get id of clicked element javascript

<button id="3" onClick="reply_click(">B3</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
  function reply_click(clicked_id)


                                    &lt;button id=&quot;1&quot; onClick=&quot;reply_click(;&gt;B1&lt;/button&gt;
&lt;button id=&quot;2&quot; onClick=&quot;reply_click(;&gt;B2&lt;/button&gt;
&lt;button id=&quot;3&quot; onClick=&quot;reply_click(;&gt;B3&lt;/button&gt;
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
  function reply_click(clicked_id)

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get id from clicked element javascript get id of element click event javascript javascript click get id of element click event get id of element javascript javascript get id from click event document click element get id how to get id from click event javascript get id of clicked element eventlistener javascript onclick get elemetn id get the element id of what was clicked javascript js get element by id on click js get id on click how to get the id of the clicked button in html and javascript document.get.element id which is clicked javascript show id of clicked element get the id of the element clicked get id of the clicked element js get id and click in js get id of element from click event javascript get id of clicked element in a for loop javascript how to get element id on click how to know id of element from onclick get clicked elements id javascript js get element by id click javacript get clicked element id get id of onclick element how to find id of the button clicked js find id of clicked element in javascript how to get id of an element which was clicked javascript onclick get id how to get id in javascript on click get clicked element's id javascript how to get id of a button in javascript when clicked how to get id of a element on button click Hhow to get clicked items id in javascript get element id on click html on click get element id get id from element js that is clicked how to get id of clicked even javascript get the id of the html element when user click on it onclick in html get id of clicked element how to get div id on click javascript how to get id clicked element in html with javascript js onclick get id of element how to get id of element on click js get the id of the event button click get element id from click event how to get id of clicked div element in javascript javascript function get id of clicked element javascript get id from clicked element document get element by id button click javasscript get id when click the button when clicked on div get the id javascript onclick get element id javascript js on click get element id javascript onclick event get id get id element js after click get the id of a clicked element how to get id of the clicked element in javascript get id of clicked element js get id of clicked div element get id of clicked element click get id value in javascript get id a button in javacript onclick get id of element which was clicked javascript button click to get the id of the button javascript get the event id from a button click find id onclick javascript how to get clicked element id in javascript get html element with id click get id of an element on click onclick get id of clicked element get id of div when clicked javascript how to get element id onclick in javascript javascript click event get element id access id element js onclick javascript get id value on click js get id from clicked element# js get id from clicked element javascript how to get id of html element from onclick 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when clicked onCLick get id print button name in console by id id of clicked element javascript when div with id is click javascript getting id of clicked element javascript finding specific id name of button javascript js get id of action element get index of clicked element javascript getting id of clicked element onclick jquery find index of clicked element javascript how to get event id from click function how to get the id of an element in javascript onclick add get when click on button html js get id onclick getting idea of button on click js javascript onclick javascript get hmtl button button onclick event id of button html click event get element id typescript (click)=&quot;&quot; get element by name how to get the id name inside a onclick function get clickid javascript how to get a button through id js js get when button is pressed javascript event button id how to get which button was clicked on button js read for button pressed get clicked button javascript get value of 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button using js get id of button clicked javascript js get id of clicked element get the id of a clicked element in javascript how to load the id for the button clicked in javascript javascript button id javascript get id element clicked get id of clicked element javascript
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