript use reduce to find unique elements in an array JS array filter doubles uniq js array select distinct javascript remove duplicate balise js unique elements in an array javascript array of unique values javascript js array filter unique values js array no duplicates use Set to remove duplicates javascript remove doubles from array Getting unique elements from the array? how to find all unique values of an array in javascript js array get tistinct array push set remove duplicates how can i remove duplicates in js javascript remove all doubles javascript set to delete duplicated froom array delete duplicated froom array javascript get all the unique id from array remove duplicate item from array javascript filter method in javascript remove duplicates from array remove same element array javascript how to find only unique elements from list in javascript unique array into find distinct value from array remove duplicates array javascript unique items from array javascript js remove doubles in list remove duplicates from array typescript set remove duplicates from array typescript function filterDuplicates js javascript how to not have duplicate in array js exclusive array es6 array filter unique values Get all unique values in JavaScript arrays (remove duplicates) js unique types javascript remove duplicates from array with set js remove same elements from array make strings in array unique javascript js remove string duplicates array of unique elements javascript get distinct list from array js array duplicate reject same item in array javascript Write a function called dedupe which accepts an array of integers and returns a new array with all duplicates removed javascript distinct array collection how to get unique values in an array javascript javascript find unique values javascript select unique values from array find only unique elements in an array javascript filter array for unique values javascript to get unique values from array some uniquen javascript remove value who duplicate in array array with unique values find unique value in array javascript array javascript unique javascript remove duplicate strings from array javascript Use Set to store unique values. js get indexes of unique array elements unique values of array javascript typescript unique value from array return a unique values from a array js get unique values from array of objects javascript array distinct javascript get distinct list from array how to take only unique values in array javascript js create array of unique values map unique values javascript javascript uniqify array javascript flatmap unique unique values from array js array distinct in javascript unique an array js how to make a unique array in javascript Checking for Uniqueness javascript leave only unique values javascript function return unique values from list javascript js unique array of string is unique javascript array array.distinct javascript uniqu values in js filter unique values array javascript filter only unique values javascript return unique array of strings unique from array javascript javascript get all unique values from array of objects array of distinct id in javascript unique values in array js tableau unique js unique function js array get unique list using map js new set array unique distinct from array javascript unique item in array javascript filter unique values javascript set make sur array contain unique objects js copy unique values to new array filter unique values from array javascript get distinct items from array filter only unique values array javascript javascript array get only unique values ditinct array using filter js reduce to unique values js proptotype uniq value in array get unique values from an array javascript make array unique javascript get unique values in array react javascript filter unique 2 elements in array how to return distinct values in array map function js array unique item with new Set javascript filter unique elements how to return unique values from array in js how to return unique values in react javascript using sets to find number of unique values unique array values javascript javascript only unique values left uniq array javascript array filter unique select distinct elements javascript get only unique values from list javascript make javascript array unique js unique array of strings get unique values in array get unique fields from all array field get unique values from array in javascript unique array js get unique values array javascript unique value in js how to get unique values in javascript filter only unique values from one array to another in javascript .qunieu array in javascript foreach filter distinct js filter distinct value js get unique elements from array javascript get unique values javascript unique elements in array es6 only show list with different get distinct javascript javascript filter unique how to get distinct values in javascript string array filter and get only unique values javascript js select unique values get unique values from json array javascript javascript unique array values javascript only unique values in array javascript make array distinct javascript unique values in array check for unique js objects in array check for unique values in array js array return unique distinct values in array javascript distinct in javascript get unique values in array of objects javascript javascript get unqiue values array containing distinc value get unique values from array array javascript unique elements uniquify array javascript make sure array is unique javascript get unique values from array find uniq value in array reduce array to unique values javascript compare object arrays keep only unique entries typescript array distinct javascript select distinct from array unique filter in javascript js uniq array unique javascript array unique array items in javascript javascript array unique values unique of array in javascript filter unique js javascript convert array to unique values get only unique values from array js js get unique array values show only unique values in array javascript find uniuein array javascript reduce keep distinct get unique items from array javascript javascript get distinct values from array how to filter unique items in an array unique values in array javascript javascript array of arrays make unique filter uniq javascript array what is a unique value in javascript what is a unique values in javascript array filter unique values how can I get unique elements from list of arrays in javascript check for distinct string javascript how to make a distinct call in a loop es6 self.indexOf(value) === index objects js get unique values from array js get unique from array how to get unique array by id in javascript Array.from unique values javascript distinct how to return unique element of arrays of arrays in javascript js unique in array javascript array unique strings how to get unique array in javascript new set unique array ts unique array filter unique values javascript extract unique elements from array of objects javascript set + array + unique unique values in an array check array have unique value javascript return unique elements of array return an array with distinct values from a object get unique values from array nodejs distinct in arry angularjs unique in javasctipt array filter unique array using timetoken in js distinct in js make a copy of uniques js get the unique values in array javascript array unique in javascript js array of unique items javascript array with unique values javascript collect unique key words from array of strings javascript unique array javascript get unique values from key json array map filter distinct js make arr unique unique values in array array of strings unique javascript unique map filter unique values in array javascript js distinct array check uniqueness js unique in javascript array stl unique in array find index of element of array that matches to a specific value js find index of element of array that matches to a specific value distinct array in js javascript make string array unique reduce and get unique values in javascript array filter unique filter unique numbers javascript array of unique all unique data in array filter array to unique values typescript array unique js unique items in array javascript select unique from array unique items array javascript js different from element of array js find unique values in array unique in javascript getting unique values from array in javascript unique id array javascript distinct javascript unique js js unique unique item in array find all unique value in array display unique values from array javascript distict array javascript unique array javascript get only unique value from array javascript javascript array distinct values distinct array javascript unique in array javascript javascript array distinct string unique array in javascript js unique members of array unique value array javascript loop javascript unique array of strings get only unique values from array javascript unique value array javascript get unique values out of an array javascript javascript get only unique values from array js array distinct extract uncommon data from arrays javascript extract uncommon elements from arrays javascript javascript unique array elements how to extraxt unique element in javascript unique elements in array javascript unique result in javascript javascript to get unique index find unique values between arrays distinct array in javascript how to unique js js array unique javascript how to only return unique elements in array return unique values javascript array distinct js array strings how to return only unique value to array find unique value in array js print unique values map function javascript js distinct js is unique array check unique js unique javascript array.unique javascript display unique values only javascript array unique javascript js filter unique get unique elements from array javascript getting unique values from an array check array unique javascript distinc array js javascript uniq uniq js js .unique typescript unique values in array javascript only return unique values from a map unique value in array js unique array javascript return unique values array javascript how to find the unique values in js get unique values of array javascript javascript unique list js unique array get unique values from arrau js js array unique values find unique values in array javascript to array from distinct get all unique values in an array javascript array select unique array unique js .unique javascript javascript array get unique values javascript unique how to make unique element in array return inique array values js js map filter unique javascript making an array only have distinct values javascript array unique javascript array values uniques get unique values from array javascript javascript array unique elements javascript find unique values in array javascript find all unique values in an array get unique values in array javascript array unique values javascript number of value with distinct in js array number of distinct in js array javascript distinct array
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