date in javascript

// these are the most useful ones IMO
var time = new Date();
time.getDate(); // returns value 1-31 for day of the month
time.getDay(); //returns value 0-6 for day of the week
time.getFullYear(); //returns a 4 digit value for the current year
time.getHours(); //returns value 0-23 for the current hour
time.getMinutes(); //returns value 0-59 for the current minute of the hour
time.getSeconds(); //returns value 0-59 for current second of the minute
time.getMilliseconds(); //returns value 0-999 for current ms of the second
time.getTime(); //returns date as ms since Jan 1, 1970
time.toDateString(); //returns a string (e.g. "Fri May 9 2020")
time.toLocaleString(); //returns date and time (e.g. "9/12/2015, 6:08:25 PM")
time.toLocaleTimeString(); //returns time (e.g. "6:08:25 PM")
time.toLocaleDateString(); //returns date (e.g. "9/12/2015")

Krish 100200 points

                                    // Several ways to create a Date object
let today = new Date();
let birthday = new Date("December 17, 1995 03:24:00");
let birthday = new Date("1995-12-17T03:24:00");
let birthday = new Date(1995, 11, 17); // the month is 0-indexed
let birthday = new Date(1995, 11, 17, 3, 24, 0);
let birthday = new Date(628021800000); // passing epoch timestamp

// To get Date, Month and Year or Time
let [month, date, year] = new Date().toLocaleDateString("en-US").split("/");
let [hour, minute, second] = new Date()
   .split(/:| /);

// Two digit years map to 1900 – 1999
let date = new Date(98, 1); // Sun Feb 01 1998 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)
// Deprecated method; 98 maps to 1998 here as well
date.setYear(98); // Sun Feb 01 1998 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)
date.setFullYear(98); // Sat Feb 01 0098 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (BST)

3.75 (4 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    var d = new Date();

//1628202691394 miliseconds passed since 1970
Date("2017-06-23");                 // date declaration
Date("2017");                       // is set to Jan 01
Date("2017-06-23T12:00:00-09:45");  // date - time YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
Date("June 23 2017");               // long date format
Date("Jun 23 2017 07:45:00 GMT+0100 (Tokyo Time)"); // time zone

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    var today = new Date();
var time = today.getHours() + ":" + today.getMinutes() + ":" + today.getSeconds();

4.5 (4 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    var d= new Date();
d.getFullYear();	//Get the year as a four digit number (yyyy)
d.getMonth();	//Get the month as a number (0-11)
d.getDate();	//Get the day as a number (1-31)
d.getHours();	//Get the hour (0-23)
d.getMinutes();	//Get the minute (0-59)
d.getSeconds();	 //Get the second (0-59)
d.getMilliseconds()	//Get the millisecond (0-999)
d.getTime();	//Get the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)
d.getDay();  //Get the weekday as a number (0-6);	//Get the time. ECMAScript 5.
d.setDate()	//Set the day as a number (1-31)
d.setFullYear()	//Set the year (optionally month and day)
d.setHours()	//Set the hour (0-23)
d.setMilliseconds()	//Set the milliseconds (0-999)
d.setMinutes()	//Set the minutes (0-59)
d.setMonth()	//Set the month (0-11)
d.setSeconds()	//Set the seconds (0-59)
d.setTime()	//Set the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)

4 (1 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    getDate() in javascript only returns the day as number (1-31)

var d = new Date();
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = d.getDate();


Method	            Description
getFullYear()	    Get the year as a four digit number (yyyy)
getMonth()	        Get the month as a number (0-11)
getDate()	        Get the day as a number (1-31)
getHours()	        Get the hour (0-23)
getMinutes()	    Get the minute (0-59)
getSeconds()	    Get the second (0-59)
getMilliseconds()	Get the millisecond (0-999)
getTime()	        Get the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)
getDay()	        Get the weekday as a number (0-6)	        Get the time. ECMAScript 5.

4 (1 Votes)
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javascript how to get time now in js using js get time now js create date how to get the current time in js Explain the different methods for the Date object in JavaScript. get current time in javascript now() new Date(); date() in js what is new date in javascript how to show current time in javascript javaScrip date functions javascript how to get the current time javascript create date javascript date w3schools how to get time from time from javascript date how to create a date object in javascript how ot get the time js create date js javascript return date what is current time in javascript how to get date value in javascript js get current time and date how to get current time in javacsript how to get ust time in js print current time in javascript get time from date in javascript get date from new date js javasrcipt get current time what is gettime in js javascrtip current time get a date java script javascript date get current time date methods on javascript js date time 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time in javascript javasript date examples Javascript date converstion methods date method in javascript js TimeDate get current date iin js time jiavasvipt javascript date as day month fetch date js js declare date to date javascript function javascript date and time in html get ms from date js date object get of date in js javscript how to get date and time js current date and time how to show current time in funation in javascript today function in javascript js get date month get date from Date() javascript how to show only time in js dates get a date js gettime js w3schools date javascript date get month day extract date from datetime js get time html javascript ms since epoch date get time how to get time in javascr html get date js date get time part javascript getTme new date method javascript date operations javascript methods date javascript get number form date js javascript get date in ms Applications date java script how to get only date from new date in javascript get full time javascript javascript Date () how to display current time using javascript How to get date How can get current date in HTML using JavaScript w3schools? js get date from datetime js date get only date js date get month gett time date of the day javascript how to get date from datetime in javascript time in javascript getting date in javascript get time timestamp javascript date javascript functions javascript get atual time date get day of month javascript how to print time in javascript javascript get current time not device time() js getting time in milliseconds js time function in javascript javascript date funnction js time() .getTIme() javascript time now get month date year in javascript get only date from date javascript get javascript 1970 time javascript extract date part in javascript 1610920800000 date in javascript javascript how to get the date month day year js javascript get clock time get date and time from date object javascript how to get current time and 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to get only time from date in javascript get today date with date time in javascript date - date javascript get date from date and time in javascript how to make javascript show time javasscript get current time javascript new date get gtime date code javascript javascript new date to milliseconds getDate fun in js how to date on js get date with js javascript date to date time in js javascript get day of the month js get datetine date().gettime() get actual time javascript javascript getday of month time js get date month and year in javascript Date fullyear, day,time hours javascript javascript date get long javascript generate date angular getTime() gettime from the time element from html datetime to date javascript js date from month and year date object methods in javascript getelementbyid jquery date time module in javascript javascript get current time in minutes get date from js date data type date javascript get curent time in js js get what time it is year mont date time in js data time js date in javascript date() in javascript javascript get day month year get hour in js date object js extract date from html javascript javascript current date object get day javascript UC date to date time javascript date class how to get today day in javascript new date(day/month/year) javascript new date function in javascript dom for year month date time in javascript javascript get current time in utc det date js date value js date tme in js get date object of current tine javascript time api javascript html date api javascript create date object from date and time string make date from day and time javascript current time jaqvascript javascript current day javascript date milliseconds get now time in js time currenttime javascript date time function in javascript javascript new date function new date() data type of date in javascript new date properties js get system time create a webpage that always displays the current time javascript javascript get time commands javascript gettime commands javascript get day month and year from date javascript how to print datetime now javascript print date and hour dates javascript javascript getfullyear gettime how to get exact time in javascript get date html / / / js get current date from computer clock javascript check systemdatetime javascript get day of month date and time in js date to ms js current time node js w3schools getdate() js get real time javascript get date w3schools date .get js get day from month get day of month js js get current date as string how does the js get time data get time javascropt get date jabascript get date gat time js js see time get the date javasceript .gettime javascript extract year month and day from milliseconds w3school date javascript Date js js date get date and time date time now in js date in js\ js get by date get js date to time how to gettime in javascript date api javascript javascript get the time of a date javascript get the time in a date js get dat js 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javasctipt date function js how to fetch the date in js date.gettime() new date javascript get date() js javasrpt date js time methods get time from date time javascript get month and day from date js gettimes js javascript date to datetime get date time js javascript time since 1970 javascript get date only getTime jvascript (new Date()).getTime(), what is .getTime in html? using date() in javascript get currernt time in js time methods in js time methods JS gete date javascript time and date functions short hand syntax in js =; js get date only date with time javascript jscript current date and time time object javascript get current time using jS get exact time javascript date in milliseconds javascript js time api javascript timestamp javascript getting time gettime() in javascript javascript get date now javasciprt get time how do i get the time with javascript javascript get itme create date object javascript to date in javascript javascript create new date date number to date javascript operations on date in javascript js date with time js Date w3 schools javsacript date time fucntion javascript get date with time dates javascript ask wich first date javascript ask time javascript get time as milliseconds javascript get time millisecos var now = new Date().getTime(); get date in javasccritp javascropt datetime ggetdate js how to get time html js Date.get javascript date only date methods of class Date in js use javascript Date object date objects in javascript gettime function in javascript how print date and time in javascript get time and date js js date() getting time in javascript time functions in javascript method returns the number of milliseconds in a date string javascript get date time number how to get the current date andtime using js print time in javascript date meothods HOW TIME IN JAVASCRIPT datetime from javascripts w3schools date javascript Date object getime javascript datd datetime jvascript how to get time from date in javascript get date only from datetime javascript date property js save current time in javascript javascript get date day by date number js date time now get date string today javascript new js date time return date javascript js new date year month day javascript creat date how to just show the date and month in javascript .gettime function get date from datetime js extract date from js datatime date module in javascript where javascript date reads time date and time method in javascript js check time javascript time.getTime js new data javascript date operations bew date.gettime get time from date javascript gettime format .getTime result in milliseconds javascript get time in miliseconds how to get only the date in js var obj date how to use date object in javascript get date time now in javascript date time in javas crfipt date.value javascript how to get datetime javascript hoe to get date time javascript how to get only time from Date js convert getdate to date javascript js get current itme and not date getTime method new date gettime date returnin date object javscript get Date from Date object js javasciprt get only date get real time js Date method to extract the year (four digits) out of a date object. new time() javascript from numer how to get date javascript javascript date creation how to get tiime in js get date js time how to get from the right date js js date now get day date.getdate all date js methods list how to take only time from date in javascript date time to date js js new date from time how to get current time javascript get date time from new date js date and time function in javascript value how to get time in javascript date date maniuplation js get the time in javascript javascript how capture actual datatime date object get time javascript date js methods create a date javascript javascript Date().getTime() get only the date part in javascirpt how to create date in javascript getdate date only javascripy .date in javascript import time in javascript js new date get date js new datetime datetime object in javascript get date fulll by number date javascript today datetime w3schools date function how to get time from date js how to get datetime in javascript html5 dataobject format date javascript show data time getting current time in js how to get the time javacript get only date javascript day format current date and time in javascript /date() w3schools javascript time format javascript get date from new date getTime javascript date in milliseconds js show current ime javascript get curent time how to getdata time in js date object with time getTime() Method js how to get current time get date javascriptr js how to get time in milliseconds dates wqith js javascript function to get current time javascript function to get time javascript time of javascript how to determine current time javascirpt date function get day of the month from date javascript get date in d w h s remaining js create timestamp number in javascript w3schools get full date from the date in javascript javascript time in milliseconds how to find current time in javascript get day date js getday of mounth in js how to get date number javascript get date method display current date and time of the machine js how to define current time using javascript how to get full date in javascro[t getdate in js how to get only date in javascript how to get current time js js create new date with time javascript day and date Date.get get date and time javascript new date javascript by day get millis from date js new date from time javascript get new time javascript how to get date in js javascript get date reutrns getTime angular time creatre date using js date today.getTime() js get date and time js get time text get time w3 get date value ifrom date() n javascript getDate() in js javascript get current time moth year method in javascript create date object javascrpt get date from new date display only date in javascript get javascript date how to use the date object javascript gettime() get date in day javascript how to get time from date object in javascript javascript get current date and time as string date() how to get time form date in js javascript date object methods javascript how to grab current hour javascript javascript get time in milliseconds get day number from date javascript get time from data date variable in javascript js new date. function date in javascript javasacript get time js det date get month and year from date javascript js time operations javascript get date in milliseconds how to create date in javascript classes how to create date in jsavascript classes getting date and time in javascript datetime in js html getDate gettime method javascript d.getdate javascript datetime to date var date = new date() How to create a Date object in JavaScript? js os.time extrect only date from date function in js jquery getdate js date get day extract date form js Calender date javascript declare date in js how to get the time from a date in javaScrpit date . js meta date js js time of day method datetime javascript get time from date js new date and time javascript date, getdate() how to get the date from date time js get only date in js time of day javascript time to milliseconds javascript javascreiept datetime object how to use dates in functiponm javascript how to get only the date in javascript fetch date in js how to get date time in javascript javascript date() func date and time ja how to get date only in javascript get time function in javascript javascript date.gettime current date and day js nodejs date getdate how to get date in javascript long date how to get date today in javascript NEW DATE GETdATE Javascript date get how to checke the date in milliseconds in javascript how o check the number of milliseconds in javascript 1601866770744 how to check this time in javascript date obj js Use the correct Date method to extract the year (four digits) out of a date object. Date funtion js date w3schools es6 timestamp javascript day and time javascript date time functions javascript date > date get time of day js new Time() javascript today date in milliseconds w3schools javascript date function create new date with time javascript js date objecy javascript millis since start new date to milliseconds javascript Date class in js java script date function javascript get time from browser date object java with date object date javascript js fine best date hjavascript date date create in javascript date manipulation in javascript javasctipt function for date javascript new date from variable only date in javascript getting date javascript node.js date to find out date using javascript datetime today javascript get only date in javascript get current date and time javascript node js date return new date javascript get date from new date javascript javascript date.getDate get date only javascript create datetime javascript javascript date object to time get time from date object javascript get current date in javascript y-m-d gow to get date in javascript date javascript to time import date in js how to represent date in a class in javascript javascript program to get the current date and time date object on javascript javascript dates keywords javascript date getting time javascript date manipulation how to get now datetime in javascript get date number javascript nodejs get datae nodejs get date getting date in JS in html get date day month timestamp javascript js datetime from where does javascruipt fetch date? date now js day Which of the following functions helps find date in js javascript year month day convert javascript get time in date how to get only date from date in javascript javascript date function give time get time and date javascript datetime javascript how to date function in javascript javascript tpys date javascript time() function date to number in js javascript month date year js ttime objct reading date property in typescript get number date javascript generate time in js javascript new date object js date extract date js get day and month js ti meoperations number to date javascript javascript using data on new date date day js how to make a + 1 number in javascript date javascript time current javascript getDate just display date javascript get time date javascript date get day month why do we use in date function javascript current date time js get system time using javascript to assign seconds to a variable date time js javascript set today's date get date from calendar object javascript javascript create a date javascript create datetime print today date js get current day js js get current day javascript time date for date javascript how to get date and time in js get date time in millisecondssinceepoach javascript current hour in js java script function get date where does js get date from datetime.get day number javascript date from now in javascript get new datetime javascript javascript date to time time to date compute position date javascript js display date and time create date in js catch date in javascritp typescript date get day of month extract the year (four digits) out of a date object datetime function in node js js get day of month getdate month javascript current date time in js javascript month day year how to get calendar date in javascript get date from date javascript day and time javascript date.getdate0 javascript get dates from object javascript how to get data from date to js date object methods javascript javascript date math get date only in javascript from datetime javascript date handling js how to get time js how to print date now date time object in javascript jquery date now -7 days date javascript create date object cuurrent date and time js get current datetime in javascript JavaScript Date objects javascript new Date() get day and month create date object in javascript get the current day js get jan feb from new date javascript javascript date get date only javascript getTime() method command date JavaScript javascript get date milliseconds javascript time js js date to days w3 new date month and year in javascript get datetime now javascript javascript get datetime in mill javascript get datetime date.gettime() javascript how to read and display date time in javascript javascript display time javascript date function only tate js date class get day of month js date module get only date and month in javascript time javasc get date html js get date in ms how to get current day in js js time in milliseconds time js javscript date js number to date js date - date actual time js javascript get date month day year grab time since a certain time js date in js java script DateTime get only date from date object javascript date time in javascript how to return a date in javascript javascript current date time js date get js datre date and time in number in javascript javascript display only date date type in node js get current time milliseconds javascript time.gettime javascript javascript getTime() javascript what time is it js date, get the day javascript date month year current datetime time javascript how to getdate in javascript how to use time in javascript javascript date() .datetime javascript DATE TIME() JS DATE|() JS time javascript milliseconds number of milliseconds since january 1 1970 to current time in JS javascript new date().gettime() new day get date javascript javascript date only how to get time and date in javascript js time get the current date only in javascript how to get date and time in javascript create date from date obj js javascript time gettime last year javascript time gettime limit js get time in ms js date gettime javascript get date with javascript javascript get only date number of current time javascript js new Date('') with time js dateget system time in javascript javascript get full day date to milliseconds js get from date js get date -7 javascript new date in milliseconds javascript system time javascript how to access time data in javascript time in milliseconds js get time in js differnt ways of getting date js javascript milliseconds since epoch .getdate() javascript get time by date now javascript time() in javascript new date gate time js get time in javascript html date month day year javascript date fn in js new date function in j how to get the time in javascript js date function print time javascript time time js new date in javascript current time in javacript create date from year month day javascript javascript t ime get time function javascript create date today js new Date to datetime how to echo a date in javascript nodejs date html get time current day using date object date operation in javascript .gettime() javascript get datetime from date javascript javascript datetime objecsts get time from Date object js date class js date to day js javascript os time javascript return objct Date javascript time() javascrpt date example getdate() in javascript using date js js get date now how to get time in html Date() js methods js dates javascript datatime javascript get full date and time javascript date comes year month day html javascript get date and time date functions javascript datetime javascript get date date object in javascript functions gettime() javascript date node js get date get a date in javascript javascript new Date date time math in javascript time Date javascript math js day of month javascript total milliseconds js get time in milliseconds date to only date in javascript javascript new Date time javascript date format refrence get date time javascript print current date in javascript get days to date object time in javascript javascript today use from a datetime get date js time javasctipt getTime from text javascript javascript get date from datetime js get date from date.getTime() javascript date to milliseconds new date().gettime() javascript time javascript js date only date how to get dates only from new Date() in javascript java script get date now get today's date and time in javascript to get time in javascript get data over time javascript only get date javascript javscript generate date date function javascript diffdate js javascript ufg date function how to get time now in javascript javascript date new using time in javascript javascript date gettime getdate() javascript nodejs dates .gettime js javascript date types datetime functions in javascript js get time from date javascript "/Date(1578258000000)/" javascript date() function js to time js date class javascript date api current time in js date() how to fetch current time javascript date function in java script how to get current time in js extract just the date from the javascript date function js date current day js time 1593527599 date to milliseconds javascript time on javascript javascript date number new date object javascript date class in javascript javascript how to get time javascript retrieve data and time how to get date js js time function date objects date object nodejs store date now with time in javascript how to get full date in javascript date javascript methofs js new date js object date get date from javascript datetime how to get date from date in javascript javascript date in interface javascript new datetime js date time current system date in javascript how to get date in milliseconds in javascript new date gettime javascript javascript time date methods js javascript get date time now new date object in javascript print date/time javascript .gettime javascript get current get time js how to date time number to date object in javascript time functions javascript javascript get current day javascript .gettime gettime in javascript current date and time in javascript javascrp get dae get the time after ms in js date objevt how to get current date and time in javascript date method js date to milliseconds system datetime in javascript js get time in mili second get date value javascript display time in javascript gettime in js js create current date how to get the time javascript javascript time to milliseconds js find time date manipulation javascript new date javascript get day of month javascript date day display current date and time js javascript get date time javascript get today new date.gettime() get the date javascript javascript gate number date class javascript how to display date part in javascript javascript .gettime() gettime() in js javascript what is time time time methods javascript js get date from date how to get time of website javascript how to make a completion date in js getTime js get full date time show current date time javascript javascript system time access day from Date() object javascript date() object javascript find date in javascript how to get date of datetime js object time js javascript time components return time to js dom date js how to get time with javascript how to get date with javascript DATE javscript getDay javascrpit javascript print time now\ how to make recoorencia javascrpit Date javascript date print print date javascript date getT current date and time javascript getdate in javascript getdate js how to get date in Date in JS how to get date. in JS javascript date function only date and time w3schools date methods date object javascript date object to milliseconds javascript jsdatetime with node js retrieve date date.getTime() method in javascript javascript show only time and date get the date in javascript javasciript date and time date method javascript get time in javascript date in javascript get date from date object javascript date documentation javascript javascript datetime today.getdate() javascript date get date js new date() getdate javascript function to get time in java script how to extract date from date in javascript date methods in javascript javascript date object date function obj date javascript javascript get number from date javascriot how to get the time get date in milliseconds javascript date and time javascript get time javascript number to date from time get Date javascript date() hadnling return javascript time from 1970 javascript get current time in milliseconds create date time javascript current time javascript function new date js javascript get current hours and minutes date in milliseconds js day to time javascript how to get time gettime javascript javascript get current date in milliseconds javascirpt get times get time in milliseconds javascript js gettime gettime method in javascript js get date time new date in miliseconds javascript date methods manipulation date javascript date time javascript new date javascript new date().gettime() java script date js date to ms javascript date time object javacript get date javascript get time from date time in js javascript date and time javascript get date month javascript get current date and time how to get current time using gettime function in javascript javascript date function js time to date date type javascript course on javascript date time get time javascript get list of date javascript display date as Day and Date javascript js DATE javascript date syntax js todays date javascript datetime now javascript live date and time date java script javascript date to milliseconds 1970 java script get current time in string javascript javascript initialize date time function js js date functions nodejs get time to complete loop how to get time to get time on arduino js cet current date time javascript get current time now javascript print time now js how to print current date and time js get time now js .getDate type of date in javascript js date api javascript how to display the current date how to get current time in javascript how to get time in js how to get time in javascript date function in javascript javascript get date and time now get the current datetime in javascript get the current time javascript get full date javascript javascript date and time functions get current time in js get time in micoseonds javascript js current time javascript how to get current date time javascript get date and time javascript get date javascript get date Date() create date for current time javascript how to get a date js get the current date in javascript javascript to get date and time from browser date api js gettime js return type of date in javascript get time from now til date js date javascript methods current javascript time javascript time of day javascript date get current date javascript gettime current time and date javascir get current date time in javascript today javascript get date in javascript javascript get time milliseconds js how to get date javascript current time fun date javascript type date in javascript type get current datetime javascript get date and time in javascript javascript get date number how to get the current time in javascript javascript get time now date finction in jquery date function in js new date today javascript current time in javascript js get date numnber get time now javascript javascript date time js get date date methods javascript date functions in javascript new date function in nodejs get now datetime javascript get js date javascript to get current time how to get date javascript js today date how to get the date in JS with var d = date.getDate date syntax javascript get the current time in js date methoda js js date object current time js js current date time current date time in javascript javascript date functions javascript date day month year what is new Date(year,0,1) in javascript javascript getDate javascript get date elements date() javascript js date current get current date in times javascript how to get time javascript get date in js js date methods Date Javascript get current time how to get present date in javascript current time in js get time now javascript how to get now time in javascript how to display current date and time in javascript get the current time in javascript get date js javascript get current date time js display time how to get date in javascript javascript new current date set current date in javascript how do i find today date in javascript get current time js javascript string of current date time javascript how to get date get date javascript js current date javascript get current date how to use current data in javascript javascript insert date get current date in javascript how to find time using javacript get current time in javascript today date javascript javascript date current string javascript today date how to get current date in javascript get current date time javascript display current date js Javascript date today how to get the current date in javascript javascript get current time javascript current date get full date in javascript javascript how to get date and time js get current time setting date to today in Javascript current time javascript full time current time javascript get current time javascript get current date javascript how to print current time in javascript how to get date form nw date() in js javascript current time get current date time javascript current date javascript js show current time javascript date current
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