javascript function multiple return

//function that returns multiple values
function getTopTwoColors() {
return ["blue", "pink"];
var topTwoColors=getTopTwoColors();
var firstValue=topTwoColors[0]; //get first return value
var secondValue=topTwoColors[1]; //get second return value


     function getNames() {
    // get names from the database or API
    let firstName = 'John',
        lastName = 'Doe';

    // return values
    return {

Rahstame 100 points

                                    function doubleEachElement(num1, num2) {
  return [num1 * 2, num2 * 2];
const [a, b] = doubleEachElement(68, 100);

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parameter returning o one object javascript two parameter returning of one object javascript return 2 value from object javascript function return multiple values react return multiple elements javascript return 2 parameters javascript return tuple javascript how to return multiple rturn statremts in JS return multiple objects from map function javascript return multiple values with variabel name in jquery returning value of 2 different arrays javascript return a pair in js javascript method returns multiple arrays how to get multiple variable from a function javascript typescript return multiple class calls how to access multiple return values from javascri[t function js function to return multiple variables jsfunction to return multiple variables function that returns multiple values js how to make a variable take multiple values in an array javascript how to make a variable take multiple values in node js function that return two values javascript how to add a method on two return 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declare object pass two value node jss how to return two things from a function in javascript return muitple var js more than 1 return in a function javascipt return two variables javascript with params nodejs get the greater value easy from two variables get two value out of an array in javascript function return multiple values js return multiple things js js get one var from javascript retuirn multiple values from a function how to * two values and then + a value javascript function javascript return multiple lines how to have function return multiple in JS how many times can you use return in a javascript function how many returns can a function have in javascript can you return more than one thing in javascript return tuple js is it possible to return multiple values from a function in javascript typescript nodejs api return multiple model multiple returns for javascript return multiple variables in js have function return multiple values javascript how to two variable return together in javascript typescript return multiple objects javascript get 2 values 9² return multiple values in function javascript return a two list javascript function javascript return multiple values with properties function javascript return multiple values hwot o return two objects nodejs get two values from an array returning multiple values in javascript and accesing them javascript multiple return unpack javascript multiple return returning two variables in javascript function javascript return 2 values from function javascript find return 2 values how to return 2 objects in javascript return multiple values from a method java script js funciton return two values js function that returns two variables function return two values javascript return multiple values array javascript how to access returning multiple values in javascript return two variables javascript javascript function capture 2 values javascript function capture 2 values into array return multiple from function javas ript return mulitple things javascript multi return js javascript return more than one value from function one value - one value in js multiple returns js js return several variable javascript tuple return return tuples javascript return many values javascript how to return two values in js return two values from a function js javascript return more than one variable javacsript return multiple values node multiple value between return two values from a function typescript return multiple variables javascript javascript function return more than one value return multiple values in js javascript function return two values js function with 2 or more js return tuple js can I return two items? how to return two variables from react function typescript return 2 values for loop return multiple elements js javascript return muliple vlalues get item and return it multiple times javascript mutiple types of returns in node js js function return 2 values return two variables in javascript javascript return 2 values nodejs return 2 values javascript return tuple return 2 variables javascript how to return two things in javascript can you return 2 .then node expression function returning 2 results in javascript how to return twoo values in js js return 2 values node js return multiple values js return multiple values from function how to return a tuple in javascirpt function returns multiiple properties javascipt let instead of const function returns multiiple values javascipt let instead of const return tuple from function javascript get increase javascript with two values how to have two variables return from a method in javascript return multiple things javascript assign type of return of two options in javascript return 2 different objects typescript return 2 objects from function typescript return multiple variables in javascript returning 2 values in javascript how do i return 3 parameters in javascript couple values js return multime values javascript return function js with 2 outputs javascript multiple return values nodejs return few attributes how to return multiple values from a function javascript how to return more than one line in javascript retunr multiple this how to print multiple results api javascript return two values javascript map return multiple values js return multiple lines return two values in javascript returning tupe lajavscript return 2 different types javascript multiple return values javascript returning value from another method laravel return value from another method laravel javascript return two variables python context manageer return multiple values nodejs return array from function and assign to variable nodejs return multiple array nodejs return multiple values how to return two values in javascript javascript multiple returns how to return multiple values in js how to return more than one value in javascript javascript return multiple return multiple items javascript js return two values how to return more than one value function java script javascript more than one return value return 2 value js returning multiple values javascript node js return two values how to return multiple arrays after loop in js why is my loop returning multiple values js how to retrun two params javascript function retrun 2 vlaues javascript 2 returns in one function js get specific value in multiple js javascript return multiple values and javascript return two results at same time js return assign multiple var returning multiple values js can you return multiple things in javascript how to return multiple value from js return two things javascript return two values from javascript function javascript function return multiple javascript returning multiple values how to return multiple times from a function javascript return a two tuple from map javascript return tuple in javascript javascript return multiple function return more values without using array js return multiple values in javascript how to return 2 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