iterate over array javascript

var data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

// traditional for loop
for(let i=0; i<=data.length; i++) {
  console.log(data[i])  // 1 2 3 4 5 6

// using for...of
for(let i of data) {
	console.log(i) // 1 2 3 4 5 6

// using
for(let i in data) {
  	console.log(i) // Prints indices for array elements
	console.log(data[i]) // 1 2 3 4 5 6

// using forEach
data.forEach((i) => {
  console.log(i) // 1 2 3 4 5 6
// NOTE ->  forEach method is about 95% slower than the traditional for loop

// using map => {
  console.log(i) // 1 2 3 4 5 6

Asker44 85 points

                                    var txt = &quot;&quot;;
var numbers = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25];

function myFunction(value, index, array) {
  txt = txt + value + &quot;&lt;br&gt;&quot;;

4 (3 Votes)

                                    array = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]; 
for (index = 0; index &lt; array.length; index++) { 

4.67 (3 Votes)
Theta30 120 points

                                    let array = ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'];

// Here's 4 different ways
for (let index = 0; index &lt; array.length; index++) {

for (let index in array) {

for (let value of array) {
  console.log(value); // Will log each value

array.forEach((value, index) =&gt; {
  console.log(index); // Will log each index
  console.log(value); // Will log each value

4 (9 Votes)

                                    let array = ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'];

// Here's 4 different ways
for (let index = 0; index &lt; array.length; index++) {

for (let index in array) {

for (let value of array) {
  console.log(value); // Will log value in array

array.forEach((value, index) =&gt; {
  console.log(index); // Will log each index
  console.log(value); // Will log each value

3.67 (3 Votes)
Isha 105 points

                                    var colors = [&quot;red&quot;,&quot;blue&quot;,&quot;green&quot;];<br/>for (var i = 0; i &lt; colors.length; i++) {<br/>    console.log(colors[i]);<br/>}

4.25 (8 Votes)
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through an array in javascript javascript functions to loop over arrays js for array loop for loop through list js loop throug javascript array loop on array in javascript how to use loop of an array in javascript iterate over an array in js JS loop through arr loop through function array javascript for loop for an array how do you loop through an array loop on array javascript loop array inside array javascript js es6 iterate over array for loop an array loop through js array ways to iterate array in javascript javascript looping through entire array javascript for loop through array for loop in javascript array js array in for loop for loop with array for loop with array javascript javascript array looping how to loop through array javascript javasript for loop over array how to iterate through array javasript javascript functions loop array for array loop js looping through an array javascript iterating over array in javascript javascript arrays for loop for loop with array js loop 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array in javascript loop and create array js js iterate array for loop node loop through array for loop iterate through array js loop throuugh array items for in js loop throuugh array items js loop elements array looping array in javascript nodejs code to loop through array iterate over javascript array iterate through array for in va javascript for loop iterate through array of arrays in js for loop string javascript ierate over array js js loop over items in an array for loop for array of html elements array loop javascript i,j loop in javascript array js loop array in es6 iterate array loopinh through an array itterate through array javascript go through array in javascript iterator function in array javascript for loop to iterate array in js js navigate in array array iterator javascript Use a for loop to iterate over an array. js for loop to loop through array index js for loop to look through array index for loop to go through array js list loop loop over array elements javascript javascript array no item after for loop javascript for loop traversal javascscript loop through array js for in array for () javascript javascript loop through list iterate list of string array in javascript loop over arr javascript iterate array single value javas ript for loop through array js loop in loop loop through the array and log number besides js loop arraylist javascript for(i in array) javascript for js node for loop for each array javascript array itself javascript array iteraton with element iterate an array of strings in javascript iterate an array of strings how to iterate over array in javascript how to loop over a list in javascript loop array in array javascript loop over an array over and over loop throught array javascript itterrate arrays javascript iterate through arrays javascript js array method for looping js array method for loopeng loop through and store parts of array js array under a object javascript loop through an array foreach javascript w3 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each array from list of arrays javascript loop a array in javascript loop through a lisg js javacripts functions arra and loopig for over list in js how to loop through an array using of js iterate over indexes of array loop in array in javascript Best way to iterate over an array elements jquery for loop how can i use list for for loop in javascript looping through arrays javascripts for js for with array in js javascript lists iterations for of javascript lists js for loo[p how to trevers in side of array javascript array javascript array loop w3schools get each value of array in for loop javascript .for loop js .for how to iterate in js how to loop through an array that also has a string javascript iterate over an array looking for a word in javascript. iterate through array for js javascript for loop through array of arrays javascript loop through array of arrays how to make array loop in js javascript for loop an array for loop to return array javascript loop through an array javascript es6 example iterate over an array js loop through an array and take the first value out of each array javascript iterate array to get values loop trhought array for loop javascript over array loop through array is numeric iterate array using for loop in javascript for iterate array javascript how to itterate through elements of an array javascript without map function' loop through array javascript foreach iteration on {[]} in javascript for loop jquery js array loop and return how to iterate of collection of list javascript loop array of strings javascript javascript for loop ain array looping through array how ot get number of ements iterated ove array javascript loop array inside string loop array inside string javascript java script iterate list how to loop through an array of strings in javascript loop around array index 4 element loop items in array how to iterate array and store them into string using javascript javascript loop through each item in a list javascript 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js how do you loop it into a list javascript loop to go through array javascript diffrent ways to iterate array in javascript javascript array iteration with of and each for loop for an array in js javascript loop list loop thorugh array outpu save into an array javascript loop throw js loop over [][] iterate in javascript array for list javascript looping over items in list javascript js array loop number of method to iterate arrays in javascript loop over array of string in js js iterate through array from point js array iterating js for loop if array value is array js for loop if value is array js for loop array in array in array for cycle array for i array javascript for loop looping through array loop until end of array javascript for loop gets all values in array how to loop over an array how to iterate thourh array js loop the array and find the name js for i of array javascript javascript for loop singular array find iterate throguh an array javascript run through items in array in javascript iterate through string array javascript iterate array for loop javascript how to loop through every element in an array array iterators javascript how to iterate over a list in js js for element of array javascript array iterators loop over arrayc# how to iterate over an array in javascript to get the last elemtn how to iterate over array in js javascript html list in for loop for each loops javascript javascript for loop with arrays length loop through array and add values to it how to cycle array values loop throuh array for of loop through array and check if it includes item js loop out values inside list js loop inside list js iterate over array after specific element js iterate over array after specific el javascript loop through array each js array each to string how to loop through elements in a list js get array in for loop how to cycle through an array javascript iterate over array without length iterate a matrix js javascript iterator over array javascript for loop inside array js sequential loop array how to loop through array of arrays in O(n) array mehtods tha loop in javascript array methods that loop over the elements array itteration methods javascript prevent loop through string instead of array go through each element in array JS hwo to iterate through an array in javascript how to loop array values in javascript how to iterate array files in javascript loop through an array of some length iterating array in html looping over array javascript how to loop through a list javascript javascript how to loop over array how to iterate typescript array in html js while array how to go through an array javascript use for in loop to return values into an array for js array iter looping arrays in javascript iterating with array in javascript js for through array javascript loop through list of elements traverse array javascript loop through array in purescript how to loop over an aeeay javascript javascript each array loop loop array return 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javascript javascript javascript loop through items in array looping an array in javascript iterate through array javasript How to make a loop using for js can u loop through array in html using an array and a for loop in javascript to print out onto html ilerate array javascript HTML javascript loop of elements loop thru array javascript array traversal in javascript looping over arrays js how to store foreach in a variable js how to loop an array in javascript for loop through array in javascript javascript for loop array length go through list js get iterated array item js for for each how to iterate through array js looping through arrays in javascript array loops in javascript javascript foreach array of objects loop through array in array javascript adding number in an array using the .forEach() method in javascript JS cycling through an array javascript foreach loop array of objects loop an array javascript for loop string array in javascript javascript array iteration method 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for js array array javascript string itteration js iter array iterating through all items in array javascript array for each for loop over list javascript how to iterate through an array as values in js loop through elements of array javascript loop thour array for in loop for array in javascript js loop from the top of array how to iterate in array in javascript enumerate array in js how to go through through an array in javascript left loop an array in javascript iteration methods javascript how to move through a array javascript loop through array and get element that return true javascript how to iterate array of array in javascript js iterate mjutate array ways to iterate array in js javascript hopw iterate array javascript for in array value js array iterator methods for in in havascript array traversing array in javascript javascript for loop array elements how to loop through an array in javascrip javascript running array within array looping through an array of stringa 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