image source react native

//Local import (relative path)
<Image source={require("./assets/snack-icon.png")} />
//External import (web path) you should specify the width and height
<Image source={{uri:"", width:200,height:200 }}/>


  style={{ width: 100, height: 100 }}

3.86 (7 Votes)
Ramona 90 points

import React from 'react';
import { View, Image, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    paddingTop: 50,
  tinyLogo: {
    width: 50,
    height: 50,
  logo: {
    width: 66,
    height: 58,

const DisplayAnImage = () =&gt; {
  return (
    &lt;View style={styles.container}&gt;
          uri: '',

export default DisplayAnImage;

4 (8 Votes)
Them 90 points

                                    // useing require is more secure
	source = {require('C:/Users/Tutorialspoint/Desktop/NativeReactSample/logo.png')} 

4 (9 Votes)
Lupus Nox 115 points

  source={{ uri: 'app_icon' }}
  style={{ width: 40, height: 40 }}

4 (10 Votes)

                                    &lt;Image //change imagePath with the real path of your image, for example ./src/image/image.jpg

4 (2 Votes)
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dynamic img in react native how to add image from assets in react native react native image from link react native preload image react native image onload image viewer react native React native photo display image list react native use pictures react native react native image show orininal img source in react native image onpress in react native react native share image Image Component in React-native props images react native react native display image from file react-native image package imagen surce react native elements react js network image src image react native url react native image import will load once app start img uri reactjs react native image view uir file:/// react native image view set from local image react native example images react native network image in react native how to add image in array react native online image at react native in android online image at react native &lt;Image react native source uri react native how to se png image in react antive loading images in react native loading image in react native where to store the local images in react native app react native image from local folder insesrt a logo in react native add logo in react native immer react native react native display different image react require image ajouter une image react native code react native image unable to change si image tag in react native how to diaplay a local image' react native add image react native image pivcker adding images in react native how to add static image in react native how to style an image react how to require image on react native import image local react native using local images reactnative React Naitve no image uri aling image in react native add image to app.js page react native how to add image on page react native react native url image react native image with url react native calling an asset image react native image url source load static image on react native image uri source react native image styling react image react native import logo into react native app get image in APi react native mobile app screen image.prefetch react native img react native image from react native react native image uri woith array buffer image url react native show image from url in react native image react-native react native network 'image how to add uri images in react native using images in react natoivew react native image source local file how to set image react native react nativeimage local members add image in react native displaying image from file in phone react nat image source react react native image url add image react native from link imort image react natuve adding image in react native image tag in react native how to show image data:image/jpeg; in react native react native local image original size how to add an image to react native image from url in react native react native imagr image source require react native Image in react-native image source as url react native image comonent in react native react native image eample image local reactnative react native import local image images in react native\ png in react native react native image styles for jpeg react native how we use image how to pass a props to react native require image source react native app images visible react native insert image react native add image component inside image react image data react native image source require props image data react how to use image react native how to fix a image in react native image in react native react native image\ react native image url react native image with uri react native read image data manipulating images in react native react native image link setting image uri as props react native image uri as props react native react native image loading import url image in react native how to send image left in react native automatically create low res image react native react image source local images react native image borderraibiu react native render image url in react native react native image url link Image components can receive source as: how to show image in reactnative react network image position abd=solute i not working in react-native-elements image react-native +show image syntax for image url in react native set alt prop for images in react native react-native image element format react native customImage react native image element react native local image size how to pass image uri as props in react native component alt prop in react native images alternative image Image react native react mnstive elements imag react nativr image react native logo image react native elemen react native local image insert image react native react native network image import image from react-native import image react-native react-native handle image/png image in react nativce react-native render image after how to set online image in react native uri image react native how to display image in react-native react native add images react img element in react native react img in react native how to use img in react native image loading in react native react native imgage jsx react native image pass external url how to load images in ios react native app react native image require with props display pic react native how image works in react native pinimage png react native how to use image in react native how to set static url in react native image how to set static url in react native images image source url react native add .PNg extension image in react-native add .PNG fimage in react native how to set images for react native react native android require images Image tag react-native how to load local image in react native elements image react n react native image in view how to manage image quality in react-native image source link from api in react native image source link in react native reactnative css where to load images ways to show image in react native react native handle image from url how to load images in react native react native image uri source where to put react native pictures how to use image react antive react native app examples for image changes image source with uri react native how to insert an image in react native react native import image as component adding image and text react native image tag in react na image load in react native react native using png add inmage in react native get image source react image source react native from service uri image source react native from service image show in react native react native source for image image source uri react native how to use image tag in react native reactnatiive image image react native how to use images in react native whath is path of logo which is locate in react native img src with react native images avec react native imagenative react native how to import png react native react native imgae where to put images in react native import asset image to page react native how to imsert image in screen using react native add image in screen react native image in react natyives image + src + react native reawct native imagers] how to add image file in react native how to add image in local drive in react native react-native supported image types image rewact native video image png for react native react nnative image show image png react native &lt;Image react native source png picture react native react ntive image import using image react native to fetch image react native remote image component react native image from url image ui react native example react native image uri images img in react native' reactnative add picture react native using images in a component react native imge insert img in react native react nativer image react native import png react native image inside component example img in reactnative photo in React native react natice Image react native image example how to add images in react native app image in reactnativre react native ajouter image react native where to put images react native ImageSource r&eacute;act native logo png use images in react native using png react native react native tutorial image insert png react native react native image tag from assets react native image src source from assets require uri react native import logo react native use a png in react native adding a image in react native how to display images react native add an image in react native best way to set image in react native image display in react native set the source of an image react native get an image react native react native link images react native add picture react native add png Display hosted images react native import png react native load image react native react native imgae uri source react native image tag uri network image react native react native + image @2 add an image react native reander images in react native react native uri image getting image in react native how to use Image in React Natvie image link react native react native image uri local react native image url callback react native image require map images how to call react native source uri image react native source uri image giving local uri in Image react native working with images in react native react native load image react native display image how to put source in image in react native image uri react native react native image source uri how generate image form react native screen display image in react native adding image react native react native image fi how to insert image in react native react native + image component render image in react native react native image tag Image react-native src url import image on react native import imageon react native image in react naytive how to display image in react native how to set static image in react add link to Image react native image source react native png react native remote image react native image source url add android ios static images in react native add images in react native image react native source how tou use the png imgae in react native react native image uri react native image to server react native image binary dynamic css react native react native image picker android permission react native image
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