horizontal cards react bootstrap

  <Card bg="primary" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
      <Card.Title>Primary Card Title</Card.Title>
        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
        of the card's content.
  <br />

  <Card bg="secondary" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
      <Card.Title>Secondary Card Title</Card.Title>
        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
        of the card's content.
  <br />

  <Card bg="success" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
      <Card.Title>Success Card Title</Card.Title>
        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
        of the card's content.
  <br />

  <Card bg="danger" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
      <Card.Title>Danger Card Title</Card.Title>
        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
        of the card's content.
  <br />

  <Card bg="warning" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
      <Card.Title>Warning Card Title</Card.Title>
        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
        of the card's content.
  <br />

  <Card bg="info" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
      <Card.Title>Info Card Title</Card.Title>
        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
        of the card's content.
  <br />

  <Card bg="dark" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
      <Card.Title>Dark Card Title</Card.Title>
        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
        of the card's content.
  <br />

  <Card bg="light" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
      <Card.Title>Light Card Title</Card.Title>
        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
        of the card's content.
  <br />


                                    &lt;Card style={{ width: '18rem' }}&gt;
  &lt;Row className='no-gutters'&gt;
  &lt;Col md={5} lg={5}  &gt;
  &lt;Card.Img variant=&quot;top&quot; src=&quot;holder.js/100px180&quot; /&gt;
    &lt;Card.Title&gt;Card Title&lt;/Card.Title&gt;
      Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of
      the card's content.
    &lt;Button variant=&quot;primary&quot;&gt;Go somewhere&lt;/Button&gt;

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React Js mobile card using react css react-bootstrap list of cards react-bootstrap react-bootstrap list of cards react cards jsx use for in reactjs card show create a select card reactjs button using cardlayout react card jsx Design the card reactjs card form react bootstrap card list react web card template react card in bootstrap 4 react card reactjs how to use card in react js make card react js with border selecting card in react react bootsrtap card card media react bootstrap react bootstrap example card react bootsramp footer card img card ui design react js team card react how to make card in react how to make a card in react without any library how to make a card in react card component as button react how to style cards in react bootstrap react card component card component jsx card to link react react contact card jsx card react card code jsx card code react card options react card with image react blog cards react bootstrap card with image how can we use card component in 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example styling card deck react bootstrap react-bootstrap inside card graph exampless card component for react react card border color card react react bootstrap card img how to add a card in react corner of card bootstrap react react-bootstrap card react bootstrap center card react-bootstrap card deck react bootstrap card deck with image overlay reusable component styled cards react react 3 card row cards on react different sizes react bootstrap card card not making react react use card as tile card component with image in react js react cards side by side bootstrap crads in react react sign up card create cards overlay react bootstrap cards react card from bottom react information cards react cards react bootstrap react bootstrap card example cards react components card view react bootstrap how add cards with imge in jsx cards in react js card appearance react bootstrap react card component example react card list create card component react react bootstrap cards card in react js bootstrap redux component card react grid of cards for implement cards using react react card classname building a card in react js bootstrap cards in jsx react template cards cards in react bootstrap how to show card image in react react card components have a different types of card in react how to card in react js react javascript cards react how to make a card react code for making cards making cards with react react card template implement card in react how to card in reaect js react card footer react card css use card in react cards in react custom react cards react make card component card list react create custom cards react show cards react reactjs card view cards react react card component reactjs card react CardDeck component position react card cardstyle card library react how to create a card in react card in react card styling in react React card layout react list of cards react card react cards card component react
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