get largest no in the array javascript

//For Values
var arr =[1,10,3]
var min = Math.min.apply(null, arr),
    max = Math.max.apply(null, arr);

//For Objects
var arr = [{a: 1},{a: 10},{a: 3}]
var values = => val.a);
var max = Math.max.apply(null, values);


                                    var peopleData = [ 
    { name: "Paul", height: 180, age: 21 },
    { name: "Johnny", height: 198, age: 43 },
    { name: "Brad", height: 172, age: 49 },
    { name: "Dwayne", height: 166, age: 15 }

//Find biggest height number
var maxHeight = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < heights.length; i++) {
    if (peopleData[i].height > maxHeight) {
        maxHeight = peopleData[i].height;
      //if you console.log(maxHeight); you should get 198

3 (1 Votes)
Symbio 100 points

function nthlargest(arra,highest){
			var x = 0,
				y = 0,
				z = 0,
				temp = 0,
				tnum = arra.length, 
				flag = false, 
				result = false; 
			while(x < tnum){
				y = x + 1; 
				if(y < tnum){
					for(z = y; z < tnum; z++){
						if(arra[x] < arra[z]){
							temp = arra[z];
							arra[z] = arra[x];
							arra[x] = temp;
							flag = true; 
					flag = false;
					if(x === highest){ 
						result = true;

			return (arra[(highest - 1)]);	
console.log(nthlargest([ 43, 56, 23, 89, 88, 90, 99, 652], 4)); 


                                    //For Values
var arr =[1,10,3]
var min = Math.min.apply(null, arr),
    max = Math.max.apply(null, arr);

//For Objects
var arr = [{a: 1},{a: 10},{a: 3}]
var values = => val.a);
var max = Math.max.apply(null, values);

3.75 (8 Votes)

                                    function maisBaratosQue(valor, precos) {
   return precos.filter(p => p <= valor);

4 (5 Votes)
Sunny_dev 105 points

                                    //get min/max value of arrays
function getArrayMax(array){
   return Math.max.apply(null, array);

4 (9 Votes)
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Relative searches
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Sample Input: Array = [43, 56, 23, 89, 88, 90, 99, 652], Positive Integer n = 4,then the return value must be 88. function that search a biggest value in array javascript Write a JavaScript function to get nth largest element from an unsorted array. kth largest element in an array javascript find nth largest number in array js maximum element in an array largest element in array python maximum element in array c++ kth largest element in an array gfg kth largest element in an array kth largest element in an array heap
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