copy one array to another javascript

/* Copying arrays or parts of arrays in JavaScript */

var fruit = ["apple", "banana", "fig"]; // Define initial array.
console.log(fruit); // ["apple", "banana", "fig"]

// Copy an entire array using .slice()
var fruit2 = fruit.slice(); 
console.log(fruit2); // ["apple", "banana", "fig"]

// Copy only two array indicies rather than all three
// From index 0 (inclusive) to index 2 (noninclusive)
var fruit3 = fruit.slice(0,2); 
console.log(fruit3); // ["apple", "banana"]

Jemka 105 points

                                    /* Copying arrays or parts of arrays in JavaScript */

var fruit = ["apple", "banana", "fig"]; // Define initial array.
console.log(fruit); // ["apple", "banana", "fig"]

// Copy an entire array using .slice()
var fruit2 = fruit.slice(); 
console.log(fruit2); // ["apple", "banana", "fig"]

// Copy only two array indicies rather than all three
// From index 0 (inclusive) to index 2 (noninclusive)
var fruit3 = fruit.slice(0,2); 
console.log(fruit3); // ["apple", "banana"]

3.8 (10 Votes)

                                    // 1) Array of literal-values (boolean, number, string) 
const type1 = [true, 1, "true"];

// 2) Array of literal-structures (array, object)
const type2 = [[], {}];

// 3) Array of prototype-objects (function)
const type3 = [function () {}, function () {}];

4 (2 Votes)
Adrian Smith 105 points

                                    // this is for array with complex object
var countries = [
  {name: 'USA', population: '300M'}, 
  {name: 'China', population: '1.6B'}

var newCountries = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(countries));

5 (2 Votes)
Flipback 105 points

                                    var destinationArray = Array.from(sourceArray);

4.33 (6 Votes)
Zhiwu Li 80 points

                                    var oldColors=[&quot;red&quot;,&quot;green&quot;,&quot;blue&quot;];<br/>var newColors = oldColors.slice(); //make a clone/copy of oldColors

3.25 (4 Votes)
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copy array to another js javascript copy items into another array js copy array into another js make a copy of an array copy contents of one array to another javascript copy array javascript by value how to copy an array into another array javascript copy array es6 copy array to another array at an index in javascript javascript make copy array how to copy an array in javascript .from copy an arry js make a copy of an array in js javascript make arry copy get copy of array javascript javascript array make copy To copy elements from one array to another array, J how to copy elements from one array to another in javascript how to copy array js copy some fields of array to another array js copy one array to another in typescript how to copy element from array in js javascript copy one array into another how to create new copy of an array in javascript clone array to another array javascript clone array to another array copy an array in another one js copy array MDN js copy some array 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