javascript format number as currency

const formatToCurrency = amount => {
  return "$" + amount.toFixed(2).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$&,");
formatToCurrency(12.34546); //"$12.35"
formatToCurrency(42345255.356); //"$42,345,255.36

Theshad0w 80 points

                                    // Javascript has a number formatter (part of the Internationalization API).

const number = 123456.789;

// another example 
console.log(new Intl.NumberFormat('ja-JP',  {
  style: 'currency',
  currency: 'BWP',



                                    function formatToCurrency(amount){
    return (amount).toFixed(2).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,'); 
formatToCurrency(12.34546); //"12.35"
formatToCurrency(42345255.356); //"42,345,255.36"

4.67 (3 Votes)
Brevagrs 115 points

                                    const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
  style: 'currency',
  currency: 'USD',
  minimumFractionDigits: 2

formatter.format(1000) // "$1,000.00"
formatter.format(10) // "$10.00"
formatter.format(123233000) // "$123,233,000.00"

4.33 (6 Votes)

                                    (12345.67).toFixed(2).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,');  // 12,345.67

4 (3 Votes)
Tom Gullen 90 points

                                    // Create our number formatter.
var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
  style: 'currency',
  currency: 'USD',

formatter.format(2500); /* $2,500.00 */

3.88 (8 Votes)
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For example, given n = 123456, return "1,234.56". Given a positive integer n representing the amount of cents you have, return the formatted currency amount. For example, given n = 123456, return "1,234.56" how to convert number to format in euro javascript js money formatter convert numbers to custom format in javascript javascript currency symbol format Javascript format to currency javascript format to money .format javascript money moneyFormat() javascript syntax for usd javascript javascript number format typescript accounting number format javascript number to money javascript floet to currency format euro javascript javascript format float as currency format currency with javascript number to currency javascript dolar monetary format js format money as currency in js currency format javascript vanilla currency formatter javascript convert number to currency in typescript js currency typescript format currency format number to money javascript javascript format money js format currency us format number javascript js number formatter js format urcurency js float currency js convert number to currency price format js currency Format js display negative balance before curency letters javascript display usd currenccy javascript number format string currency format number to curancey money peso format js money format js currency return javascript javascript currency format format price javascript js add prices europian not show $ sign number format javascript javascript format currency javascript number format currency js format number to currency javascript format string as currency javascript usd format nearest dollar javascript usd format javascript format usd convert to cureency format while typing javasctitp convert from integer to price php javascript change number to currency js formatToCurrency js convert number to money javascript js adding ',' to currency number money number format javascript currency js change currency sign how to format javascript numbers as currency money formating javscript javascript currency decimals function to make any number a dollar ammount javascript tyscript format number to money js currency format displaying number as currency in javascript format javascript number float to curenacy js format cost value js format number as currency javascript currentcy number format js javascript format as currency convert number to money format javascript javascript how to format currency as number euro curency string to number javascript format string as currency javascript format string to currency javascript format number currency javascript money format in javascript javascript number convert to currency javascript number to currency number split currency javascript javascript dollar format format money in javascript javascript function money format javascript money format js format currency format money javascript dollar value formatter javascript currency formatting javascript js int to money js format price in dollars js format number as price javascript custom format currency dollar format javascript javascript string format currency number to currency javascript currency format javascript javascript dollar sign format javascript format price how to format number to currency in javascript format money js format to currency javascript number to string javascript money how to format money in javascript javascript convert number to currency javascript number to currency string javascript convert to currency stackoverflow js format money stackoverflow js format moeny\ javascript format number as currency formatting money javascript format amount in javascript
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