javascript and

0 == false   // true
0 === false  // false, because they are of a different type
1 == "1"     // true, automatic type conversion for value only
1 === "1"    // false, because they are of a different type
null == undefined // true
null === undefined // false
'0' == false // true
'0' === false // false

B Jensen 100 points

                                    var hungry=true;
var slow=true;
var anxious=true;

//&& means and
if(hungry && slow && anxious){ 
	var cause="weed";

4 (1 Votes)
Mohd Aman 95 points

                                    let a = true;

let b = !a;

console.log(b); //output: false

Hassaan 95 points

                                    //The OR operator in Javascript is 2 verticals lines: ||

var a = true;
var b = false;

if(a || b) {
	//one of them is true, code inside this block will be executed

4.1 (10 Votes)
Karolien 110 points

                                    Operator	Example	Same As
=	x = y	x = y
+=	x += y	x = x + y
-=	x -= y	x = x - y
*=	x *= y	x = x * y
/=	x /= y	x = x / y
%=	x %= y	x = x % y
**=	x **= y	x = x ** y

Kitizz 85 points

                                    if(a <= 5){

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greater than x but less than y javascript javascript difference == and === javascript not operator number difference between and javascript javasrript not operator not logical operator in js js == === difference and in javacript javascript if is not less than and and or javascript is there and in js javascript less or equal operator greater than equal js less than or equal sign javascript difference between == and === in javascirpt js less then equal less or equal js diff between != and !== in javascript What is the difference between "==" and "===" in javascript? what is $ and _ in javascript what is difference between & and && in javascript What is the difference between == and ===? javascript how to use : and ? in js greater tahn less than in javascript NOT operator in javascipt the different between ?? and || in javascript greater or less than javascript javascript operators w3 javascript or operator not working ?? AND js javacript and difference between ~and ' in javascript not in operator js difference between != and !== in javascripot less than operators javascript js less than not = in js what the difference between != and !== in js what the diffrence between == and === in js not in operator in javascript and and and js : and ? javascript what diffreent between == & === in javascripit and and or js js ?? operators how to type less than or equal to in javascript what is the difference between == and === javascript but not operator js javascript not operator syntax less than operator in javascrip not javascript operator diffenrence of === and == in js number greaterr than less than javascript another way to write less than equal to javascript != =! difference js equalor less in javascript difference between and in javascript what is operators in javascrippt difference between = == and === in javascript what is ?? and || in js how to use not operator in javascript less than js the difference between === and == in javascript W3 javascript operators and and operator javascript operators javscript difference between === and == in java script how to write less than in javascript not in js greater than and less than condition in javascript js greater than and less than what are javascript operators difference between == and === in javascript w3schools using and in js w3schools javascript operators what are the operators in javascript difference between -= and -, js and and or in js java script / and % diff between == and === js equal or greater than javascript difference between =, ==, === in js = and == difference in javascript diffrence == and === in js how to write less than equal to in javascript js difference between = == === javascript operators ?? and javacript js '' and "" node.js less than or equal to if not less than js while do less or equal js and javascript\ differenence between === and == javascript difference between != and !== in javascript less than sign javascript & and | javascript js difference === using and or in javascript less than equal js how to use and and or in javascript IN JAVASCRIPT operators javascript less then operators javascirpt mathjs operators less than symbol javascript what are operators in js less than equals js ' ' and " " in js and || javascript w3 greater and less than in js ? and : in js javascript : and == what is the difference between == and === js javascript ? and : what is the difference in js between === and == what is the difference in js between === and -- difference in =and : in javascript javascript difference == === not operator js if less than javascript greater than or equal to js javascript syntax for and operators in java script javascrpit Operators less then js what is in javascript not operator of not in javascript what is the difference between == and === What are the differences between == and ===? javascript less than 4 in javascript .What are the differences between == and === in javascript? What are the differences between == and === in javascript? explain javascript operators with example difference between == and === in j javascripts operators difference between & and || in javascript !== and != difference javascript == and = in js === & == difference JS What's the diffrence between === and == in JavaScirpt not operator java script what is an operators in js difference == and === js write less than in javascript how to do and in javascript and in js diff between == and === in javascript javascript {} and [] difference between == & === in havascript difference between and '' in javascript operators in js ?. Or AND js javascript ^ operators . and [] js js < operators javascript ?? operators equal to or greater than symbol js less than or equal operator in js js not less equal to what is the difference between != and !== javascript less than sign js javascript "==" and "===" difference javascript what are operators What’s the difference between == and === in JavaScript? javascript << and >> what are operators JavaScript less than or equal to javascript if statement is not less than javascript javascript less than not working difference between !=and !== in js and syntax js javascript and {} less than or equal to symbol in js what are operators in javascript js less than or not equal to sign js less than or equal to sign "and" js operators in javascirpts, js ? and :: java script operators js equal or greater than whatts the diffrence between == and === in javascript javascript and ! not not operator js javascript and and js less than equal to equal to or greater than js js if greater than and less than jsavascript operators javascript greater than or equal difference == and === javascript how to less that or equal in javascript or and and in javascript js and javascript js operator for not difference in == and === in javascript less or equal sign javascript js less equal javascrips ? 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What is the difference between ‘==’ and ‘===’ operators? difference between === and == in javascript not in js javascript = == === difference less then or ewual to in javascript javascript less than javascript // operator javascript <= opperator or javascr or and and in js javascript if or operator what is === in react javascript ^ operator or sign in javascript javascript !== $ operator in javascript comparison operator w3schools javascript javascript ; or not Difference between == and === in js what is the difference between === and == in javascript and logic javascript less than or equal to sign javascript difference between === and == javascript this and this or this js defference between == and === less than equal to sign in javascript javascript && w3 javascript "> or ." diference between == and === javascript ^ operator in javascript difference between 2 strings js interview logical and operator javascript how to use and operator in javascript or sign in js javaascript and operater and en javascript javascript operands javascirpt and or et logique javascript js && || javascript operator eclaimer javascript == vs === deference difference == and === and or logic js == vs === in jquery javascript && js && not equal to operator in javascript js if and javacript or and condition javascript `js and or or javascipr w3 js >= or javascripåt w3schools logical operators !== java script not not test javascript javascript operator ?? ternary operator w3 what's the difference between == and === in javascript what is and in js how to havea. variable equal to an operator in javascript not not javascript == and === difference js || === and == difference javacscript and comparison operator kjavascript and or how to write or in javascript the difference between == and === in javascript java script how to type or how to use and or operator in javascript operators in javascript what the difference between == and === % in javascript javascript in operator javascript boolean ! and !! javacript ou & in js jafa script or what is the difference between a == and === in javascript JS if || how many == to use in javascript javascript operator and != !== string js operator in javascript and or js how to assign greater to or less than to a variable in Javascript different == and === in javascript ? and : in javascript conditional operator in javascript w3schools less than equal to symbol in js ^ in js === and == in javascript java script or operator and operator in javascript example logical operator js <?>in javascript string operators javascript what is the difference between == and = what is the difference between == and === how to make an or in javascriptp how to use and in js difference between = and === in javascript || js js --- what are the == and === in javascript "or" in javascript javascript if and or \ in js javascript with operator how to use or operator in js logic operators javascript or or condition in javascript between the ==`` and=== |& javascript difference == and === in javascript !== in js comparison operators with variables in javascript jquery > operator js or condition javascript & operator logical OR in javascript ~ operator in javascript and operator in js !== in javascript javascript /' javas script if or or operator in javascript example javascript is there a difference between == and === javascript if variable 1 or variable 2 equals variable 3 if(rsg_id != '') in javascript operatorBtn jquery Strict equality operator (===) differs from regular equality operator (==) in that it checks if both values on its right and left are of the same type first. If they are not, it doesn't try to coerce them to be the same value and just returns false. javascript ?== What Is the Difference Between “==” and “===”? (Choose the correct answer)The double equal “==” is an auto-type conversion and it checks only value not type.The triple equal “===” is not auto-type conversion and it checks value and types both. or opreator in javascript javascript how to set a variable to less than or equal to javascript or or or symbol js how to do "or" in js? how to do or in js? js or operator string ajavascript boolean words not not of string in javascript and operation javascript difference between != and !== in html == vs === javascirpt == and === difference in javascript or symbol javascript not operator in js javascript [*] difference between = and == and === in javascript OR EN JAVASCRIPT javascript remoteChild where value equals <&= javascript javascript or javascript js not equal to operator ou logique javascript javascript not in operator node.js === versus == or symbol in javascript the not operator !! javascript js if not js does not equal \ in javascript how do i do operation check in javascript && js less than operator javascript %]# javascript difference between == and === in react native difference in == and === js js logical operators == === javascript difference x in javascript js less than or equal == and === in js <== in js and operator javascript ou js and and or in javascript not = operator javascript is not js condition % signs in javascript and condition in js operator.value is a correct syntax in javascript == html js not operator ore in javascript javascipt or if not in javascript if not javas not = javascript javascript ? and ?? javascript difference between = and == and === whta is ?? and :? in javascrupt js or statement javascript and statement javascript ... operator javascript not equal to % operator javascript <= javascript javascrip if or condition && javascript javascript ? operator & in javascript javascript operator javasacript conditional && comparison operators javascript javascrip or what is === in javascript javascript operators javascropt and or javascript and & && javascript !! in javascript javascript string comparison w3schools ... in JS js logical ? OR and AND js or and condition in javascript differencebetween == and === in js !> js x:y syntax in javascript and operator in javascript java script or or condition in js js logical or vs if difference javascript js if vs || ** operator js locgicl operator or in js js or operator in or operator in js or operator in javascript if different javascript and sign js less than equal to symbol in javascript and symbol in js or statment javscript >= = javascript logical operators in js w3school does not operator in js jquery $ operator or condition injava script javacript if & javascript . or , != javascrpit ternary operator in jquery w3schools javascript logical operator javascript different operator javascript or statement js >= operator difference between == and === javascript differance between ' ' and " " in js not operator js what's the difference between ^ and + in javascript equal to javascript logical operators javascript what is the difference between / and % in javascript javascript >== js if this and this and symbol javascript javascript is equal to javascript >= !== javascript what does === do in javascript and or javascript javascrpt is jot javascript or and statement or statement in javascript and condition in javascript javascript or symbol javascript && condition if and operator javascript and or operator in javascript what is the difference between == and === in javascript js if...and sign or js dif btwn == and === in js jAvascript dif btwn === and == and to do and not if statement javascript and operator js how to use is in javascript javascript logical and operator difference between '' and in javascript what is difference in == and === in javascript and or statements js difference between == and === operators jquery difference from == to === javascript what is diffence between === and !== javascript difference between == and === javascripot or x == "5" and x === "5" js and and or not operator javascript and javascript javascript locigal or hwo to wreite or in javascript difference within ==== and == javascript === in or statementin javascript jquery and operator diff between == and === in js ternary operator w3schools js and condition less than equal to symbol javascript and js javascript ! and ? javascript <== differnece between == and === in java script differnece between == and === if or js difference between === and == javascript equal to js difference between == and === what is the use of=== in javascript if not javascript example == vs === if ( || ) javascript javascript and or javascript if and difference = == === in javascript == === in javascript w3school javascript compare how to do or in js ?? and .? javascript or operator js difference between = == === javscript or javascript compare two values less than or equal to js javascript or operator or command javascript javascript minor or equal and operation injs || in js string plus int javascript javascript || difference between == and === js what does === mean in javascript difference between = == === in javascript add value to variable javascript what does === mean in java in javascript == and === in javascript nodejs === PHP and python difference between () and [] difference between / and // in python differnece between === and == in javascrpt logical and javascript && function with string javascript difference between == and === in javascript not javascript javascript if not logical or check js es6 not condition javascript or and js and or less then equal javascript and or in javascript jquery operators js difference. || ?? or operator in jas javascript and operator 2 logic or javascript two logic or javascript jquery && operator logical and in javascript or operator javascript javascript not operator js and operator and in js js or javascript not javascript operator | to java or in js a no sign in javascript not js or js less than or equal to in javascript javascript or less than equal javascript or in javascript "or" in js and or in js logical operator javascript js and not or sign java script and in javascript or javascript js not and logical operator in javascript less than in javascript not in javascript end operator javascript javascript and or operator less or equal to javascript javascript less or equal javascript less than or equal to if not javascript javascript logical or javascript logical and string to logic javascript javascript logical operators less than or equal to javascript js and javascript and javascript logic
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