javascript hashmap

let contacts = new Map()
contacts.set('Jessie', {phone: "213-555-1234", address: "123 N 1st Ave"})
contacts.has('Jessie') // true
contacts.get('Hilary') // undefined
contacts.set('Hilary', {phone: "617-555-4321", address: "321 S 2nd St"})
contacts.get('Jessie') // {phone: "213-555-1234", address: "123 N 1st Ave"}
contacts.delete('Raymond') // false
contacts.delete('Jessie') // true
console.log(contacts.size) // 1

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    // Map decalaration in javaScript
const obj1 = { name: 'ismail' };
const obj2 = { name: 'sulman' };
const obj3 = { name: 'naeem' };

firstMap = new Map([
        [obj1, [{ date: 'yesterday', price: '10$' }]], // using object as a key in the map and object inside the array
        [obj2, [{ date: 'today', price: '100$' }]]
firstMap.set(obj3, [{ date: "yesterday", price: '150$' }]); //pushing the obj to the Map

// iterating the Map
for (const entry of firstMap.entries()) {



Rubixphys12 15320 points

                                    let map = new Map()
map['bla'] = 'blaa'
map['bla2'] = 'blaaa2'

console.log(map)  // Map { bla: 'blaa', bla2: 'blaaa2' }

4.5 (2 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    let utilisateurs = new Map()

utilisateurs.set('Mark Zuckerberg' ,{
    email: '[email protected]',
    poste: 'PDG',

utilisateurs.set ('bill Gates',{
    email: '[email protected]' ,
    poste : 'sauver le monde' ,


4 (8 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    // Use map to create a new array in memory. Don't use if you're not returning
const arr = [1,2,3,4]

// Get squares of each element
const sqrs = => num ** 2)
// [ 1, 4, 9, 16 ]

//Original array untouched
// [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

4.75 (4 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                           => {
  return item * 2
} // an example that will map through a a list of items and return a new array with the item multiplied by 2

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maps in javascript example MAP IN JAVAASCRIPT why we use maps in javascript map api in js use of array map in javascript javasript map i working with new Map JS how to map array in javascript what is map function in javascript when to use maps in js functions in hashmap javascript array map javascript example map used for js javascript initialize map from array create new map javascript javascript hashmap\ js create new map how hashmap works js .maps javascript define map javascript new map() declare and initialise when to use map in javascript javascript initialize a map mapping values js map syntax in javascript map() js is map an array js hashmaps in js functions java script .map function map javascript new map hash map in javscript map api javascript js hashmap example javascirpt new Map do we have hashmap in javascript what does the map function do in javascript map a array javascript map an array in javascript what is a hashmap in javascript map javascript examples what was js 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reference typescript map object map function parameters javascript another in map in javascript node js map data structure map data structure in javascript map object javascript array map with object how to map object in javascript javascript map in browser declaration for javascript maps mdn javascript map javascript assign map to itself variable map javascript node string map previous key/value map javascript check the previous key value map js map function in javascirpt mdn javascript new value in map js map update string map funnction on array index display the key map javascript hash map javascript array map key value javascript map in javascrpot map functions js mdn javascript maps javascrip map array keys map key value js map() javascript mdn javascript map key array map functions inline map and condition javascript maps() js ne map javascript js map object return type js how to create map object javascript new set map objec tmap nodejs objectmap nodejs map to array javascript javascript function map how to map js object how to return a map in javascript hot to .map js js populate object through map iteration map javascripts js instantiate map javascript data structures map map mdn javascript what version of js did map come how to use maps in nodejs use map in javascript .map(number) javascript map funcction string js javascript map support .map examples js hsahmap in javascript arr of strings map key map javascript nodejs not show map content javascript map on map how to use map javascsrpit Javascript Map Array count example how to print map js key value mapping through map in js map in an object javascript object mapping javascript javascript map function how to define map in model nodejs how to define map in nodejs map in nodejs model how to defined type as a map in node map object javascript example javascript ordered map object .map javaScript map code mdn .map react js mdn .map react mdn map react js new map from object map in javascript es6 js map array with keys map key value javascript node js create empty map map object values to number javascript es6 js map funcrions how map works in js how to show a collection [Map] js javascript map for numbers js how to map results as string in javascript Map constructor in javascript js dictionary map Javascript accessing map Map implementation js map javascript string iterate javascript map console log parcours d'un map js javascript var map = {} map structure javascript dictionary map in javascript mdn .map javascript what is es6 maps in javascript examples for or map js javascript new map spread maps in node js hashmap in javascript variable changed to map object accident javascfipt map es6 javascript map function in javascript map javascript object map the object js map collection hashmap in js Collection [Map] { js map .set to fill dictioanry with occurances javascript map on a single element javasceipt js map for objects node new Map([iterable]) map js mozilla add to a map js map javascript mdn how to use the .map in js javascriopt default object map js hash map what is .map in js map js Map sur un node initializing a map javascript ordered map js how map an object js .map object javascript mapobject javascript js map item new Map() js javascript map method console in map javascript js Map methods how to declare map in javascript map function for array of objects map of node .map() js collection map js map.js lotid object in map javascript map in javascript object myMap javascript js Map MDN js to map hashmap js js new Map() maps an object js maps count for website javascript maps count for webside javascript node js map function key value contains typescript map and filter with datatype .map function setting id with map javascript js map array set map js map in map js display one thing in a map js map function for objects create map javascript how to print Map Object in node .map() in javascript nod js map<int, map<int, int>> in javascript javascript key, value map map make object methods like map in javascript js .map in javascript javascript data map js javascript map equivalent javascript map implementation js ordered map create a map in javascript look up map js nodejs maps# js map {} object map map key objects javascript is key in map js javascript map property working with javascript map javascript Set map javascript map es6 maps js map object javascript how to map a value in javascript console.log map javascript log map javascript js hashmap object hashmapjavascript how to write new Map js javascript mpa javascript js use map in map typescript map constructor js map constructor interable TypeScript map ordered iteration example new Map(). javascript js map prototype js initialize map zero value Object of Maps javascript map data structure for of map javascript javascript map key value javascript map object where map() on object javascript $.map javascript map key to value js js hashm,ap map data structure javascript how to implement mapping javascript map methods javascript map OF objectsexample es6 map and object javascript javascript map and Map javascrip new map reference an item in a map kjs working with map in node js javascript map methods why does the map function require a key in javascript map how to show key and value map on map javascript javascrpit map js map create from variables map method javascript HOW TO ITEREATE MAP IN ES6 object map js node js dictionary map map js object inizilize map js javasctript map reoder map js .map js node map declaration javascript js map javascript documentation map() how to iterate mapin es6 jacascript map map data type new map() javascript ajvascript maps create map in javascript example map key is an object javascript javascript hash map javascript object map js create map map object in js hash map in javascript es6 map empty map nodejs how to use javascript map object how to map objects in javascript new map() map javascirpt javascript map datastructure map push javascript working with maps in javscript in javascript map function map i js initialize a map js javascript map key, value map with counter javascript map a tyle js es6 map object map map javascript mdn map map in object javascript what is mappinf in node js mapping in node js map in javascript example javascript create map object => js map return defined items map of a javascript object map map on a javascript object map map en js string mapping in javascript map typescript modifier propriété d'un objet avec map modifier propriété d un objet avec map map et objet map in jas .map mdn js object map hashmap javascript map mdn javascript map initialisation javascript hashmap how to do map in javascript node js collection map js new map js how to use /map map with key javascript substitute of HashMap in JS new map javascript map objects un dictionnaire en javascript new querystring() javascript javascript map mdn map in nodejs javascript map declaration mao in js maps in javascript create map in javascript js .map() object id map javascript Map<K,V> javascript js map () map exaples in javascript does javascript map return new reference javascript new map js ,map how to map in js MAPPING JS javascript map collection example order map js .map in js how do i populate global map in javascript function how do i populate global map in javascript node js map map of objects javascript map properties in javascript map in node js map data type in javascript mdn js object map javascirpt .map into an object map nodejs for map javascript javascript map example javascript display map object add a method to a map js for avec un map en javascript for map en javascript map en javascript how to use map nodejs maps in js create a map js Collection [Map] js how to map javascript construct map in javascript maps javascript display object js map Map JavaSscript node map mappings.ts map to an object javascript how to create map how to do a map in js mdn javascrip map Node.js Map() how to use map javascript nodejs map creat map in js js data to map nodejs javascript specify value and key type in a map javascript map => map object Node.js log Map object javascript map products js map object map object js .map node new map js map data js javascript map() map javascr how to use map js map assignment array nodejs map, javaScript js map() map in js javascript map array javascript in map map() javascript javascript how does map work in javascript with objects .map js javascript map class methods javascript create map mpa js javascript formMap javascript create a mapping object mdn map js map js mdn equivalent of map in javascript javascript map object javascript key value map .map() in js js maps javascript maps map js js map .map() javascript .map javascript map in javascript how to use map in javascript js .map javascript .map map javascript javascript map
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