get time from date javascript

// these are the most useful ones IMO
var time = new Date();
time.getDate(); // returns value 1-31 for day of the month
time.getDay(); //returns value 0-6 for day of the week
time.getFullYear(); //returns a 4 digit value for the current year
time.getHours(); //returns value 0-23 for the current hour
time.getMinutes(); //returns value 0-59 for the current minute of the hour
time.getSeconds(); //returns value 0-59 for current second of the minute
time.getMilliseconds(); //returns value 0-999 for current ms of the second
time.getTime(); //returns date as ms since Jan 1, 1970
time.toDateString(); //returns a string (e.g. "Fri May 9 2020")
time.toLocaleString(); //returns date and time (e.g. "9/12/2015, 6:08:25 PM")
time.toLocaleTimeString(); //returns time (e.g. "6:08:25 PM")
time.toLocaleDateString(); //returns date (e.g. "9/12/2015")

RichardW 100 points

                                    var d= new Date();
d.getFullYear();//Get the year as a four digit number (yyyy)
d.getMonth();//Get the month as a number (0-11)
d.getDate();//Get the day as a number (1-31)
d.getHours();//Get the hour (0-23)
d.getMinutes();//Get the minute (0-59)
d.getSeconds();//Get the second (0-59)
d.getMilliseconds();//Get the millisecond (0-999)
d.getTime();//Get the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)

Gomad 115 points

                                    const handleTime = (dataD) => {
    let data= new Date(dataD)
    let hrs = data.getHours()
    let mins = data.getMinutes()
       hrs = '0' + hrs
      mins = '0' + mins
    const postTime= hrs + ':' + mins
    return postTime

3.8 (10 Votes)
Tech Writer 105 points

                                    var d= new Date();
d.getFullYear();	//Get the year as a four digit number (yyyy)
d.getMonth();	//Get the month as a number (0-11)
d.getDate();	//Get the day as a number (1-31)
d.getHours();	//Get the hour (0-23)
d.getMinutes();	//Get the minute (0-59)
d.getSeconds();	 //Get the second (0-59)
d.getMilliseconds()	//Get the millisecond (0-999)
d.getTime();	//Get the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)
d.getDay();  //Get the weekday as a number (0-6);	//Get the time. ECMAScript 5.
d.setDate()	//Set the day as a number (1-31)
d.setFullYear()	//Set the year (optionally month and day)
d.setHours()	//Set the hour (0-23)
d.setMilliseconds()	//Set the milliseconds (0-999)
d.setMinutes()	//Set the minutes (0-59)
d.setMonth()	//Set the month (0-11)
d.setSeconds()	//Set the seconds (0-59)
d.setTime()	//Set the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)

Watkib 100 points

                                    var currentDate = new Date();
var dateFromTimeStamp= new Date(1560807962);
var dateFromString = new Date('December 17, 1995 03:24:00');
//new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)
//0= Jan, 11=Dec
var dateFromYearMonthDay = new Date(2018, 11, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0);

4.25 (8 Votes)

                                    var date_time = new Date().toLocaleString();

3.67 (6 Votes)
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to timestamp javascript today function in javascript js get date month javascript return date get date from Date() javascript get a date js gettime js w3schools date javascript date get month day get time html javascript ms since epoch date get time how to get time in javascr how to get date time in javascript js date get time part javascript getTme new date method javascript date operations javascript methods date javascript date attribute javascript get number form date js javascript get date in ms Applications date java script how to get only date from new date in javascript javascript Date () date methods js How to get date date in w3schools js how to get current time using js How can get current date in HTML using JavaScript w3schools? js date get month gett time creating date from datatime string js how to get the time in javascript date of the day javascript time in javascript getting date in javascript get time timestamp javascript date javascript functions date get day of 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javascript time since 1970 javascript get date only getTime jvascript (new Date()).getTime(), new date string what is .getTime in html? using date() in javascript get currernt time in js time methods in js time methods javascipt date and time JS gete date javascript time and date functions short hand syntax in js =; get current time in javascript date in milliseconds javascript Date() javasc get date in javascrip js time api javascript timestamp javascript getting time gettime() in javascript how to create a timestamp from milliseconds javascript javasciprt get time how do i get the time with javascript javascript get itme create date object javascript to date in javascript javascript create new date date number to date javascript javascript current time operations on date in javascript js Date w3 schools javsacript date time fucntion javascript get date with time dates javascript ask wich first date javascript ask time js date parameters javascript get time as milliseconds js timestamp function javascript get time millisecos var now = new Date().getTime(); get date in javasccritp what does type new date return ? javascropt datetime js date api how to get time html javascript date wc3schools node date function date java script function javascript get time from timestamp js dat eobject new Date() in local time methods of class Date in js use javascript Date object javascript construct date of year get object by date in nodejs var date = new date() gettime function in javascript how to get current time in javascript get time and date js js date parametes getting time in javascript get timestamp with only date js time functions in javascript get current time javascript how to create a date object in javascript method returns the number of milliseconds in a date string javascript get date time number 1570691417 to date javascript js dattime date to javascript javascript get time attribute date meothods HOW TIME IN JAVASCRIPT js date from gettime datetime from javascripts javascript function that accepts a date getime javascript datd datetime jvascript how to get time from date in javascript var date javascript date property js javascript get date day by date number js date time now new js date time dew js date time js INterlized date tiome return date javascript js new date year month day javascript creat date javascript construct time javascript date only newdate() javscript dates how to just show the date and month in javascript methods on new Date js .gettime function Date now hs where javascript date reads time date and time method in javascript var = new time injavascript js check time date to date js javascript time.getTime javascript generate current timestamp js new data javascript date operations generate timestamp using javascript bew date.gettime javascript date moduel date to number javascript create todays data at specific time javascript javascript date module gettime format .getTime result in milliseconds javascript get time in miliseconds new date start of day javascript how to get only the date in js var obj date js create new data date time in javas crfipt examples of javascript dates date.value javascript js - new Date("") get a new date javascript js date object convert getTime method timestamp milliseconds to date javascript convert date and time to timestamp in javascript new date gettime date returnin date object javscript get Date from Date object js Date method to extract the year (four digits) out of a date object. node js date time functions new Date(1604448000000) javascript get local timestamp milliseconds javascript date creation javascript convert 1605122898 dt date time api javascript conver 1605122898 dt date time api create database timestamp in javascript datetime from date object javascript how to get tiime in js get date js time how to get from the right date js js date now get day new date w3schools javascript date to timestamp javascript timesstamp date js new Date().date u;dating object values all date js methods list date time to date js javascript get date and time now javascript get current timestamp string javascript calculate timestamp js new date from time how to get now time in javascript how to get now timein javascript OBJECT WITH DATE AS VALUE JAVASCRIPT OBJECT WITH DATE AS VALUE date object methods get date time from new date js date and time function in javascript value new Date functions javascript how to get time in javascript date date string js date maniuplation js date module in js data and time in js date object get time javascript javascipt date date js methods create a date javascript new date(1605830400000) year month day date()\ javascript Date().getTime() get timestamp from date time js how to create date in javascript get time from new Date() get time from new Date( getdate date only javascripy new Date in nodejs what does .date do javascript .date in javascript import time in javascript js new date get date js new datetime datetime object in javascript javascrpit date get date fulll by number date w3schools date function javascript date to timestmap how to get time from date js javascript date object datetime time api js date - date js html5 dataobject format date new date return value javascript date number MDN JavaScript Date subtraction how to get the time javacript javascript new date from values get time from a string timestamp js day /date() javascript get date from new date getTime javascript date in milliseconds date. js parse date to timestamp how to convert object to timestamp in javascript time and date javascript javascript Date - Date javascript get time from date() how to get the current date in miliseconds js date object with time date to javascript timestamp getTime() Method get date javascriptr js how to get time in milliseconds instance new date with hour javascript new date)= javascript new date month and day new date different types dates wqith js javascript function to get current time javascript function to get time javascript time of new date ooin jacascript javascirpt date function time object javascript 1604000424276 to date javascript get current timestamp in milliseconds javascript get day of the month from date javascript creating date time object javascript data to time js Date params js js date get year month day date browsing in js create timestamp number in javascript w3schools create timestamp number in javascript new date() parameters javascript time in milliseconds time javascript javascript date january 1 1970 get day date js = new date() getday of mounth in js javascript type date: javascript date: get current date from timestamp javascript javascript built in time format es6 update date object es6 date get 1970 date w3schools javascirpt date all new date string javascript javasript new date js newDate data time javascript s.time javascript timestamp in javascript java script times method js create new date with time javascript day and date javascript 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javascript Oct 3, 2019 javascript datre javascript get time in milliseconds get day number from date javascript get time from data js new date. nodejs get time from world clock watch milliseconds get timestamp from date and time timestamps javascript date 0 js javasacript get time javascrpt dates get month and year from date javascript DATE NEW javascript date 1970 js time operations get time to date javascript javascript get date in milliseconds javascript get timestamp > how to create date in javascript classes how to create date in jsavascript classes how to create date in jsavascript class getting date and time in javascript datetime in js gettime method javascript date. javascript how to specify date nodejs js date time 1602737844 javascript time() function node js create date javascript built in date functions javascript datetime to date date object react js build current time How to create a Date object in JavaScript? js os.time javasctip date get timestamp from date object javascript how to get time js local date javascritpt dates date () js date get day new date time Calender date javascript all javascript dates js datre string node date to date javascript doc date date to timestamp js Get value from dater time object date in nodejs how to get the time from a date in javaScrpit date.js nodejs date . js javascript date get date 188 years ago meta date js js time of day timestamp in milliseconds javascript method datetime javascript time constructor javascript new date() nodejs get time from date js milliseconds to localdatetime in js mdn new date and time javascript How do you declare a new date in JavaScript? how to get the date from date time js /Date(1450051200000+0000)/ javascript date javascript timestamp time of day javascript time to milliseconds javascript javascreiept datetime object javascrit getTime MDN function with date objectas how to use dates in functiponm javascript nodejs +new date() fetch date in js js date () javascript date() func new Date js function date and time ja get time function in javascript start date javascript javascript date.gettime time of item creation js date method nodejs new date .for current date and day js nodejs date getdate how to get date in javascript long date date js 1601818552 Javascript date get how to checke the date in milliseconds in javascript how o check the number of milliseconds in javascript 1601866770744 how to check this time in javascript date obj js Use the correct Date method to extract the year (four digits) out of a date object. Date funtion js date w3schools es6 js return new date timestamp javascript day and time js date andtime js init date javascript date time functions javascript date > date get time of day js javascript all date methods react Date object methodes javascript today date in milliseconds new date fun cjavaceiptr w3schools javascript date function create new date with time javascript js date objecy javascript millis since start mdn Date() epoch `${date}` new date to milliseconds javascript Date class in js javascript get time from browser date object java with date object date javascript js fine best date hjavascript date html date to new date date create in javascript date manipulation in javascript javasctipt function for date javascript new date from variable trying to get date but get object $date only date in javascript getting date javascript get only date in javascript new date - new date return new date javascript javascript date reference w3schools date on js Date.from js date in javascrip[t date js comme back create datetime javascript javascript date object to code javascript date object to time get time from date object javascript date javascript to time javascript get date from datetime import date in js javascript date pickups how to represent date in a class in javascript get date from datetime javascript date object on javascript js date from date node format date npde javascript date getting time javascript date timestamp javascript object new date javascript date manipulation newDAte js nodejs get datae nodejs get date new Date(0 javascript get time from date time get date day month timestamp javascript from where does javascruipt fetch date? date now js day date injavascript Which of the following functions helps find date in js javascript year month day convert javascript get time in date new Date args javascript date function give time get date from new date javascript get time and date javascript datetime javascript how to date function in javascript javascript tpys date js date func date to number in js get date time in javascript javascript month date year js ttime objct javascript date and time functions javascript date to timestamp reading date property in typescript reading date property in typ get number date javascript js date extract date js date and time to timestamp monk store js date new date() in js js get day and month js ti meoperations working with date in nodejs javascript using data on new date nodejs native date api date day js get newdate javascript how to make a + 1 number in javascript date javascript and dates javascript construct date time api javascript operation on dates on nodejs define a date nodejs node js dates date in javascirpt javascript get time date javascript date get day month javascript new date day month year nodejs date returned as [object Object] get date from calendar object javascript mdn javascript date es6 date format javascript create a date javascript create datetime javascript get time from date for date javascript date options nice js js new date options js get date from api get date time in millisecondssinceepoach javascript mdn js date add one day jaavascript date mdn java script function get date javascript date and time mdn datetime.get day number javascript initilize date js with seconds html date method date from now in javascript js data time functions Date constructor react js, new date javascript date reference get new datetime javascript javascript date to time time to date date parameter in javascript java script new date javascript make date date new date parameters compute position date javascript get only time in javascript new date of specific date create date in js js sample date new Date in javascsript javascript time data type how to extract the time from a date string javascript typescript date get day of month extract the year (four digits) out of a date object date node js datetime function in node js how to read dates in javascript date api js js get day of month getdate month javascript javascript get timestamp from date string javascript month day year javascript mdn date how to get calendar date in javascript Date in javscript javascript date. func date.getdate0 javascript get dates from object javascript get date literal Date JavaScript date object methods javascript mdn new date() java script date function javascript date math node js date object new data() get date time using javascript date time using javascript show new dATE() VALUE IN js get date only in javascript from datetime get date in javascript new date maschine code js date(); javascript date handling date javascript w3schools new date w3' js how to get time date time object in javascript javascript new date from local time javacript get data from api based on date javacript get data from api before a certain date jquery date now -7 days date javascript create date object w3 js get day nodejs Date() new Date() local time date api javascript javascript new Date() get day and month create date object in javascript date () in js newdate javascript javascript date format mozilla mdn js date get jan feb from new date javascript how to make new Date javascript create an accurate date javascript new date object new Date returns javascript date get date only javascript getTime() method javascript new specific date w3schools date new date in node js js date w3 day and time javascript js new date at a spesific date javascript get date milliseconds javascript date specifies since date functions javascript how to define date in node js how to define dates in nodejs javascript time js js date to days w3 new date month and year in javascript type of new date() type of new date how to convert date and time to timestamp in javascript javascript get datetime in mill date.gettime() javascript javascript date function only tate date function js js date class get day of month js date module Time new (date) time javasc js get date in ms javascript library date date javascripto how to do operations on a date in node convert date to timestamp using js js time in milliseconds js datee object date format js ecmascript 7 format date javascript date new node.js date javascript date() object ; expected date js javascript date api history declare date in js get timestamp from date string in javascript js number to date js date - date javascript get date month day year grab time since a certain time js make a date api date js java script DateTime get time from date javascript javascropt dat how to get day month and year from new date in javascript javascript get date and time date and time in js js date() example js date get js datre javascript date local js date in local time date types js date and time in number in javascript javascipt new date javascript date function date type in node js get current time milliseconds javascript js get time from date time.gettime javascript javascript getTime() js date, get the day date mozilla javascript date month year how to format date in javascript from api date primer type js datetime in javascript date in js mdn .datetime javascript javascript date format from api how to get date javascript DATE TIME() JS DATE|() JS Date() to return Year Month Day JS how to get the time in js time javascript milliseconds number of milliseconds since january 1 1970 to current time in JS javascript new date().gettime() js arg for date functino how to get time and date in javascript js new dae code for date object javascript create date from date obj js javascript time gettime last year javascript time gettime limit js get time in ms js date gettime new date() in javascript javascript get date with javascript javascript get only date print date in javascript all methods on the javascrpt date number to date javascript js new Date('') with time javascript get full day date to milliseconds js date javescript node date manipulation javasxcript new date new date in milliseconds javascript system time javascript new date() js how to access time data in javascript +new Date() time in milliseconds js get time in js 1595895149182 date javascript javascript milliseconds since epoch get time by date now javascript time() in javascript new date gate time js get time in javascript html date functions in javascript get date and time javascript date month day year javascript how to determine what javascript date function is using for local javaascript date javascript date to date fn in js new date function in j specify date in date object javascript get date javascript date js represent length new date parameters js time time js new Date argument create date from year month day javascript javascript t ime get time function js new Date to datetime javascript fdate html get time current day using date object date operation in javascript w3schools javascript date datetime js util class for date functions in javascript .gettime() javascript javascript datetime objecsts get time from Date object js date class js new date javascritp date to day js javascript os time javascript return objct Date new Date(); javascript time module javascript time javascript time() javascrpt date example javascrpt date get date in js built in objects date syntax date syntax js using date js new date arguments javascript js local date object now javascript date year month day how to get time in html date and time in javascript dates in js Date() js methods javascript dates aleb' javascript datatime use date in js javascript date object mdn javascript date comes year month day datetime javascript get date js get day month year date object in javascript functions gettime() javascript date node js get date date javasacript date time math in javascript time Date javascript math js day of month nodejs new date javascript total milliseconds js get time in milliseconds javascript starts with date date to only date in javascript new date online js nodejs date-and javascript method for date javascript date format refrence get date time javascript get days to date object js for date javascript today use from a datetime get date js time javasctipt getTime from text javascript window.Date can be used to create a date object. date object in js date types in javascript js get date from date.getTime() date() in javascript get current date javascript full month, day of week javascript get time from date javascript date to milliseconds new date().gettime() javascript js new date reference to get time in javascript date() mdn get data over time javascript only get date javascript javscript generate date +new Date nodejs meaning date object with custom properties javascript javascript date object initialize with month javascript ufg date function javascript time date time.js javascript date gettime js time new date(1573617416) nodejs dates javascript date functions .gettime js javascript date types new date 1531129865000+0000 ONLINE new date 1531129865000+0000 convert /Date(1594020608967)/ javascript datetime functions in javascript javescript date javascript "/Date(1578258000000)/" javascript date() function js to time mdn date() js date class JavaScript's Date Object how to return date in javascript date function in java script js date function date object javascript mdn date function javascript js date current day date class methods javascript date to milliseconds javascript mdn Date date as number javascript node.js date object time on javascript date class in javascript w3 print full date js javascript how to get time javascript retrieve data and time new date in w3schools get time js new javascript date library date object mdn js date specific date Javascript Date() mdn js time function date functions in js get date and time js ne date js new dates js date objects date object nodejs Date instance node js date js datetime date javascript methofs js object date javascript date in interface javascript new datetime javascript date from number how to get date in milliseconds in javascript date type js new date gettime javascript include date.js javascript date object to local time js date operations js date(0 new date object in javascript .gettime javascript jsdate how to date time number to date object in javascript new date mdn time functions javascript javascript .gettime gettime in javascript /date()/ javascript javascrp get dae get the time after ms in js date objevt date object in javascript typescript date with params js date to milliseconds new date class in javascript js get time in mili second gettime in js date object js js get date node "new Date())" how to get the time javascript javascript time to milliseconds new Date js find time type of date javascript date manipulation javascript jquery w3school date new date javascript get day of month javascript date day new date.gettime() date nodejs w3schools js date javascript gate number date class javascript javascript .gettime() gettime() in js get full date from date object javascript javascript what is time time time methods javascript how to get time of website javascript how to make a completion date in js getTime javascript system time access day from Date() object javascript date time js Date to = new Date(); object time js new date() mdn return time to js dom date js how to get time with javascript how to get date with javascript DATE javscript date type javascript date time object javascript how to make recoorencia javascrpit Date javascript date print print date javascript how to register a date javascrpit DAte javescprit javascript date function only date and time w3schools date methods w3schools date javascript date object to milliseconds javascript jsdatetime with node js retrieve date date javascript return date of type? date.getTime() method in javascript date properties ja dates in javascript javasciript date and time get time in javascript date in javascript time date in javascript javascrippt datetime javascript dates date and value object date and value object javascript javascript date to html javascript date get date new date in javascript date documentation javascript javascript get date how to get attributes from a date in js js new date() function to get time in java script date methods in javascript js dat 1970 mdn js js dates date function obj date javascript to date javascript date in node js js time javascript get number from date javascriot how to get the time get date in milliseconds javascript javascript date api get time javascript number to date js date to browser types of dates nodejs javascript date class from time string from time get Date javascript new date () date() hadnling return date from year month day javascript javascript time from 1970 javascript get current time in milliseconds create date time javascript date in milliseconds js day to time javascript how to get date and time javascript how to get time gettime javascript date not js javascript get current date in milliseconds javascirpt get times get time in milliseconds javascript js gettime date() js gettime method in javascript js get time js get date time how to get date in javascript new date in miliseconds javascript date methods convert a date object back to its original type javascript manipulation date javascript new date().gettime() get the value in date datatype in javascript js date to ms +new Date(); day from date javascript date in javascript javascript date time object javacript get date date mdn new date (1591282467000+0000) javascript date and time how to get current time using gettime function in javascript js time to date date in javascript new date javascript constructor new date within objcet javasctipt course on javascript date time get time javascript get list of date javascript javascript date documentation jquery date display date as Day and Date javascript var today = new date() node js get specific date from date object javascript date syntax new Date(1970 0 1 javascript date to milliseconds 1970 javascript node js time time function js javascript date from date getTime javascript date takeonly time date python new date arguments date to isoparse python type of date in javascript javascript date value javasript date how to get time in js how to get time in javascript new date parameters date javasc get time in micoseonds javascript define date in javascript date and time javascript ne Date() js gettime js return type of date in javascript date javascript methods javascript time of day time in javascript javascript gettime instantiate new date object to current date js javascript get time milliseconds date.js date javascript type date in javascript type js date to i new Date as number javascript get date number javascript get time date finction in jquery new Date to number time js date and time js nodejs date date module js js get date numnber date methods javascript new date function in nodejs js new date api new data javascript date syntax javascript Date() in JS date methoda js js date object javascript time value from date object javascripte date obj .date object javascript date day month year what is new Date(year,0,1) in javascript javascript using datew javascirpt date 1588535590542 get date js js date methods js date time javscript date date javascript mdn create date object with time javascript new date js date time javascript what is type of date in javascript nodejs date api javascript value = Date() javascript Date(1587494202947) how to use date in js new date in js date in js javacript date js +new date javascript date() node date date js new instance of date js js spec on Date() new Date( january new Date() new date javascript javascript the start of date is new Date local? javascript date /date()/ js date and time javascript time and date new date local time js first date in milliseconds date() javascript using the date classs javascript javascript dat new date() javascript javascript date class javascript date date object new date date() js date() new date function javascript date object javascript date time date object javascript using Date() new Date() js new date specific date javascript js date javascript new date javascript date date javascript javascript date +9000 javasciprt date
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