enum javascript

const seasons = {
    BEGINNING: "summer.beginning",
    ENDING: "summer.ending"
  WINTER: "winter",
  SPRING: "spring",
  AUTUMN: "autumn"

let season = seasons.SUMMER.BEGINNING;

if (!season) {
  throw new Error("Season is not defined");

switch (season) {
  case seasons.SUMMER.BEGINNING:
  // Do something for summer beginning
  case seasons.SUMMER.ENDING:
  // Do something for summer ending
  case seasons.SUMMER:
  // This will work if season = seasons.SUMMER
  // Do something for summer (generic)
  case seasons.WINTER:
  //Do something for winter
  case seasons.SPRING:
  //Do something for spring
  case seasons.AUTUMN:
  //Do something for autumn

Janac Meena 105 points

                                    array.every(elm,index,array) // Did all elements satisfy the callback?
array.find(elm,index,array) // Find the first element that satisfies the callback
array.findIndex(elm,index,array) // Find the first element that satisfies the callback's index
array.map(elm,index,array) // Transform every element and create a new array
array.reduce(accumulator,elm,index,array) // Reduce every element into a new value
array.some(elm,index,array) // Did any element satisfy the callback? 

3.5 (4 Votes)
AndrewBC 100 points

                                    const DaysEnum = {"monday":1, "tuesday":2, "wednesday":3, ...}

3.75 (8 Votes)

                                    enum AnEnum {
    One = 1,
    Two = 2
let stringOne = AnEnum[1]; // "One"
let stringTwo = AnEnum[AnEnum.Two]; // "Two"

4.25 (8 Votes)
Bill Welch 60 points

                                    enum Response {
    No = 0,
    Yes = 1,

function respond(recipient: string, message: Response): void {
    // ...

respond("Princess Caroline", Response.Yes)

3.33 (3 Votes)
Drenerbas 100 points

                                    enum Direction {

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typescript enum int to string function in enum javascript javascript function in enum enum declaration TS javascript enum object convert enum to string typescript enum example in typescript enum in js ? enum en typescript javascript enum number computed value in enum typescript typescript enum from object enum typescript with object how use enum in typescript type what is an enum in typescript typescript enum name to string javascript enum es6 ts enum declaration enum wit string values ts convert enum to string in typescript enum inn java script make a enumerator javascipt enumerators javascript enum typescript example enumerator in javascript enum values in typescript typescript enum values as type how enum works in javascript what is enum typescript js enum const how to use enum in js what enum in angular can i have a place holder to enum typescript typeof enum values typescript js enum enum string to number typescript typescript enum in javascript use typescript enum in javascript typescript initialize enum how to use enums typescript typescript any from enum get request enum typescript typescript enums examples how to create a typescript enum enum name of value typescript typescript enum number string typescript declaration enum typescript strings enum ts enum object use enum in javascript enum types in typescript typescript enum number typescript enums as types typescript enum member type enum with functions typescript typescript enum tostring string of an enum typescript enum number typescript set type of enum typescript create enum angular typescript value in enum ts enums as type get string from enum in typescript keyof enum typescript TYpeScript Get Enum values enum in ts as variable typescript enum to value enums angular typescript print enum string typescript get enum string value typescript enum to number enum angular string enum is angular using enum in angualr interface enum typescript enum with If in typescript what is enum in typescript javascript enum to array make an enum containing string value with key in ts typescript enum tostring typescript get enum by value type enum javascript enum object typescript user type for enum typescript enum equivalent in javascript javascript enum in a class typescript access enum value what is enum in js enum declaration typescript enum in angular 8 enum js es6 javascript set a value in enum string enum value ts create enum typescript how to name enums typescript how to use enums in ts example typescript type of enum key get string enum typescript enum interface typescript how to put an enum in a class java javascript typescript enum react return only specific enum fields javascript typescript _ enum enums typescripts examples when use enums typescript angular typescript enum typescript string enumbs javascript value of enum typescript enum value typescript enum with other enums typescript enum that take values of other enums typescript enum that take calues of enums how to get value from enum in typescript typescript enumerable using enum in javascript enumerate typescript typescipr enum interface Enumerated data types (enums) are a set of numeric values with more friendly names. It's an addition on top of JavaScript that TypeScript offers. tyscript enums enum that returns string typescript how to create enum in angular js create enum what is enum, javascript enumeration in typescript create enum in javascript typescript enum inside class string enum type script create enum typescript angular 9 enum with string typescript purpose of enums typescript how to make enum in angular typescript enum class example enum exaample typescript ts string enum new set enum typescript create enums in typescript get the string of enum in typscript typescript enum and id typescript type enum ts enum in class ts get enumb value name enum in react react enums typescript functions in enums key as enum case typescritp giving types to enum usage of enum in js enumerations in js what is enum in javascript react enum prarameter ts get enum values emun types javascript enum type js how to use enum in angular how to use enum in ts file enum to string javascript typescript typeof enum what is an enum js enum to string js enum key of typescript typescript enum map get default what is angular enum typescript enum to string array enumeration typescript enums in ts enums typescript example typescript enuim enums ts typescript enum but with string typescript enum as a string js create object from enum value typescript enum example passing string variable javascript enum holding object enum prefix ts js enum code sample how to create an enum in javascript angular export type enum includes enum typescript TYPESCRIPT creating enum enum javascript m enumerator javascript typeof(enum) in angular use object in enum typescript typescript enum conventions javascript enum string enum and typescript vs js enums type script enums in react enum typescript strings is js enum faster string to enum in typescript typescript get value of enum typescript value of enum to string js enum types how to add enum values in typescript enum angular example new field enter in enum typescript how to define enum in angular javascript enum constructor declare enum in typescript class enum typescript function enhum js enum of obkect js using enum in function parameter call in typescript typescript enum as object type work with enum typescript type: enum js typescript enum as a string javascript ennum in angular .ts how to use Enum javascript what is udse emun in angular typescript get enum value from number ts enum type create options array Typescript How to access enum property when value is a string Typescript How to access enum property from value typescript how to use enum typescript get the key of an enum stirng or number ts enum in function typescript enu, get emums in typescripts create enum in js create enumeration in javascript value from enum typescript const enum in typescript typescript enum declaration how to create enum in js Enums typesvcript typescript working with enums angular enum value typescript get enum number from string angular declare enum TS how to use enums values of enum typescript javascript enum with string values javascript enum with values emum class in js typescript enum = typescips enum example enum javascript enum object javascript use enum as type typescript typescript enums angular enumerable javascript typescript enumerated type use enum as type js js enum to string typescript using enum type script enum access can we have single value enum typescript can we singl value enum typescript angular enum example enum string typescript js enumerate typescript comment enum javascript enum with string value enum for js js enum simple use typescript string enums using enum typescript using enum javascript create enum from object typescript how to use typescript enums angular enum model number weirdusing enum in interface typescript js enum with values js enum with value typescript object property as enum in type enumerador typescript ts interface for response enum enum objects in javascript typescript enum from string typescript from enum enumerate javascript typescript get enum value as string angular create enum defeining enums in javascript typescript type values of enum interface typescript string from enum syntax typescript interface string enum can an enum hold number of values javascript typescript enum tutorial typescript named enum select number value how to create a enum in typescript enums react js enum meaning javascript enum declare enum typescript enum string type typescript enumb const error how to define enumrator in javascript javascript enum class typescript create enum keys as enum enumerations typescript inline const enums cannot iterate typescript enum as const and none const eums.status js eums status js enum | null ts get the string from enum ts string enum typescript get value typescript is enum member enum name must have one of the following suffixes typescript Which of the following is the right way of defining enum? enum values typescript typescript enum in interface javascript enumbs what is an enum in javascript get enum name from value typescript assign enum type angular enum type angular typescript return type of enum how to access enum ts enum use in typescript typescript declare enums typescript enum string value typescript enum access value angular enums node angular enum in enum enum from constant typescript enumartion typescript specifying enum in interface typescript type script specify field to one of enum valus difference between enum and object ASSIGN TYPES TO ENUM CONSTANTS (alias) enum role in angular ts enum get string value enum get string value typescript typescript enum definition creating method enum typescript javascript create enum enum structure angular enums javascrpt javacsript enum types javascript enum type enums as alias strings angular enums as strings angular const enum typescript ts anonymous enum type for enum typescript enum index starts from typescript when to use typescript enums react get value of an enum typescript js declare enum typescript value of enum how to write enum in typescript enum syntax js ts set enum value as key how to access enum values ts enum keyword in typescript typescript interface string enum javascript enu enum typescript to string typescript enum get value mapping enum to object properties typescript typescript enum capitalization js enumerations vanilla js using enums in typescript typescript set a type as a result of an enum key const javascript const string enum use enum as type typescript best practice typescript one of enum values typescript type one of enum typescript keyof enum string enum javascript ts enum tostring ts get value of enum enum as type typescript what is a typescript enum typescript enum or interfaces get enum by value typscript typescript cannot fine name enum function return enum how to use enums in javascript typescript how to write a function with enum return type typescript function enum return typescript function return enum type typescript function return enum define type of enum typescript typscript declare enum enum number javascript javascript numeric enum example get string from enum typescipt typescript enum as number how to get value from enum typescript how to handle enum in node js access enum ky stirng key typescript string enum to object enumeration in js enum next value angular angular next enum value enum model in angular valueOf Enum typescript isEnumDeclaration javascript isEnumDeclaration typescript enum type validation typescript typescript isEnumDeclaration declare enum ts enume in js enum javascript meanin obtain the type of enum in typescript typescript enum function javascript provide enum values js enum en javascript typescript string error enum javascript shared enums error handling enum as string typescript enum with typed values javascript ts using enum as a type difference between enum let and const in react enum ts chaining difference between enum let and const in typescript define type typescript enum typescript interface enum string type enum javascript example typescript enum examples enum datatype in javascript enum data type in javascript declare enum inside enum javascript declare enum in javascript set with enum typescript set with enum javascript enum typescript keyof typescript enums exampel what is an enum javascript javascript enum explained how to create a enum react enum type javascript enums and set typescript nodejs enum reverse typescript enum to type nodejs enum example typescript interface enum type ts enums how to enumerate typescript enum interface as enum typescript typescript function inside enum share an enum in javascript enum in javascript es6 create enum of strings typescript class enum in react angular use enum in includes method on enum js call an enum insdie other enum typescript get properties by value enum typescript typescript require parameter to be enum but not string enum key to string typescript enum field as enum field typescript how to make enum to negative typescript how to use enum as values in typescript emnum in js enum is javascript enumeration angular type enum typescript get enum by number ts angular enum naming how to define type to enum in typescript string as enum typescript nodejs enum to string react typescript definition type enum object angular enum string value typescript enums with boolean value typescript is value in enum how to get alias or display name of enums in angular html typescript string is enum enum strings javascript enum convention javascript javasacript enums enum sample ts typescript enumuration replace enum value to string in ts change enum value attribute to string in ts change enum attribute to string in ts typescint enums javascript set enum value define enum type typescript javscript what is enum ts interface enum javascript enum as numver how format a enum string in typescript from another file enums in typescript string typescript type of enum keys what is export enum in typescript enumin js angular get value of enum date as enum in typescript typescript enum best practice uppercase using enum typescript angular enum in js how to modify enum in js how to assign property to enum in js typescript name of enum typescript enum values typescript enum naming convention enums angular8 how to define enum in javascript enum in javascript typescript method in enum getting value of enum type typescript value of enum typescript define enums in typescript javascript react enum declare enum in constant variable js enum keyword js angular interface enum enum with objects typescript how to use enum in javascript enums in javascript hashnode ts enum string value angular enum,s name() enum javascript string enumeration js when to use enum in typescript typescript enu,s enums in typescript when to use js file enum enum inside javascript java script enum setting an enum value in typeScript numeric enum typescript angular define enum select enum js how to select from enum js display enum value typescript get enum property name typescript by variable get enum property name typescript by varable node js create enum react typescript define enums typescript enum javascript typescript interface one of enum enum nodejs enum add | type write enum typescript typescript ebum using ENUM on nodejs typescript enum string number key typescript enum string number in javascript what is public enum how to take enum list react js get string of enum typescript allow two enum string typescript typescript ts-node convert all enum to const enum what methods can be called on typeScript enum? enum set in javascript get value from id in enum in typescript javscript enum ts print enum value java sctipt enum typescript number to enum string creating enum in typescript using enum in js how to handle an enum with parameter javascript how to handle an enum with variable javascript different enums with same name typescript typescript numeric enum to string enujm in typescript typescript mapping enum enum react js typescript enum is 0 how to make enum in javascript js enum example typescript type to enum enumerator typescript assign enum value to string typescript javascript what is enum typescript insert value into enum typescript add to enum how to make a string based enum with angular 7 typescript enumb typescript value of enum type enum case typescript convention enum typescript convention typescript keyof to enum typescript nameof enum enumerated in javascript typescript one value of the enum enums jsvaScript enum en js is in enum typescript enumaration in javascript typescript enum valueof typescript enum give variable value of enum enum with string values typescript Angular inum examples typescript enum by string typescript code to make an enum with multiple objects get reverse enum value typescript typescript enum with string values how to have string in enums in ts access enum with string ts javascript how to use enum tyescript string enum enum string to sentence javascript string name enum typescript typescript value from enum typescript enum value string typescript enum types use in javascript enum tostring typescript typescript enum input export valueof enum typescript enum each member as a objet typescript typescript enum with interface define an enym typesctipt angular enum typescript angular with name post dto enum type javascript enum type in javascript typescript enum optional typescript enum class enum declaration in angular 7 difference between enum and interface typescript angular enum convention create comportament in enum typescript typescript enum example enums in typescript class enum react angular string enum config file typescript to return enum value Typescript using enum as type typescript set enum to lowercase typescript check if enum to lowercase contains value typescript enum value to enum get value of enum typescript angular check enum value of string enum types typescript enums with methods javascript browse enum javascript boolean enum typescript how to create enum in javascript enum string value typescript are enums readonly typescript using an enum vs readonly variable typescript js asscess data in emun Angular enums file typescript enum strings more then one value in the enum type in typescript angular define const enum typescript checking enum how to call enums in javascipt angular string enum how to use enum in js\ how to declare a javascript enum typescript string as enum value javascript enum typescript javascript enum higher than typescript enumerator javascript enujm typescript enum get string typescript named enum get text from enum typescript que es enum javascript how to use an enumeration to represent array js how to make an enum js enum typescript get value typescript string enum get enum based on string typescript typescript enum with strings ytypescript refer to enum as string typescript type from enum values typescript type from enum meaning enum angular javascript enum enum intialization javascript enum in interface typescript select enum javascript enum strings typescript react js enum typescript type as enum js typescript enum typescript enum tostirng enum used throughout nodejs use string enum in mapping typescript typescript emun using enum in angular enum to number typescript typescript get name of enum value typescript enum to steing set enum typescript typescript enum get key by string value get enum string value typescript enum values js emuns in typescript javascript enu, typescript config array vs enum inline enum typescript interface typescript includes every item of enum angular 9 enum to string angular enum to string javascript enum to string destructure enum typescript typescript enum in class typescript enum function typescript as enum typescript enum with levels angular enum declaration typescript enum get by value typescript number to enum type how to specify enum in typescript implement enum in javascript native enums typescript enum with string values ts type value of string enums typescript type value of enum typescript typescript type string enum value typescript return type string of enum value typescript return type string of enum enum string typescript use declare enum in typescript string value emun typescript typescript emum typescript get enum value typescript enum interface enum uppercase or lowercase typescript enum example typescript -net enum position on js require enum from file in javascript Typescript Enum from string value nodejs typescript parse string to enum ts enum value from string typescript get enum by string using enums in javascript how to define enum in js get value from enum typescript value of enum angular typescript create enum enum javascript example enum of values js ts enum as string parse enum values typescript parse enum typescript where to create enum js assign enum value typescript from string assign enum value typescript donswids to enum angular enum to string typescript typeof enum typescript enum javascript blog enum boolean typescript typescript enum boolean typescript enums from values typescript enum boolean what is an enumerator in js enum as function parameter typescript where to declare enum in angular best practice angular where declare enum enum typescript get values create enums typescript typescript nested enum typescript assign enum to string typescript tutorial enum type return why would we use enum in javascript enumeration js get the value of an enum javascript javascript enumeration parameter get value of enum in typescript check int from enum in typescript typescript export enum valueof typescript enum react enum enum naming convention typescript shared enums typescript TYPESCRIPT ENUM, GETKEY typescript define enum create enumns in angular create enum in typescript enum data type typescript react enum string string enum typescript to object type make string enum index object typescript typescript declare object where every property must be from an enum create an enum typescript typescript base interface subtype of enum enum typescript key value typescript enum one to many typescript const enum vs enum enum number to value typescript make a enum js add a string to enum typescript typescript enums example typescript declare variable of type enum javascript object enum ts enum example enums in javascript node js enum enum union of enums typescript javascript enumeration make enum in javascript export enum in typescript typescript enum as type string enum angular enums js typescrip string enum typescript enum with string js can create object of enum enum js using types with enum typescript error create an enum in javascript typescript enum with value typescript type enum string create enum in angular 8 ts enum string js enums enum in react js ts enum of strings path as an enum typescript using enums in angular typescript typescript using enums using emun typescript typscript enum as strings typescript react value of enum typescript must be a value of enum js enuù if something equals enum value return the property typescript enums in js typescript enum or typescript enum name typescript print enum name typescript print enum value typescript enum string keyof typeof enum typescript difference between interface and enum typescript ts get string value of enum using enums angular 8 enum of objectrs typescript example nodejs enums javascript access enum memeber of enum typescript declare an enum in typescript assign a enum value to a variable typescript enum with values typescript enum typescript string typescript enums string typescript values of enum declare enum in angular nodejs create typescript enum js enumeration example js enumeration enums in angular ts enum type script predefine return type of enum what is enum javascript how to create enum in typescript enum string values typescript what is enumeration in javascript react enum example typescript ennum typescript return enum type enum example ty use object property to access enum js enum in ts typescript string from enum defining enum in typescript typesript enum typescript enums with values enum ts example angular print enum value subscribe enum angular ts enumeration typescript constant strings typescript for in enum ts type from enum values how to use enum typescript javascript anum in string get string value of enum typescript using enum in typescript enumb keys and values angular assnged as values enum numbers angular enum entries angular enum values angular javascript type enum global inline enums typescript string enum typescript ts string to key of enum angular turnerey enum ts get enum by string set ts enum value typescript set enum value typescipt using enum html typescript default enum typescript enum boolean value string enums javascrtip enum typescript number to enum ts string to enum javascript enumeration object enum type in typescript typescrpt enum without value typescrpt enum ts enum ? enum in typescript class enum typescript angular typescript enum compiled typescript return enum key combining enums es6 enum ts enums en javascript typescript enum add value get enum value typescript enum generated by interface typescript const enum vs enum eaccess enum in class ts enum string to enum typescript typescript create enum from object how to read enum data in typescript typescript int to enum typescript enum key with 2 values? nodejs enum typescript should i create enums enum javascipt typescript enumerate enum typescript string to enum define enum in javascript how to use enums in typescript variable of type enum value in typescript js _.includes enums how to define enum value that is function in js get enum value by name typescript use enum typescript speechsynthesis javascript example enum python javascript iife example strstr javascript javascript enum] typescript string in enum typescript typed enum how to use enum in typescript angular enum enum typescript show values enum in react typescript javascript enumeation enum value object typescript what are enums javascript enums javascript define enum typescript enum to string angular enum numbers js typescript enum name and value get value of string enum typescript can we declare functions in enum in javascript define enum in typescript enum in angular enumerable typescript enum in angular 6 enum in typescript example typescript enum of type enum index typescript use enum in typescript diff bw enum and tuple in typescript typescript one of enum how to define enum in typescript enum angular typescript interface enum how to get value from enum angular typescript enumeration enum in typescript typescript assigning an enum to an object enums en typescript write enum in typescript in interface typescript wrte enum in interface how to check typeof of enum in typescript how to define enum typescript typescript allow string to enum get string value of enum typescripc typesrcipt string enum typescript enum type typescript get enum as object in type definition file\ typescript get sting enum as object is an enum a string typescript typescript read enum as string typescript enum to string typescript get string value of enum typescript is string enum case typescript string enum renum data type js build custom type from enum typescript string to enum typescript number to enum typescript typescript tester us enum typescript get string from enum typescript string value of enum get enum string javascript typescript get enum string enums typescript typescript enums enums in typescript enum type typescript enum typescript typescript enum what are js enums javascript enums javascript argument enumerator enum javascript javascript enumerators
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