js %

<script type="text/javascript"></script>

Krish 100200 points

                                    let x = 5;
console.log(&quot;hello world &quot; + x + &quot; times&quot;);
console.log(`hello world ${x} times`);

4.5 (4 Votes)
Krish 100200 points

You can run javascript into console,
- ctrl+shift+i (inspect)
- Select console
- and write the javascript code
document.body.innerHTML = &quot;Hello World&quot;; //change the body

4 (2 Votes)
Krish 100200 points

                                    JavaScript is a Object-Oriented Programming Language. It is very easy, making it high level.

4.33 (9 Votes)
Rubixphys12 15320 points

                                    /*The remainder operator (%) returns the remainder left 
over when one operand is divided by a second operand. 
It always takes the sign of the dividend.*/
console.log(12 % 5);
// expected output: 2

console.log(-12 % 5);
// expected output: -2

console.log(4 % 2);
// expected output: 0

console.log(-4 % 2);
// expected output: -0

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

    function f1() {
        var msg=&quot;this is the first program of javascript&quot;;
        document.write(&quot;hello &quot;+msg.length);

5 (2 Votes)
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