javascript find type of variable

> typeof "foo"
> typeof true
> typeof 42

if(typeof bar === 'number') {


                                    typeof("string"); //string
typeof(123); //number

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object js how to get type of object in javascript js get type of element js ghow to get object typwe using typeof in javascript is type of javascript how to get the typeof a variable in javascript how to find the type of variable in javascript Javascript check item type typeof function node js typoeof type typeof js print var type javascript typeof method how to check datatype in javascript javascript find type javascript how to tell if a datatype is string javascript return the type of data as a string javascript data type check javascript show type htypeof in js typeof value === 'string' how to check type in node js typeOf function js typeof(42) javascript of type string react typeof function javascript value types check datatype in javascript typeof function is obect javacsript chgeck data type in js javascript object[type] type of variable javascript how can i check type is function in javascript how do know the type of a variable js react check data type javascript return type of 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type how to use type of oprerator js js find object type set type of variable function javascript node js how to use typeof is variable type function javascript js get data type get type of object javascript js @Type() javascript list type of type of object js how to get type of data in javascript How to know the type of a variable in javascript? js type +<> console.log(datatype); typeof for number console log type of javascript javascript check type of value typeof string javascript Type coiers javascript typeof false typeof 3 javascript how to use typeof javascript node js get data type js get type of object value how to check the type of variable in js typeof item is number in javascript finding type in javascript print object type in js use typeof print type of variable javascript javascript typeof == number javascript typeof number typeof calues check variable type in javascript javascript what type of object js check type of variable what is the type javascript typeof object in javascript type function javascript get type of property javascript typeof js array of strings type of value in javascript how to find typeOf in reactjs type js javascrpt typeof using type of javascript wich javascript type js type checking typeof(string). function that returns the mean 42 on javascript get the type of something in javascript console.log typeof js find type of var typeof of function in javascript typeof function in javascript javascript if typeof number how to get the type of a data in javascript typeoff not string javascript typeof string how to check typeof javascript typeof variable javascript javascript typeof function check javascript typeof function data type javascript check javascript type check how to find out the data type in javascript type of object in javascript which type javascript javscript to find the datatype value type javascript js typeof function typeOf javascript method use typeof in javascript how to know data type of var in react type of check 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javascript data types js object type checking get variable type js javascript print var type check typeofstring javascript javascript verify if it's correct type how to check the type of element in javascript js what type print type node js check if type of data or string js js type of object js type of check in object js type variable node js type off how to check type of string js js object type how to see datatype js typeof -infinity js get type var js get type of var js print type of value in js detect data type js javascript test type of object check datatype in js check for type in javascript check the data type that return from javascript function check for type javascript find data types in javascript js check whether basic data type or not checktype in javascript how to check a data type in js how to check what data type in js check datat type in js js detect type is object find variable type javascript js get the datatype of variable type in javascript check how to check type 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