
const myArray = ['Sam', 'Alice', 'Nick', 'Matt'];

// Appends text to each element of the array
const newArray = => {
	return 'My name is ' + name; 
console.log(newArray); // ['My name is Sam', 'My Name is Alice', ...]

// Appends the index of each element with it's value
const anotherArray =, index) => index + ": " + value);
console.log(anotherArray); // ['0: Sam', '1: Alice', '2: Nick', ...]

// Starting array is unchanged
console.log(myArray); // ['Sam', 'Alice', 'Nick', 'Matt']

Blobrana 105 points

                           item => ) item => item.toString() ) item => item * 3 )

// this will apply a transformation to all elements of an array
// "" item => something "" is the transformation (function)

3.78 (9 Votes)

                                    let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let filteredNumbers =, index) {
  if (index < 3) {
     return num
// index goes from 0, so the filterNumbers are 1,2,3 and undefined.
// filteredNumbers is [1, 2, 3, undefined]
// numbers is still [1, 2, 3, 4]

3 (1 Votes)
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js function map map fun in js map using arrays Array using map Method in JavaScript EXAMPLE MAP JAVASCRIPYT map for array in javascript map function js example meaning array map( javascripr JavaScript Array Methods .map() functions in map javascript how to use the map method in javascript .map javacsript javascript map array functions javascript, map declare map array javascript js arary map javascript what does map function do js What is map function in JS? javascript array in array map map array elements javascript map in javasript array map functin in js what is the map array function map function js array map() in javasccript array map es6 use of array map in javascript javasript map i map ajvascript js map array function map () js js map how to array map works map on array js map arrayjs js map of array array map] What is map () in JavaScript? javascript map ? javascript map explained map Array of Array in js how to make a arry from array map in javascrip map () in js map on array of javascript can we use map function for array in javascript map method in array javascript how to map a javascript array nodejs js new array .map how to map an array in node js .map new array how to map javascript js map with function map function in array js javascript map make array javasrcipt array map javascript array map this js mapp function map() function javascript how to write in js js in js how to array in map js jkavascript map how to make map from array javascript array map () map javascript function explain javascript map map() on js how to use map array in javascript node array map what is map function in js arrays map map structure from array js dom with map() function js javascript map this map array with in map ... javascript js Map() function javascript define map javascript what is the use of map in javascrit map functionin js map function for javascript array map aray in js .map array mdn map method in javascipt javascript map´ javascipt .map javascriplt map function how to map on array in js what do how to use array map in node js map functions js java script .map function array,map js javsscript map js map arrap array . map javascript map array function in javascript map function ijs map fuction in js array from array map map array in array javascript map how to use javascript javascript array map fucntion map en javascript js implementation mdn javascript map array with function js map function on array js map function example js map elements map in array in js map a array javascript map in js example with array whats is ?.map in javascript array?.map() arrr?.map() js javascript map of array javascript map injavascript array = javascript use array as map in node map an array in javascript map functio js jaqvascript map array map func \ map javascript js function map use a map in javascript map javascript how to use what does array map do array mdn map map functionality in javascript js .map[ javascript map [] nodejs array map function node js array map javscript array map how to use map function in js array js map what does function do in js maps javascript array javasscript map method javascript + map using map method in javascript map() en javascript what is what does the map function in javascript what is array map in javascript array map javascript\ map function javascript example javascript map ... javascript create array map array map in node js javascript element array map map in javascriptd how to using map in array in javascritp javascript map arrays how to use map on array in js how to map on the array js js how to use .map in function javascript map arry what map array in javascript map fun js map function array js javascript map arr is js map an array map() in javascript mdn how to use map as arrays in javascript method what does map array in javascript .map javascrupt javascript array map function example map values in array javascript js arr map array on map map method syntax javascript js array map method js ,map this map array js javascript map ,method what is array map in js map funciton js does js map work with arrays javascript arra map what is map() in javascript map in javasacript map function in javascipt array maping js array map examples javascript use map in array what is js how map array works .map with array nodejs how is array map method made how is array map methodmade javascript map method example nodejs map from array map a function javascript mdn javascript array map map elements js map funtion js javascript map arrra y javavscript map array map explained javascpt Map javascrip map function map functin in js javascript map on an array how to map arrayjs javasctip array map map array ? new map from array js map from array javascript map? array js how to map an array in javascript javascript map as array javascript map with this array mapjs how to .map in javascript map javascript syntax is array in javascript map? map javacsrip map gives array js map i j create a map from array javascript array to map map in javscript map on an array mdn get array from a map in js what does map() do in javascript js .map( javascript array map this array javascrip .map example mdn js array map js elements map mdn array map method forming map using array What is a map in javascript? mapping an array of arrays javascript array of map in javascript what array map do in javascript map array in es6 javascript map on array js javascript how to map to arrays javscript Array#map javascript array array mapping array map in map an array in js js map array of arrays javascript new array map array map methods in js js array of array with map js map a map this map example js using javascript map array ... map javascript array map in array map with functuon javscript how to use the map function js map map javascript javascript ,map syntax of map() in js .map( javascript map method example in javascript map js functions javascript array.maps Map with array how to map array javascript .map method in js map functionjs what is .map javascript what does map do with an array in js javascript array?.map() map javascript what does map method for arrays do in js map function method in javascript map function in javescript in javascript how to do .map in javascript js get array from map maping array in js map()js map method js use map with javascript how to do map function in JS? javascript map a map .map() function js what is .map in javascript what is in js mapping function javascript map methodes javascript javascript map a map js in js javascript map array [][] how to use map for array in javascript map array[i] in javascript map array to function js map array js [...] map with map javascript .map(function) js jaascript map how map function works in javascript js Map { javascript map( array maps javascript how to map array items in javascript syntax of map method in javascript map method in javasxript how to array map js use function es6 array. map with a function map an array in an array array map\ what is the map in javascript ,map javascript map functoin in js array map function javascript javascrip[t map what does the map method do in js js map array example map in js array java script array map what is the map function in javascript javascript map keyword javasacript map javascript map function example map in array map use javascript new array js map .map .map javascript What is array map on JavaScript explain with example in javascript map in javascript what is map method in javascript method map() js map javascrip javasript map javascripot map .map java script how to map on array map on javascript javasritp map function javascipt map function javascriopt js .map array map array mdn arrays javascript map map in javascrit javascrpt map map array javascript example es6 map array [].map js js map functions map( js map in js arrays how to map array items map example javascript javasccript map javascript array map map in javascripy map Javacript how to map in js js map functoin array .map syntax array map method javascript map javascript function example map an array in node map in javascipt js map array ? javascript arrays map array map function in javascript map from array map of to array js javascript function with map method javascript map method in function in javascript is js array map map array javascript with function javascript map , js using map() using map js map of array in javascript javascrip array in map Map ,map in javascript map javascript map what is .map in js map functions in javascript hjs map array map from array js map functions in javascript explained map methods in jaavscript javascript map fucn js array from map map arrays in js map funciton in js funciton map javascript in function map element javascript fucntion map en js javascript array map example map a map javascript array map() mdn javascrtipt map js array map() js map map how to use js map function javaascript map javascript array maps => ()} what is this map js js map funciton map() method en js what is javascript map .map method in javascript javascirpt .map javascriptt map função map javascript map javadcript mdn js javascript map arrya arrray map javascript what is javascript map function array mapping ? javescript Map what is map function in javascript js array,map array from map values javascript .map, js js iarray map what does array map return in javascript array from map array mapping in js mdn map javascipr map with array in javascript javascript array map() array javascript mapa map functin js js map to an array .map array method jaavscript map js map on array array .map example, 1) array map implementation in javascript what is a map in js map array to dom js map( js map from array map with function js map items javascript map in javascript map function in javascript array how to map {} javascript javascript how to map array map reference js javascript .map method js map with arrays map array es6 what does map function do javascript map in javascript functions get Map() as array js get map as array js how works map js map method in js js method in js js method array map ja what is the map in js js . map mdn javascript map in array method map javascript array map() method what does the map method do in javascript array .map method .map en javascript how to use js map map syntax javascript map function in javacripts javascript map function array map function example javascript js .map function map function is javascript javascript es6 array map what map function do in js javascript map arrray What does the map function do in JavaScript? make a array map function array map js example how map function work in js mdn javascript map javascript .map arrays of arrays map func js what is array map how to map array in javascript how to use array map in javascript js array.mapo map function injs how to use .map in js map () and get element in array es6 javascript map () es6 javascript map array method javascript javascript map functions JavaScript is .map an array method? javscript .map what is map function javascript what does .map do in javascript js map array in map js map() in javascript es6 map method array javascript array with map what is javascriot map function map array map in function javascript map function example in javascript js map an array javascrtip map array map and get element javascript map values to an array javascript map method array javascript javascrop map map elements of array javascrip array map map.() js using map function in js js map array syntax .MAP EN JS map function array javascript js. map map using javascript map new array map jvascript map function array javascrit map array map() make new array from map javascript javascript mdn javascritp map what does map function do in javascript javascript . map map functoin array javscript map map using an array create array map of each function .map, javascript What is the Map function in js do js how to map array js map array en js .map javascirpt javascript map map function how to map an array js how to use the map array method in javascript map(_ , i) javascript array mapping javascript meaning map method in java script .mapin javascript function map javascript map js] how to get array element using map in javascript what does the map function do in javascript .map function in jaascript map function new array ? how does the map function work in javascript create array from map in js how to use map method in array array method map js js map values from array syntax of array map in js map function on javascript map function in javascripts what is map function in array javascript what does the map function javascript javasctript .map java script map how to use map method in array javascript js new Array map .map javascript javascript .map example method map in js js .map arrays map () in javascript map ARRAY javascript javasrcript map map in javacript map method js mapping js java script map function .map((e, i) javascript mdn javascript map arr map js javascipt map js map explained in js map[] javscript map javascrit javascfript map what is map javascript map() method in javascript Javascript array functions map map in javascript .map function js array . map map array in function array map method javascript mdn js map() how to map js . map js map on array with function in js map js function js map() in js new array javascript map how to use the map function in javascript new array map javascript jacascropt map array get array from map javascript array mapping in javascript arrray map js javascript array mapping js map elements in array js mdn array map use map to get values from array javascript nodejs map .map on an array in js js map as array use array with map in javascript js arrsy map javascript array map explain js array with map map as array js array in a map javascript array?.map array of array js to Map map items in js array. map js javvascrot map jaavscript .map method javascript js aray map array methods javascript map javascript create map from array javascript javascript array map function create js map from array map array of arrays js js map arr get array from javascript map js array of array in javascript map array mapµ js map arow mdn js mapping js ary map array maping map.array map javascipt javascrjpt mdn node js map array ,map js example how to create array map in javascript array. map can you use map on an array js // nodejs mapping an array js map on array in javascript syntax how to map array how to use map on an array in javascript mdn mdn javascript .map javascript array map dom elements map in array javascript map javascirpt map javscript mapping function on array javascript includes while mapping 2 values in javascript map arrays array .map js array map[ how to map an array map function on arrays array map mdn map javascript map an array what does do mapping array with array javascript map on array javascript" use map on array javascript array map javascript example array= map map function for array map in array js map syntax js js map method .map javascipt javascript map array of arrays javascript javascript map from array js map arrays map javascript map function syntax js map function javascript syntax for in javascript array map methods in javascript mapping array javascript map certain items in an object array map function in javasript map by js map function js array map javascript mdn map function in js javascript Map .map() js map function in javascript map on js jasacript map .map function in javascript javascript map() function javascript map syntax array to map js map array to map javascript array to map javascript function map js nodejs map array how to do map from array in javascript array map function js javascript map js js map function javascript map function es6 array map map values as array js js map dom js array.,map in javascript mdn in js array map map function js es6 can we use map with array in js how to use .map javascript that takes original array how to use .map javascript js6 map object .map javascript .map() syntax array map only index over 0 arrauy in map array map inside array map javascript map js array javascript map arrauy js map function for objects using map using map to return an array javascript javascript javascript spec array map map functin mdn javascript js map fn how to map an object using a callback ufnction javascript js map get array value map array of arrays javascript using map array javascript map function for one value in an array js uppercase array to map in javascript using map to select funcition to fire js javascript map on an array javascript map javascript method js .map index how can i make function in a map function function to map() js function in map() js map in es6 example map an array js arguments map js, map array of numbers mappping in javascript map array of arrays array map javascript return function map if 2 vaues are true javascript array map methos prototype map array array .map function mapping through function how to run a javascript map inside a javascript map javascript js replace map()\ map through array map array in js .map callback [ Map(array(item, index => [ item[index]['key'], item, index ]) ).values() javascript map with function map throw every for element javascript return type of map in javascript map return value javascript return map output in javascript by {} arrays map javascript use map with callback functiyon javascript how to tartget secoond array returned in map object or array map function in javascript with index map expect js vue js javascript map second argument mdn array map new map () javascript map through an array javascript array map documentation js map lop map array to new array of property javascript .map array js array mapping typescript array map where i find map nodejs javascript .mapped() extension which map function arguments javascript prototype map conts newlist => javascript nodejs map example .map syntax javascript .map function javascript native code map parameter javascript map an array javascript es5 map an array javascript .map(function js async buikd out map function javasdcript javascript array map method map function in javascript es6 how to create element like map fuction in javascript js array any map map on array of objects in javascript map function in java script map methods in javascript js array map with index map over array javascript js use .map to put arry of object values in array map in javascript with a function how to import map method in javascript map of array value not returned in node js map javascript map return list Map to array js typescript js map with array value object map function in javascript map metho js index map list javascript return map javascript map javascript array to object map objects in array javascript html map objects in array javascript javascript aray map array mapping function node map does .map return a new array map array of objects javascript using map in node js js mao js using map how to use node js map how to get the index in js map es6 object map to array new array .map js array[].map stub map array object javascript does .map need paramters js .map index javascript js .map in new array get an item from an array with map js ja map map data js map creates new array javascript map in number in node js return in map array value map and change value javascript map to array javascript how to call map inside a array function javascript array map + javascript javascript maps javascript map exception how to map an array javascript javascript map array of objects "where" map array data to a variable array js map function array entries map javascript how to make a new Map() of an array js javascript map example javascript mdn map conditionals javascript arrayMap to make the video url javacript Map array map function array map mdn why we use method in javascript map javascript return what map on array maps in js how does .map work dot map syntax javascript map array of object map() js mdn map over an array map() javascript javascript: map stntax array map typescript nativescript js es5 javascript javascritpt map how can i make make an array map for a specific number how to use map to select html elements in javascript javascript .map() split output of map function javascript object javascript map method on array map 2 object with array inside javascript map function syntax javascript map array index js map array to object convert map to array javascript with index mapping an array to specific number nodejs Object.assign array map javascript map function parameters return an array in map how to use map in array of objects in javascript how to return an url in a map function javascript array .map mdn argument types on map in javascript map() function javascript array .map() map javscritp map property javascript javascript create map from array map js syntax es6 map array of objects with indx ans item in js map funciton javascript .map work on objects js array map element before element map javascript parameters index of array javascript in map javascript map in array loop array map mozilla how to three array map in javascript is a .map an array? use .map as map map return an array of objects typescript map loop array using array map les map sur javascript get array of all map values javascript map in array es6 mdn js map get map arr object javascript mdn javascript map operator return value from map function map array values javascript get map length js js using map to find how to use map in node js javascript map to string map an object from an array map through array of objects javascript javascript .map return object .map(_,i) javascript map array of objects map array in javascript object key in map function of js and object property what is a map in javascript map.js array in js map java script .map where do we use map method javascript map function using .each how to check type map in javascript map polyfill map return objeccts documentation javascript documentation map () .map to array map object to array map length in javascript java.scripting array map return from function inside map js map objects to an array run map on object map pver api arrays how to use map method on array of objects in javascript javascript array to map js map function array .map array javascript javascript array .map mappping js dispaly data inline map array inside array in javascript map without using map javascript how does .map work javascript javascript mapping how to map in javascript map use in javascript javascript array objects map map get value and put in the array target a specific object in the arra by .map map array and return a portion of the map map in javascript array js map insid emap js map object to array access map array js dictionary/map/object/hash/associative array javascript mapping javascript array ma .map through array at [0] javascript array .map examples js map example rarray map examples of a map method javascript map fucntion javascript map function javascript documentation typescript map index map array array map index map array index javascript map to array array .map how to distinguish an element how to map through a list in javascript how to map through a list javascript javacsript map map index value javascript map index javascript map es6 mapping in javascript !. in javascript map map the array using id map() in javascrpit javscript maps javascript ma node js map function how to use map function in javascript javascript .map(d, i) javascript object javascrip .map map. javascript in javascript map an array of elements javascript map example in javascript how to map elements to new array in javascript map in node js javascript map values to array map function with array what is Map in js used for js map index node js do map syncerus MAP JAVASCRPIT using map on an aray how to use .map in javascript how to use map in javascript .map javasript map jascript js .map() js map return object map array with x number javascript array map of a number javascript array map assign result .map mdn how to use map javascript map functions javascript nodejs array map javascript map index map methods javascript in javascript .map function javascript if key not number in array map javascript error Map keyword js .map js function is map javascript javascript map methods .map in a array map array method mozilla mdn js array map function jsmap using apply array. map javascript javascript map with index map in array in javascript map method in javascript .map array .map method javascript map property into array javascript map() .map in js what does [0] mean in a map javascript function to fetch .map() js .map array of objects only some .map() in js javascript array methods map javascript array map index search for array in map look up array in map look for array in map js map methods return object from map javascript .map fucntion js map string js map to array js map with internal callback ts map function map over array js map object in array map array of array javascript js map from number array map example javascript map callback .map in javascript array map method in javascript array .map ts does map have to return javascript map function arrays js create map from array js create map Mapmethod in javascript es6 does map return a new arry map.function array javascript map javascript map array element javascript map see array key arguments in map javascript how to map array in array javascript js js array from map javascript js does map have to return mapping an array map function index js array map nodejs map parameters map array function javascript map object with option and return array es6 how to use in api maping through an array array(map) array map in javascript example array map javascript with in js map array key using map in javascript one map function into can we implment another map javascript .map function js instinale map with array map list in js map over an array and create a new array based of object value map and create new array javascript using map javascript Map function arraymap js javascrip map .map() javascript js .map js array to a map javascript .map list map javascript javascript map over array js map javascript return object javascript map in javascript array mao array method map es6 map to array parameters for map how does js map take array as input how to use map in j javascript map method map es5 map array operator .map over array array object map map js map() js .map javascript .map() in javascript map javascript new map function in javascript .map js map() in javascript map javascript arguments map method javascript map in javascript callback js map? map function on array javascript to object map first 2 elements in array in js javascript mapping function array protoype map array ma javascript how to write map in javascript array mapping javascript map array of js what does map method do in javascript javascriptarray map object map function example js javascirpt map array map javascript arrow function online map method javascript to string array map syntax using return map in javascript js examples js map function name .map javascript array .map index js reverse .map function javscript array map to object js map function. map funcrion in js does return a new array js includes array .map in javascript What is the returned value when using the and array.filter() methods? .map without map javascript how to map a var to a function in javascript js array map^ array .map in js js mapping a matrix for a select number of elements array iterate map js function with map ES6 Map() map javasript type index array map map() javascripy array.from map javascript eval javascript js mapping array how to map data inside of a map in javascript array of map values map array of numbers to array of objects js create array of numbers javascript map array with map inside mdn map array .map(_ => array new map javascript mapping over an arary map array ks .map parameters in js javascript map object with array map from end of array forward using map map how to create new array consists of strings with the names formatted as first last nodejs map ouput array of objects first item in array map mapping array of elements js js array to map find some any map javascript functions map js with index search in array of object using map js get array in map .map method MDN js map on array whit one value js array .map examples of using map in js javascfripr map use map in javascript javascript use map with function can you map over a number in javascript javascript object array map map() ja next.js map array Create a function that takes in an array of numbers with a map method Return a new array containing every even number javascript javascript array map reference or value js arrray map javascript es5 map javascript what happenns wen calling map js return individual items javascript map array to object can a map have an array using .map .map is to array as blank is to object how to use map method on a fetch object js js map syntax map injs javascript map create array javascript map every function array.prototype map (Maps([]int{1, 2, 3})) mdn .map js arraty map map wrt array javascript index js javascript return object from a map javascript map index example array /map js passing a function to map js pass a function to map js .map with index js /.map js Array.fill map array 1000 number map javascript javascript map with index example array map explication array map function within select in javascript how to map an array of objects in javascript javscript map function pass function to map javascript how to shift() undefined objects in javascript prototypes map array map array of object javascript map array in object javascript array .map() how to map through array and save a postiion in js using map method on array of objects javascript map() es6 map() collection using arrays as values in maps javascript nodejs map array of object properties javascript map return array javascript map function with key value in javascript maps operator - JavaScript in arrays object.array map each item map js return use map and every hoc javascript Object map to array in js map((_val, i) => i + 1) .map in javascript array map over array reat javascript array map in java function map javascript example javascript array map create new array Array .map javascript js array map mdn node js angular array map map javascript running all element at once node js map api calls from array javascript how to map list javascript =map function es6 geting object value start map function from the second element in array injavascript index of map javascript map over array of objects javascript map mdn array array map return object javascript example JS MSP .map arguments map function of js javascript what does map do js map array of objects by key js map get iteration javascript map by array map array keys javascript map array in javascript function in javascript ecmascript 6 .map new array() map how to map with index js map function in javascript on object return single value javascript .array map map return array js map function with inde Javascript how to make sure that cells in an array are numeric using map function to return object in array by index js map array 2nd value array map in javascript javascript map array key javascript list-map 3 elements at a time javascript map function mdn map array js js map array javascript how to add object to array c .map() javascript arguments index optional increment sautomatically length of mapped array javascript if statement length of mapped array javascript correct way to iterate over an array with in an object being maped over map javascript array mdn javascript map function map populated reference data in nodejs js array map javascript .map array map object javascript array runtime of arrayy map javascript javascript for each item in array map new array map array javascript array map js array map js array map in js array map javascript . map array javascript map array javacrit map array to object js map index js transform array js does map create a new array js .map return type array maap map function syntax in js .map with index javascript how to reduce index in map function javascript what is the ma method of an array JS map overobjects in an array and return the first three array to map in node.js javascript array map method javascript array map javascript map array
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