create react app .env

// Create .env file 

// Use this variable

Bippy 8155 points

                                    process.env.NODE_ENV gives you either "development" or "production" or "test"
When you run npm start it is equal to develpment
When you run npm run build it is equal to production
When you run npm test it is equal to test

3.57 (7 Votes)
Rubixphys12 15320 points

                                    // Place a filer called .env at the doc root of your project
// Edit the .env file and create your cusotm Environment Variables


// They will be READ-ONLY from your JS file, you can print them
// or assign them to other variables


var id = process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID;
var key = process.env.REACT_APP_KEY;

3.78 (9 Votes)
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react environment variables
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