const {} = object in javascript

const age; // errror as const cannot be kept un-initialized;
const age = 20 ; 
const age = 21 , // error as once declared const variable cann't be
// re-declared in same scope or different scope. 

Popup 95 points

                                    /*The destructuring assignment syntax is a JavaScript expression that
makes it possible to unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects,
  into distinct variables.*/
  let array = [2,3]; 
  [a,b] = array;// unpacking array into var a and b
  console.log(a); //output 2
  console.log(b); //output 3
  let object = {name:"someone",weight:"500pounds"};
  let {name,weight} = object; // unpacking object into  var name and weight
  console.log(name);// output someone
  console.log(weight);//output 500pounds

//it i similar as doing this
var a = array[0];
var b = array[1]
var name =;
var weight = object.weight;


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