angular local storage

function createItem() {
	localStorage.setItem('nameOfItem', 'value'); 
createItem() // Creates a item named 'nameOfItem' and stores a value of 'value'

function getValue() {
	return localStorage.getItem('nameOfItem');  
} // Gets the value of 'nameOfItem' and returns it
console.log(getValue()); //'value';

Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    localStorage.setItem('user_name', 'Rohit'); //store a key/value
var retrievedUsername = localStorage.getItem('user_name'); //retrieve the key

4 (6 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    localStorage.setItem('dataSource', this.dataSource.length); // setting
console.log(localStorage.getItem('dataSource')); // getting

3.75 (4 Votes)
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storage javascript local storage tutorial how to access local storage in javascript how localStorage in angularjs how to use the local storage in javascript what does (Local Storage) do local storage javascript library localstorage API JS localstorage javascritp localstorage in angular 12 how to create local storage in angular use localstorage javascript localstorage local storage syntax how to access local storage in angular localStorage docs setting to local storage angular localStorage a\ angular local storage library angular local storage bo localstorage in angular 8 add local storage angular local storage IN BROWSER how to use localstorage in angular 8 javascript localstorage de local storage js w3 Storages.localstorage js local storage local storage w3schools js angular use localstorage local storage javascript this. angular store local storage use localStorage in Angular 11 when do we use local storage what is the use of local storage browser local storage js local storage 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in javascript save data local storage javascript how to store a value in local storage javascript from api how to store a value in local storage javascript localstorage getgitem angular @Localstorage local storage javascript max how to save to local storage javascript local storage service in angular 8 voir les localstorage console get item from local storage angular angular local storage js window.localstorage in javascript how do i see localstorage angularjs save to local storage setting local storage in angular localstorage w3schools localstorage properties javascript save in localstorage js store data in local storage javascript save data local storage save to localstorage javascript angular localstirage windows local storage save a varvle to loacal storage js set local storage data and save javascript save local storage localstorage javascript value local storage jasvascript localstorage localstorage js how to set data from localstorage in javascript declare local storage 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angular call previously saved local storage javascript local storage data on click jquery local storage data on click keeping local storage on web browser how to access local storage in php what is localstorage in javascript store value in localstorage javascript data.window.localStorage.setItem amgular local storage add local storage history to html write into localStorage function to getItem from local storage and send to specific page do something when local storage is set localstorage how to use LocalStorage is an api which is used to store the data on the browser and the data is persistent local storage for individual items how to store form data in localstorage using javascript localstorage value in html localstorage value directly in html local storage using javascript localSttorage.setItem localSttorage js local storage method how to set value in localstorage using javascript how to get the data from local storage read localstorage javascript local storage in web browser 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internal storage javascript what is local storasge javascript localstorage usage getting and setting in local storage javascript javascript store data locastroage html save to local storage node.js get chrome localStorage localStorage in javascrit how to set data in local storage how to use local storage data in html page localstrorage.setItem local storage persist javascript using local storage and jquery local storage relase date get local storage and append it to my browser vue clear local storage on route change window.localstorage lifespan jquery save data to local storage on click is local storage a property from window store data in localstorage windows local storage javascript add local storage javascript jquery access local storage jquery how to save to local storage jquery get local storage jquery save to local storage jquery store data local storage local storage what is it localhostogare localhost local storage localstrong in javascript how to take data from the browser to local storage javascript how to save and display local storage javascript display local storage data in html how to use local storage item in another html page localeStrorae localstorage javacript save to local sotrage jquery store input to local storage jquery jquery store to local storage browser's localstorage javascript local storage js HTML how to store input value in localstorage using javascript hat are the two methods on the localStorage object that allow you to read and write data js save results to local storage localstorage:xampp/htdocs/abdo/abdo.php localstorage:/xampp/htdocs/abdo/abdo.php javascript create local storage how to store data in local storage using javascript win what type the data is stored in localstorage localstorage in javasript how to automaticallyb get local storage from document when opening a document how do i save something to local storage jquery localstorage use storage js How to use local storage in controller View MC local storage with jquery object property name from elemnt by id local storage save value to local storage html script local storage namespace script local storage namespace store localstorage javascript locaStorage ja locaStorage html storage saving to localStorage set work to local storage document.local storage js localstorage getItem working with localStorage localstorage create store information on local storage jquery how do i store information in my local storage using jquery javascript get localstorage how to set local storage in javascript jquery javascript localstorage api how to store element in localstorage javascript function local storage create get set del localstorage jquyery localStorage has how to display local storage username in html display localstora how to notate all last registered local storage javascript to do js local storage local storage jquery example localstorage] add to local storage js locatie storige how to access local storage javascript js how to use local storage how to use 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javascript how to store data in browser local storage localstorage functions in js localstorage functions localstorage.clickcount set localstorge adding dom elements to local storage how to use local storage js examples window set localstorage how to get local storage to persist on page add to local storage javascript local storage css local storage key sample access localstorage data local staorge how to read data from local storage how to use localstorage in js local storeage saving to local storage javascript how local storage work java localstorage.setitem setting local storage see all localsorage value in json get local storage data in a particular page local storage object js set storage store in localstorage javascript how to store in local storage how to set and get html template using localstorage in javascript localstorage contation js localstorage getitem javascript using localStorage {...localstorage} javasript localstorage storing html in local storage how to store and 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only how to store data in local storage in javascript localstorage webapi get localstorage in javascript usedEffect local storage localstorage setitem in js localstorage.getitem jquery js store data locally document.window.local storage use local storage in php use local storage in jquery save to localStorage localstorage functions localStorager local storage setitem local storage get item local storage accesss set local storage item though https request javascriupt loclastorage save variable to local storage javascript setlocalstorage set local storage javascript local storage.get item getting from local storage print local storage value in browser local stsoraage es6 read settings localStorage apply to switch buttons es6 save and read settings in localStorage for to switch buttons es6 localStorage access localstorage js locatstorage localstorage javascript get item how to get data from local storage how to store data from js to localstoarage in php get item from local storage set in local storage and get from local storage es 6 set localStorage setStorageType('localStorage') javascript javascript how to localstorage using localstorage javascript localst local storae how to set localstorage.setitem How to javavscript local stoarge how to save result on localstorage javascript document storage localstorage supported browsers read from localstorage get localStorage intobrowser write to element from localstorage localstorage vs history localstorage angular example store data of a from in local storage javascript local storage in js localstorage save angular localstorage save virtual-dom localstorage how to use browser storage how to save data in browser local storage localstorage set jquery tolocalstorage browser writing to local storage access localStorage in js how to use local storage in angular 9 javascript how does localstorage work local storage entries getlocalstorage localstorage javascript set data syntax for seatting value for local storage get value from local storage javascript then display in p tag how do i get to the localstorage how to use local storage js local storage comptability browser can i access localstorage instantly after setting how to get local storage value in angular 8 display localstorage data in html localstorage javascript for data create localstorage set value localstorage javascript jquery localstorage jquery save local storage usage of localstorage setting key in localstorage local storage for angular update localstorage react working with local storage javascript storing in local storage jquery data localstorage localstorage when updateing local storage it delete the array intaierly to localstroage jquery save on local storage get from borwser local storgae local storage api localstorage get set javascriptlocal storage jquery localstorage set item localstoirage set angular save local storage to localstroage javascrpt windo localsotrage setItems how local storacge works in javascript show what is saved in the localstorage on window open localstorage set item in order at teh end how does window storage work javascript local storage documentation javascript local storage example set localstorage local storage jquery how to store data in local storage in php send something to localstorage local storge how to name my localStorage file local storage passing data how to local storage javascript set localstorage value section storage javascript how to make local storage avilable for all directories localstorage setitem local storage methods browser localstorage browser localstore local storahe.get name use in html js save to local storage save variable in local storage javascript using local store brwoserlocalstorage how to add to local storage with ES5 javascript angular service save data to localstorage set localstorage in jquery angular 6 set localstorage how top check to see if there is anything in local storagre javascript jquery set local storage css class jquery set local storage save to browser local storage get from local storage save to local storage setlocalstaorge store in local storage html localstorage get set item localstorage get item how get locastorage save id localstorage in angular local storage html how to save to local storage jquery saving to local storage angular how to store value in location storage in javascript access local storage create local storage how to set local storage in javascript (window.localStorage can local storage be used without javascript storage window.localStorage.getItem('user'); how to read any localstorage in javascript local storage with angular window.localstorage.getitem javascript when to use local storage javascript when we use local storage javascript get html code with localstorage get html with localstorage how to save to local storage local storage javascript example localStorage.setNewItem etLocalStorahge store localstorage in jquery using localstorage in javascript write to localstorage javascript localstorage access dom store data in local storage var localStorage = ('localStorage' in window); angular localstorage save data to local storage angular localstorage.clickcount javascript lovalstorage using local storage in javascript application local storage expiresAfter in local storage where does local store sites on windows set localstorage in javascript localStorage. localstorage javascript help localstorage duration 2020 local storage set item acess localstorage localStorage api keys how to set new variable in local storage in angular 6 javascript save local storage to file save to local storage js php localstorage example how to add local storage in javascript getting data from localstorage using id get data from browser local storage store data in localstorage javascript local storage browser local storage in javascript local storage in angular set in localstorage javascript local storage angular javascrip local storage what data does localstorage accept save data in html windows.localstorage.setitem local storage tutorial with jquery localstorage.hostname undefined localstorage mdn how to particular data in locastorage set to local storage using localstorage js how to set and get from localstorage setting local storage location retrieve localstorage browser info css use localstorage values set and get local storage local storage.js how to store in local storage in javascript local-storage localstorage jquery jquery local storage update jquery local storage displaying localstorage jqieru get local storage can't get localstorage local storage.get how to use local storage in javascript how to store data in local storage in js localstoraage path js localStorage getItems localstorage methods how to set local storage javascript localstorage t localstorage object methojds how to set localstorage in javascript set storeing data from localstorage get all javascript Set location store javascript get from local storage js local storage supported set data in local storage getting localstorage of embeded page javascript localstorage que es check local storage javascript how to save to localstorage in javascript chrome local storage javascript form validation browser not allow to use local storage what can we do alllow window for use localstorage localstorage get store in local storage jquery storing in local storage javascript how to add local storage to table load data from localstorage javascript or default how to use locakl storage js local storage save store localstorage jquery angular-local-storage accessing localstorage using window object save to local storage javascript local stoarage how to use local storage directly in html how to use local storage in html jquery localstorage example window.localStorage.setItem( jquery local storage example how to save view name localstorage in javascript jquery localstorage retrieve How does jQuery store data in local storage? set item localstorage code set and get localstorage in angular 6 javascript localstorage setitem how to store data in local storage in angular 8 localStorage.setItem in js localstorage with object using local storage to store api use localStorage can you use methods on localstorage localstorage html mdn localstorage can we access browser local storage from website controllers localstorage setitem javascript local storagge localstorage set item html local storage if localstorage js commands angular store data in local storage javascript set to local storage how to write in local storage localstorage angular save data in browser local storage browser local storage localstoraage api javascript local strage LocalStorageAPI set item in local storage javascript how does localstorage work in javascript writing to local storage javascript javascript local storage application localstorage.setitem where does localstorage stored data in javascript window.localstorage.setitem how to use browser local storage in javascript localstorage storage local storage javascript get set localstorage.getitem local storage get itme local stroage in angular angular sessionstorage localstoragre in javascript how to display local storage data in html Using local storage with javascript sessionstorage scope local storage expiration localstorage in jquery using in angular get datafrom localstoarge localstorage expiration angular local storage ejs how to access local storage js save table to local storage react browser local storage localstorage javascript example how to save in local storage javascript set local storage js local data storage javascript localstorage syntax - in localstorage js use localstorage how get local storage property what is local storage javascript window .local storage save to browser local storage javascript w hat is localstorage window.localStorage() javascript data storag what is localstorage local storage html javascript localStorage javas how does localstorage js work localstore using local storage localstorage javascript support localstorage in js how to set to local storage jquery local sotrage js access local storage how to read local storage in javascript localstorage in javascript javascript localstorate html LocalStorage javascript write to local storage js set local storage localstoage localstorage javasctip javascript what is local storage what is window local storage local storagejs localstorage store variable javascript how to use local storage js local storage how to use localstorage in javascript set localstorage javascript localstorage from html to js localstorage SetTiem local storafe js read from localstorage of browser write to localstorage how to save local storage from browser local storage in html window.localstorage localstorage web localestorage javascript local storage document.localstorage how to store data in browser local storage using javascript javascript localstorage example localstorage js localstorage example localStroage localStorage page localStorage property used to store and retrieve variables and their values js localstorage local storage javascript to do js set up local storage local storage js what is local storage how does localstorage work local storage javascript localstorage support js localstorage javascript javascript localstorage javascript set local storage localStorage local storage html local storage
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