javascript class inheritance

// Class Inheritance in JavaScript
class Mammal {
	constructor(name) { = name;
	eats() {
		return `${} eats Food`;

class Dog extends Mammal {
	constructor(name, owner) {
		this.owner = owner;
	eats() {
		return `${} eats Chicken`;

let myDog = new Dog("Spot", "John");
console.log(myDog.eats()); // Spot eats chicken


                                    function inherit(c, p) {
        Object.defineProperty(c, 'prototype', {
            value: Object.assign(c.prototype, p.prototype),
            writable: true,
            enumerable: false

        Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, 'constructor', {
            value: c,
            writable: true,
            enumerable: false
// Or if you want multiple inheritance

function _inherit(c, ...p) {
        p.forEach(item => {
            Object.defineProperty(c, 'prototype', {
                value: Object.assign(c.prototype, item.prototype),
                writable: true,
                enumerable: false

        Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, 'constructor', {
            value: c,
            writable: true,
            enumerable: false

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