javascript integer length

x.toString().length // x is a number


                                    var colors = ["Red", "Orange", "Blue", "Green"];
var colorsLength=colors.length;//4 is colors array length 

var str = "bug";
var strLength=str.length;//3 is the number of characters in bug

4.2 (5 Votes)

                                    export function numberLength(number) {
	let length = 0;
	let n = Math.abs(number);
	do {
		n /= 10;
	} while (n >= 1);
	return length;

export default numberLength;

3.89 (9 Votes)

                                    var num = 1024,
str = num.toString(),
len = str.length;


StuR 120 points

                                    var num = 1234
number.toString().length; // 4

3 (2 Votes)
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