add two numbers in javascript

Sadasha 95 points

                                    <!--Add two integer numbers using JavaScript.-->
		<title>Add two integer numbers using JavaScript.</title>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			function addTwoNumbers(textBox1, textBox2){
				var x=document.getElementById(textBox1).value;
				var y=document.getElementById(textBox2).value;
				var sum=0;
				alert("SUM is: " + sum);
	<h1>Add two integer numbers using JavaScript.</h1>
	<b>Enter first Number: </b><br>
	<input type="text" id="textIn1"/><br>
	<b>Enter second Number: </b><br>
	<input type="text" id="textIn2"/><br><br>
	<input type="button" id="btnSum" value="Calculate SUM" onClick="addTwoNumbers('textIn1','textIn2')"/>


4.33 (3 Votes)

                                    let a = 4;
let b = 5;
document.write(a + b);

3.83 (6 Votes)

                                    var x = 2 + 3;
//x = 5

4 (8 Votes)
Acrasia27 100 points

                                    const num1 = 5;
const num2 = 3;

// add two numbers
const sum = num1 + num2;

// display the sum
console.log('The sum of ' + num1 + ' and ' + num2 + ' is: ' + sum);

Cliff900 90 points

                                    return a+b;

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chrome how to add numbers up in string in html javascript add two values javascript addition code add of two numbers in javascript js 1+1 variable addition operations javascript adding two digit in js gives me concate add number in javascript javascript add 2 numbers together with function javascript add 2 numbers together what jquery version is my web page using javascript add two numbers javascriptadd two numbers get value and addition js how to check jquery version in mac check jquery version mac terminal how to check jquery version in terminal how to check if i have jquery in terminal console check jquery console jquery version jquery version console how to check what version of jQuery is loaded on the page javascript sum of two value is not 10 add two numbers in objects that are strings add two objects with number strings 1+1 in js how to check if jquery is loaded in cmd js addition function how to do add two numbers in javascript how to add many numbers to a variable with a click 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numbers javascript add two values in javascript calculate 2 values html add numbervalues together javascript += number javascript javascript add 2 numbers how to check the jquery version of a website version jquery console ghow to know what version of jquery i am using javascript addition var and int javascript addition integers 1 + 1 javascript js code to add 2 variables how to add on js adding numbers with user input javascript doing addition with inputs in javascript test jquery version sum of two number in javascript why two numbers dont add up js how to add numbers javascript how to check for jquery version in your computer get jquery version in console detect jquery version javascript '1' to 1 how to add / in js sum two numbers javascript javascript adding two numbers how to check jquery version in angular adding numbers in js javascript adding variables js addition operator javascript addition showing myfunction how to see jquery version how do i check jquery version in console 1/2 java script javascript number add add to number javascript number plus number = javascript add ' ' to value js js add numbers chrome console how to know what jquery version is function to add t2 ammounts together js js [1:-1] check for hquery on webiste number addition in js javascript change to integer to do addition simple addition js addition in js how to add numbers to variables in javascript javascript return integer then add how to do addition in html instead of javascript how to add 2 integers in javascript add numbers js user input addition javaccsript addiotion javascript jquery version get javascript add simple javascript plus 2 javascript add two numbers together find jquery version in console terminal command get jquery version javascript sum two numbers in text file javascript sum two numbers in text javascript sum two numbers in txt check version of jquery in console how to get jquery version how to get the jquery version adding up variables javascript get version of jqueryt get jquery version jquery check version show jquery version get current version of jquery check if jquery chrome console console jquery verson print addition in javascript add to number javascript adds to end js check jquery version js number.add how to add variables in javascript addition of 2 number in javascript how to add number in js javascript sum operator How can you tell what version of jQuery is loaded? return sum of two numbers in javascript adding number in js how to check the version of jquery jquery version console command how to add number in javascript how to get jquery v=? js var with two int javascript adding to numbers javascript to say add these numbers how to check the version of javascript using console using jquery check verison of jquery add numbers in JS add number javascript add new numbers javascript how to add 2 values in javascript How to use addition js javascript add numbers javascript number addition add together JS function input 2 numbers nodejs adding a minus to my string in Javascript add numbers in javascript js += to add 2 numbers in javascript add two variables in in calculator js javascript add value javascript add to number js sum 2 values adding in js adding multiple numbers in javascript using document.getelementbyid how to add two numbers in javascript by taking input from user how to add two values in javascript get jquery version console sum two numbers js addition in javascript check jquery version "1" - - "1" javascript how to add <a> in javascript how to find out jquery version add number variable javascript check jquery version console jquery version check javascript input value to integer and sum find out which version of jquery I am using javascript 1 + "1" sum two values javascript js 1 + "1" javascript math adding console log jquery version how to add in javacript ++ javascript add to variabel javascript adding numbers together javascript adding numbers javascript sum to numbers add to variable javascript 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value in javascript add numbers javascript how add two number in javascript value plus function in javascript add number using getelementbyid javascript add two integers javascript javascript addition of two numbers how to add two numbers in javascript js adding two numbers javascript two number addition how to add a var nodejs sum numbers doesn't work javascript to add two numbers javascript how to add two numbers js addition add in javascript += html javascript all javascript additions how to add 2 variable using dom how to add 2 numbers in javascript and dom how to use dom to add 2 numbers javascript how to sum two numbers addup with javascript adding in javascript how to add in javascript how to add 5 onto a number using js javascript addittion onclick addition javascript addition of numbers inputted by user add ' in js how to add two numbers in js add to no javascript how to use javascript and add numbers when inputted how to use javascript and add numbers add 2 numbers js ... in javascript multiply javascript how to make function input 1 plus input 2 javascript how to add 2 numbers javascript javascript operators add 2 numbers in javascript add number in js javascript code to add 5 numbers HOW TO ADD IN JAVA SCRIPT how to add two integers in javascript to add two numbers in javascript gert a function to add two numbers in javascript add two numbers in javascript javascript function to add two numbers
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