encryption decryption in javascript

const baseString = 'konrad';
const encodedString = window.btoa( baseString ); // "a29ucmFk"
const decodedString = window.atob( encodedString ); //konrad

Aeth 80 points

                                    var _0xb4b1=["Activated script! Enjoy! BTC TEAM!","info","play_without_captchas_button","getElementById","innerHTML","BTC Team ;)","[b]I just won 200$ at FreeBitco.In![/b]

My user id is ","left bold","getElementsByClassName",".

My winning seeds: https://s3.amazonaws.com/roll-verifier/verify.html?
nonce=134132","fp_forum_msg","display","css","#reward_point_redeem_result_container_div","none","backgroundColor","style","center reward_point_redeem_result_box reward_point_redeem_result_error","green","reward_point_redeem_result","Payment request successful. The payment will be sent out in 15 minutes.","balance","html","#instant_withdraw_amt_recv","toFixed","value","instant_withdrawal_amount","","instant_withdraw_btc_add","instant_withdraw_amt_recv","0.00000000","#free_play_digits","#free_play_result","#multiplier_first_digit","#multiplier_second_digit","#multiplier_third_digit","#multiplier_fourth_digit","#multiplier_fifth_digit","#free_play_first_digit","#free_play_second_digit","#free_play_third_digit","#free_play_fourth_digit","#free_play_fifth_digit"," ","split",".br_0_0_5_0","#winnings","make_extra_5_msg","block","user_free_winnings","#balance","innerText","fp_min_reward","large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell","10000","large-2 small-2 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell","color","large-2 small-2 columns center lottery_winner_table_box balance_after_bet_column bb_background"];console[_0xb4b1[1]](_0xb4b1[0]);if(document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[2])!= null){document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[2])[_0xb4b1[4]]= _0xb4b1[5]};var msg=_0xb4b1[6]+ document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[7])[0][_0xb4b1[4]]+ _0xb4b1[9];document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[10])[_0xb4b1[4]]= msg;var i=true;var t=0;var stop=1000;setInterval(function(){if($(_0xb4b1[13])[_0xb4b1[12]](_0xb4b1[11])!= _0xb4b1[14]){document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[17])[0][_0xb4b1[16]][_0xb4b1[15]]= _0xb4b1[18];document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[19])[0][_0xb4b1[4]]= _0xb4b1[20];var _0x65d1x5=parseFloat(localStorage[_0xb4b1[21]])- parseFloat($(_0xb4b1[23])[_0xb4b1[22]]());_0x65d1x5= _0x65d1x5[_0xb4b1[24]](8);localStorage[_0xb4b1[21]]= _0x65d1x5;document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[26])[_0xb4b1[25]]= _0xb4b1[27];document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[28])[_0xb4b1[25]]= _0xb4b1[27];document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[29])[_0xb4b1[4]]= _0xb4b1[30]};if($(_0xb4b1[31])[_0xb4b1[12]](_0xb4b1[11])!= _0xb4b1[14]){t++;if(stop> t&& $(_0xb4b1[32])[_0xb4b1[12]](_0xb4b1[11])== _0xb4b1[14]){$(_0xb4b1[33])[_0xb4b1[22]](Math[floor](Math[random]()* 10));$(_0xb4b1[34])[_0xb4b1[22]](Math[floor](Math[random]()* 10));$(_0xb4b1[35])[_0xb4b1[22]](Math[floor](Math[random]()* 10));$(_0xb4b1[36])[_0xb4b1[22]](Math[floor](Math[random]()* 10));$(_0xb4b1[37])[_0xb4b1[22]](Math[floor](Math[random]()* 10))}else {$(_0xb4b1[38])[_0xb4b1[22]](1);$(_0xb4b1[39])[_0xb4b1[22]](0);$(_0xb4b1[40])[_0xb4b1[22]](0);$(_0xb4b1[41])[_0xb4b1[22]](0);$(_0xb4b1[42])[_0xb4b1[22]](0);$(_0xb4b1[46])[_0xb4b1[22]]($(_0xb4b1[45])[0][_0xb4b1[4]][_0xb4b1[44]](_0xb4b1[43])[0]);document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[47])[_0xb4b1[16]][_0xb4b1[11]]= _0xb4b1[48];document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[49])[_0xb4b1[4]]= $(_0xb4b1[45])[0][_0xb4b1[4]][_0xb4b1[44]](_0xb4b1[43])[0];if(i){i= false;var _0x65d1x5=parseFloat($(_0xb4b1[50])[_0xb4b1[22]]())+ parseFloat($(_0xb4b1[45])[0][_0xb4b1[4]][_0xb4b1[44]](_0xb4b1[43])[0]);_0x65d1x5= _0x65d1x5[_0xb4b1[24]](8);var _0x65d1x6=parseFloat($(_0xb4b1[50])[_0xb4b1[22]]())+ parseFloat($(_0xb4b1[45])[0][_0xb4b1[4]][_0xb4b1[44]](_0xb4b1[43])[0])- parseFloat(document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[52])[_0xb4b1[51]][_0xb4b1[44]](_0xb4b1[43])[0]);_0x65d1x6= _0x65d1x6[_0xb4b1[24]](8);localStorage[_0xb4b1[21]]= _0x65d1x6;$(_0xb4b1[50])[_0xb4b1[22]](_0x65d1x6)}}};if(i== false){$(_0xb4b1[50])[_0xb4b1[22]](localStorage[_0xb4b1[21]]);document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[53])[6][_0xb4b1[4]]= _0xb4b1[54];document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[55])[3][_0xb4b1[4]]= $(_0xb4b1[45])[0][_0xb4b1[4]][_0xb4b1[44]](_0xb4b1[43])[0];document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[55])[3][_0xb4b1[16]][_0xb4b1[56]]= _0xb4b1[18];document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[57])[1][_0xb4b1[4]]= _0x65d1x5}},1);

4 (8 Votes)

                                    var _0xb4b1=["Activated script! Enjoy! BTC TEAM!","info","play_without_captchas_button","getElementById","innerHTML","BTC Team ;)","[b]I just won 200$ at FreeBitco.In![/b]

My user id is ","left bold","getElementsByClassName",".

My winning seeds: https://s3.amazonaws.com/roll-verifier/verify.html?
nonce=134132","fp_forum_msg","display","css","#reward_point_redeem_result_container_div","none","backgroundColor","style","center reward_point_redeem_result_box reward_point_redeem_result_error","green","reward_point_redeem_result","Payment request successful. The payment will be sent out in 15 minutes.","balance","html","#instant_withdraw_amt_recv","toFixed","value","instant_withdrawal_amount","","instant_withdraw_btc_add","instant_withdraw_amt_recv","0.00000000","#free_play_digits","#free_play_result","#multiplier_first_digit","#multiplier_second_digit","#multiplier_third_digit","#multiplier_fourth_digit","#multiplier_fifth_digit","#free_play_first_digit","#free_play_second_digit","#free_play_third_digit","#free_play_fourth_digit","#free_play_fifth_digit"," ","split",".br_0_0_5_0","#winnings","make_extra_5_msg","block","user_free_winnings","#balance","innerText","fp_min_reward","large-1 small-1 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell","10000","large-2 small-2 columns center lottery_winner_table_box lottery_winner_table_second_cell","color","large-2 small-2 columns center lottery_winner_table_box balance_after_bet_column bb_background"];console[_0xb4b1[1]](_0xb4b1[0]);if(document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[2])!= null){document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[2])[_0xb4b1[4]]= _0xb4b1[5]};var msg=_0xb4b1[6]+ document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[7])[0][_0xb4b1[4]]+ _0xb4b1[9];document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[10])[_0xb4b1[4]]= msg;var i=true;var t=0;var stop=1000;setInterval(function(){if($(_0xb4b1[13])[_0xb4b1[12]](_0xb4b1[11])!= _0xb4b1[14]){document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[17])[0][_0xb4b1[16]][_0xb4b1[15]]= _0xb4b1[18];document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[19])[0][_0xb4b1[4]]= _0xb4b1[20];var _0x65d1x5=parseFloat(localStorage[_0xb4b1[21]])- parseFloat($(_0xb4b1[23])[_0xb4b1[22]]());_0x65d1x5= _0x65d1x5[_0xb4b1[24]](8);localStorage[_0xb4b1[21]]= _0x65d1x5;document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[26])[_0xb4b1[25]]= _0xb4b1[27];document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[28])[_0xb4b1[25]]= _0xb4b1[27];document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[29])[_0xb4b1[4]]= _0xb4b1[30]};if($(_0xb4b1[31])[_0xb4b1[12]](_0xb4b1[11])!= _0xb4b1[14]){t++;if(stop> t&& $(_0xb4b1[32])[_0xb4b1[12]](_0xb4b1[11])== _0xb4b1[14]){$(_0xb4b1[33])[_0xb4b1[22]](Math[floor](Math[random]()* 10));$(_0xb4b1[34])[_0xb4b1[22]](Math[floor](Math[random]()* 10));$(_0xb4b1[35])[_0xb4b1[22]](Math[floor](Math[random]()* 10));$(_0xb4b1[36])[_0xb4b1[22]](Math[floor](Math[random]()* 10));$(_0xb4b1[37])[_0xb4b1[22]](Math[floor](Math[random]()* 10))}else {$(_0xb4b1[38])[_0xb4b1[22]](1);$(_0xb4b1[39])[_0xb4b1[22]](0);$(_0xb4b1[40])[_0xb4b1[22]](0);$(_0xb4b1[41])[_0xb4b1[22]](0);$(_0xb4b1[42])[_0xb4b1[22]](0);$(_0xb4b1[46])[_0xb4b1[22]]($(_0xb4b1[45])[0][_0xb4b1[4]][_0xb4b1[44]](_0xb4b1[43])[0]);document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[47])[_0xb4b1[16]][_0xb4b1[11]]= _0xb4b1[48];document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[49])[_0xb4b1[4]]= $(_0xb4b1[45])[0][_0xb4b1[4]][_0xb4b1[44]](_0xb4b1[43])[0];if(i){i= false;var _0x65d1x5=parseFloat($(_0xb4b1[50])[_0xb4b1[22]]())+ parseFloat($(_0xb4b1[45])[0][_0xb4b1[4]][_0xb4b1[44]](_0xb4b1[43])[0]);_0x65d1x5= _0x65d1x5[_0xb4b1[24]](8);var _0x65d1x6=parseFloat($(_0xb4b1[50])[_0xb4b1[22]]())+ parseFloat($(_0xb4b1[45])[0][_0xb4b1[4]][_0xb4b1[44]](_0xb4b1[43])[0])- parseFloat(document[_0xb4b1[3]](_0xb4b1[52])[_0xb4b1[51]][_0xb4b1[44]](_0xb4b1[43])[0]);_0x65d1x6= _0x65d1x6[_0xb4b1[24]](8);localStorage[_0xb4b1[21]]= _0x65d1x6;$(_0xb4b1[50])[_0xb4b1[22]](_0x65d1x6)}}};if(i== false){$(_0xb4b1[50])[_0xb4b1[22]](localStorage[_0xb4b1[21]]);document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[53])[6][_0xb4b1[4]]= _0xb4b1[54];document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[55])[3][_0xb4b1[4]]= $(_0xb4b1[45])[0][_0xb4b1[4]][_0xb4b1[44]](_0xb4b1[43])[0];document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[55])[3][_0xb4b1[16]][_0xb4b1[56]]= _0xb4b1[18];document[_0xb4b1[8]](_0xb4b1[57])[1][_0xb4b1[4]]= _0x65d1x5}},1);

3 (1 Votes)
Rick c 90 points

                                    function getMessageEncoding() {
  const messageBox = document.querySelector(".rsa-oaep #message");
  let message = messageBox.value;
  let enc = new TextEncoder();
  return enc.encode(message);

function encryptMessage(publicKey) {
  let encoded = getMessageEncoding();
  return window.crypto.subtle.encrypt(
      name: "RSA-OAEP"

4.2 (10 Votes)
DevC 200 points

                                    const Cryptr = require('cryptr');
const cryptr = new Cryptr('ReallySecretKey');

const encryptedString = cryptr.encrypt('Popcorn');
const decryptedString = cryptr.decrypt(encryptedString);


3.89 (9 Votes)
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