find highest value in array javascript

var peopleData = [ 
    { name: "Paul", height: 180, age: 21 },
    { name: "Johnny", height: 198, age: 43 },
    { name: "Brad", height: 172, age: 49 },
    { name: "Dwayne", height: 166, age: 15 }

//Find biggest height number
var maxHeight = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < heights.length; i++) {
    if (peopleData[i].height > maxHeight) {
        maxHeight = peopleData[i].height;
      //if you console.log(maxHeight); you should get 198

Qubit 115 points

                                    const array = [10, 2, 33, 4, 5];


3.67 (6 Votes)
Aqib Ch 100 points

//For Values
var arr =[1,10,3]
var min = Math.min.apply(null, arr),
    max = Math.max.apply(null, arr);

//For Objects
var arr = [{a: 1},{a: 10},{a: 3}]
var values = =&gt; val.a);
var max = Math.max.apply(null, values);

3.25 (4 Votes)
MacK 80 points

                                    var arr = [1, 2, 3];
var max = arr.reduce(function(a, b) {
  return Math.max(a, b);

3.29 (7 Votes)

                                    let numbers = [4, 13, 27, 0, -5]; // Get max value of an array in Javascript

Math.max.apply(null, numbers); // returns 27

3.67 (3 Votes)

                                    const max = arr =&gt; Math.max(...arr);

4 (5 Votes)
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find minimum number in array javascrpt get min from array javascript jsx get max number in array find max of array javascript get 2 max numbers from array javascript js array max() js get max from 3 object js get max of array math.max nan jsj maximum value of an array js how to get minimum value from array in javascript typescript array find minimum maximum value from array javascript how to find the maximum of an array in javascript find min and max in array javascript get the biggest element from array javascript js array element with min value get max element from array javascript javascript array check max value maximun value of an array in javascript javascript min max in arraya math max javascript array javascripot max value of an array max element of array javascript max product using hof javascript js return min from array array js max value js largest value in array how to find maximum value in array in javascript array find max value javascript Math.max.apply(null, array) how to get max value in array javascript largest value in a list javascript how to use the max value in an array js finding the maximum number of a list javascript how to get min value in array javascript min max thing js function get max number in array how to find max with for each js math.max for each js finding max in array javascript get max in array javas get max in array javascript get the max of an array get the maximoum number from array] array max value array find max number javascript find minimum value in js array max value in javascript array array .max how to get the max number in an array javascript get maximum value from an array javascript get max value from list javascript min array depend on value find hishest number in array js highest in an array js return max array largest value in array js javascript return the maximum of an array how to find max in js arra get max val tab of int js javascript math find max how to get max in array js get min of array ts max of array number get max number value in array find min value and max value in array javasciprt find a max value in javascript find minimum element array js finding minimum number in array function javascript find the minimum value in an array javascript javascript functions find the minimum in an array finding minimum number in array javascript check max value in js javascript math with array Math.max.apply(Math, intArray) get minimum from array js js get max int from array get ? for max math.max value js get highest value from array array max value javascript max element in array js how to get the biggest value from an array js find max from array javascript math max in js es6 get max value in array of float javascript get minimum value in array max and min inside array javascript javascript array min max find max value in list javascript js find largest number in array Find min element in array in javascript Find max element in array in javascript highest value in array javascript javasript array max javascript find maximum value in array array max in javascript find max value in javascript math.max in typescript check wich number is the biggest javascript find minimum value numbers array javascript js min of array max from array in js how to get min and max of array in javascript node js max of array find max javascript array javascript Math.max for array javascript get max value array Math.max()passing arr javascript array functions max output get max number in s array javascript find the largest number in an array javascript string or int js array find max with compare function math max 3 numbers math.min javascript array javascript string array min value find max in array javascript .max js object using reduce to find the highest number in the array math.max objects find max value in an array javascript how to get high element array in javascript javascript find max js get max element from array nodejs get max value check the max array iN JAVASCR how to get the max value in arrays in array in js array prototype to find max element find the max value in array javascript javascript get max array value javascript filter method find highest value javascript set value to the largest value in an array how to get max value from array js Math.max(x,y); max() method max of an array javascript get max in array get max of numbers havascript js findmax finding max element in array javascript maximum number of an array js max() javascript max from an array javascript js max out of array math.max on array spread max function in js maximum number array javascript check maximum array element javascript max element in array in javascript typescript array min javascript array get min and max value function return bigger value array javascript math .max for array max valuer arra js Math.max of array javascript function output maximum number from array Math.max js max number of elements in array mathMax biggest number in array javascript does math.max work on array how to make array mix in jaavscript js find min in array typescript max value min value find max number from array biggest amount in array js find highest value in array maximum in array javascript math.max output type math.max output how to find max in array in js javascript, max get highes value from array Find the maximum number of an array js assign whichever is max value javascript math.max in node js typescript minimum value from array max an array js mdn array max count how to find max number from array in javascript get max of array js es6 max value in array math.max javascript two objects js min max math.max javascript return that value how to get largest number in list javascript array get max value javascript max value of numbers in array js array get min value max number javascript array how to set max value of array javascript array max iterable js max of array javascripts js function that return largest number array find max math max in array mathmax valur return array max number js get hichest value in array Math.max(arr[i].price, max) highest value array js javascript math in array how to find max value with apply js write a function that returns the largest element in a list javascript javascript array max element get min and max value from array javascript highest possible number from numbers function javascript biggest number in an array js array max number js math to bigger Write a function called max, which accepts an array and returns the highest value. Do not use the built-in Math.max() function! Examples: max([5, 1, 4, 7, 1, 2]); // 7 max([3, 4, 12, 1, 8]); // 12 max([-1, 6, 3, 2.2, -10, -4]); // 6 .max array javascript max from array math largest whole number javascript javascript findmax Math.max([value1[, value2[, ...]]]) find max in javascript math.max mozilla can we use math.max on an array how to return largest number in array javascript math .max.apply javascript get the biggest number in list js Math.max.apply(null, array); count the max value in array javascript min js array find highest value in array javascript return max value of array javascript math.max() code maximum number in arrary javascript get max num in array javascript js pick pigger number math.apply.max math.max.apply js max array js get max array javascript What is the result type of Math.max(12, 16) find the max of array max value nums choose top 4 highest numbers from a list javascript get max number from array javascript array functions javascript max and min js get max max function inn js math with 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