javascript copy array map

let arr =["a","b","c"];
// ES6 way
const copy = [...arr];

// older method
const copy = Array.from(arr);

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    const sheeps = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Juice'];

// Old way
const cloneSheeps = sheeps.slice();

// ES6 way
const cloneSheepsES6 = [...sheeps];

3.83 (6 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    workers = => 
  employee.occupation == "Iron Man" ? (employee.occupation = "Philantropist", employee) : (employee.occupation, employee)

Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    element.baz = condition ? foo : bar;

3.33 (3 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                           => Object.assign({ }, employee))

3.8 (10 Votes)
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Create a shallow copy array Javascript how to copy a array in js copy the entire array in js how does javascript copy array javascript copy entire array copy of an array reacrt js make a copy of an array in react copy to array javascript copy to array create copy in same array javascript createa copy of array js how to make a copy of a js array javascript copy array without reference copy a list in js copy all array elements javascript how i copy arrays js new list from old list javascript copy array javascript without reference how to copy data in array return copy of array js copy arr in js arr copy in js how to copy a matrix by refernce in js javascript return clone array copy all values from one array to another javascript how to copy 10 elements in javascript from one array to another in js jsx copy array When we need to copy an array make a copy of an array in javascript javascript .copy list how to copy the array in javascript how ot copy the the array javascript javascript array copy options arrays js copy besto option to clone an array javascript make a copy of an array to another array copyOf vs clone array javascript clone an array in js javascript clone array using push method on array after making a copy javascript copy of an array js copy args array javascript copy array map javascript copy array without element copy array javasc javascript array clone copy array to another array with spread clone and array javascript copy array to another javascipt how to copy an array copy array to another js clone array js array copy in javascript copy a part of an array in javascript cloning array in javascript copy contents of array javascript copy array by value javascript make a copy of a javascript array copy an array to another array javascript copy an arra in js copy an arra yin js HOW COPY LIST JS clone element of array copy an array in javascript make a copy of array js arrays copy js javascript copy arra javascript reference another array how to duplicate array javascript es6 array copy how to copy array by value in javascript create new array from existing array javascript javascript copy array\ number ways to create a copy of array in js return a copy of array from function javascript copy aray in js javascript return copy of an array make copy of array in javascript javscript copy of array function how to copy array injs copy arr js duplicate an array shallow copy of array javascript copying arrays javascript splice to copy a list in javascript immutably copy array how to copy one array to another javascript copy of array js js copy array in variable how to make a new copy of array in javascript how to make a copy of array in javascript copy map in a new array javascript array copy new attributes copy content of array, javascreeipt copy array javascript without index 0 copy array by property javascript js: how to make a copy of an array js: make copy of array how to clone a list in js copying array in javascript with ":" javascritp make copyy of array make a hard copy of an array js how to create new array from existing array javascript clone array with new property react copy array how do you copy an array to another array in javascript js copy array by value copy an array into a new arrya :js how to dublicate a array js javascript duplicate array how to copy into arrays javascript javscript array copy javascript filter array create clone how to coppy array in js copy and array javascript copy an arary js create a copy of array and configurable How to copy an array into the space copy array javscript js copy content of array how to copy a list in javasctipy es6 javacript 2d array copy how to copy the value of an array how to duplicate array copy all second values of arrays javascript copy js list duplicate array javascript javascript copy array from to copy array to array in javascript javascript how to make a copy of an array how to copy one array variables to another how to make a copy of an array js copy of an array in javascript get a copy of an array javascript javascript how should you copy array transfer array method javascript copy arrays in js js create copy array from another js array copy writable shallow-copied Array js js list shallow copy javascript copy a list clone array in js at the new es6 is better? 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Array.from creates a shallow copy clone an array from state typescript copy an array with less parameters copy array without reference typescript clone array by vslue how to copy array without reference in javascript copying an array in js copy array in javascript without reference copy values from an array create copy of array from another array react make a copy of array from another array of index 0 in react fully copy array copy a javascript array create new array from old array javascript clone array js es6 duplicate an array into the same array javascrip js create new array from existing es6 copy array by value how to copy readonly array copy by value javascript array javascript copy array value not reference copy one array to another js clone array ref js copy one of each item from array javascript array copy js js create a copy of list create new array from existing array using javascript copy array contents into array js copy single new array into new variable array cop 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