
typeof("string"); //string
typeof(123); //number


                                    yarn add typed.js
// or
npm install typed.js
// or
bower install typed.js

// in js file:
import Typed from 'typed.js';

const options = {
  strings: ['<i>First</i> sentence.', '& a second sentence.'],
  typeSpeed: 40

const typed = new Typed('.element', options);

4 (6 Votes)
Shovon253 105 points

                                    > typeof "foo"
> typeof true
> typeof 42

4.44 (9 Votes)

                                    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]"></script>


                                    // Can also be included with a regular script tag
import Typed from 'typed.js';

var options = {
  strings: ['<i>First</i> sentence.', '& a second sentence.'],
  typeSpeed: 40

var typed = new Typed('.element', options);

Adrenaxus 120 points

                                    //String Data Type
var strSingle = 'John'; //String with single quotes
var strDouble = "Bob"; //String with double quotes

//Number Data Type
var num = 25; //Integer
var flo = 80.5; //Floating-point number
var exp = 4.25e+6; //Exponential notation, this equates to 4250000

//Boolean Data Type
var isReading = true; //Yes, I'm reading
var isSleeping = false; //No, I'm not sleeping

//Undefined Data Type
var undef; //If a value is never assigned, any output will be 'undefined'

//Null Data Type
var noValue = null; //Null meaning that it is has no value, not the same as 0 or ""

//Object Data Type
var emptyObject = {};
var person = {"name": "Clark", "surname": "Kent", "age": "36"}; //The quotes around the propety name can be omitted if the property name is a valid JS name
var car = { //Same as person but easier to read
	model: "BMW X3", //Example with quotes around property name ommitted
	color: "white",
	doors: 5

//Array Data Type
var emptyArray = []; //An array can be of any data types (string, number, boolean, etc.)
var array = ["One", "Two"] //String array, note the index of the first element is 0

//Function Data Type
var func = function() { //Calling the function: func();
  alert("Code excuted"); //Outputs: Code executed

var funcVar = function(amount) { //Calling the function: funcVar(6); 
  alert("Code excuted " + amount + " times"); //Outputs: Code executed 6 times (if input was 6)

//Typeof Operator
typeof variable; //Returns the data type of the variable

4.25 (4 Votes)
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What is the function that can be used to check if the number is an integer or not? how to use typeof how to display datatype of variable in javascript variable type in javascript get type fanction in js primitive type in javascript typeof html check typeof function javascript variable type check in js how to know the type of the variable in javascript js check data type typeof node js mdn typeOf js get type of node get tyep of variable of javascript how do we check typeof an input js if typeof find type javascript check type of a variable in javascript gettype of variable in javascript get type of data js javascript tupes error alert message js typeof js get type of object data[1:] in javascript java script data types js get var type int check if typeof js primitive data types js explain with examples find variable type in javascript how to check data type js javascript data tyoes not typeof null javascript typeof null javascript js display type check typeof javascript check type of node javascript check adtatype in javascript javascript all varibale types javascript all data types data type in html typeof integer type is function javascript what is the difference between { main } = data and main = data in javascript number typeof example get variable type javascript check type of value in javascript javascript type of number typeof string javascript check variable type in if how to use th typeof() method in if statement javascript objects how to use th typeof() method in javascript objects java scrupt type of type of data javascript how to print the datatype of a var in js checking type of variable in javascript four primitive data types in javascript function data type javascript number of data types in javascript check type of data in javascript typeof null; js double data type how can you tell the type of a variable javascript console what is typeof javascript validate type check typeof this in javascript typeof(string) oftype javascript how to get the data type in javascript javascript test type The primary variable types in JavaScript are: java script what are data types get type of variable node js js data tpes js what is typeog type of in node js 6 complex data javascript type check object type in javascript how to get variable type in javascript javascript types.js js typeof num data operator javascript check type data javascript js typeof string HOw tpo check the datatype of something in js display a variable type in javascript javascript get datatype how to use type of oprerator js js find object type set type of variable function javascript node js how to use typeof what is a primitive data type javascript how to check type of data in javascript javascript get type is variable type function javascript js get data type get type of object javascript js @Type() javascript get var type variable types javascript types of variables javascript javascript list type of type of object js how to get type of data in javascript How to know the type of a variable in javascript? js type +<> js complex types console.log(datatype); typeof for number console log type of javascript javascript check type of value any data type in javascript typeof string javascript Type coiers javascript typeof false typeof 3 javascript list of javascript data types with examples how to use typeof javascript node js get data type js get type of object value get type js how to check the type of variable in js premitive types in js undefined datatype in javascript typeof item is number in javascript finding type in javascript print object type in js data string in javascript use typeof javascript basic types print type of variable javascript javascript typeof == number javascript typeof number typeof calues javascript data type function javascript data types function javascript datatyeps check variable type in javascript what are different data types in javascript javascript what type of object js check type of variable what is the type javascript typeof object in javascript get type javascript Use comments to describe the correct data type js type function javascript get type of property javascript typeof js array of strings javascript type of object type of value in javascript how to find typeOf in reactjs type js how to get the type of a variable in javascript long data type in javascript javascrpt typeof using type of javascript wich javascript type js type checking typeof(string). function that returns the mean 42 on javascript get the type of something in javascript console.log typeof define primitive data type in js js find type of var type of data type fnction n js' typeof of function in javascript typeof function in javascript javascript if typeof number how to get the type of a data in javascript typeoff not string javascript typeof string how to check typeof javascript get the typeof a variable in javascript typeof variable javascript javascript typeof function check javascript typeof function data type javascript check javascript type check get type value js how to find out the data type in javascript type of object in javascript which type javascript how to use typeof in javascript how to check variable type in javascript javscript to find the datatype javascript get variable type value type javascript js find type of variable js typeof function typeOf javascript method what are primitive data types in javascript use typeof in javascript how to know data type of var in react type of check javascript javascript how to get type typeof === string javascript datat types typeof object value javascript javascript typeof object check console log typeof variable javascript how to check type in javascript get type of object in javascript how to check variable data type in js type of in js finding the type of a code in javascript check datatype in function declaration js hwo to find if it is an object or a string js get data type javascript javascript check data type javascript typeof(42) javascript get type of variable string object how to find type javascript javascript type of string How to use Data types in different ways in Javascript object value typeof typeof data typeof typeof object javascript var type of typeof operator in javascript typeof javascript returns log the type in console js if typeof var = $ js if type of var = $ .typeof javascript how to use typeof js js value types how many kinds of data type in js type definition in javascript console.log(typeof typeof 1) hot to tell what type of value you have in javascript javascript type character how to see type of variable in javascript how to get the typeof a variable in js find data type data type in js store data type javascript 1. Which is not considered as a datatype in JavaScript? how to get type in javascript js type pair how to check type data in javascript typeOf() in js typeOf() in ja number data type javascript javascript get type empty javascript get object type float data type in javascript javascript check type of element how to figure out the type of data javascript js check data typr how to set variable type in node js is variable type a number javascript identify value type javascript check type of string js data type undefined how to find a data type in javascript print variable type js type variable in javascript determine type of variable javascript data javascript how to define type in javascript how to check data type of variable in javascript js data types check know type of variable in javascript Data types if typeof javascript how to know type of variable in javascript print type of variable in javascript how many data type in javascript type of string how to check value is of required type in javascript explain values and types in javascript explain various operators and data types available in javascript type of object javascript print typeof in console log javascript data types method console.log find type js check data type of object js datatype of object js alert var type js typeof output int list type js check datatype nodejs two example of null data types type of var in javascript find out data type js get a type of variable js do we have list type in javascript what string type is none in javascript js variable type js get variable type how to check type of a variable in js defining variable types js see the type javascript different types in javascript javascript type= javascript types in .js typeof javascript number write an string data type in javascript write an object data type in javascript javascript get typee how do you check to see if a data type is a string in javascript javascript all types of object javascript check typeof string how to find the type of a variable in js types of datatypes in javascript how to find the javascript data types typeof C1NN js typeof in js datatypes js is function a data type in javascript javascript type tring typeof set javascript see type of object js object type checking if type of javascript get variable type js find out what type a variable is javascript !typeof ("string") typeof value === number how get js data in js javascript check type function ttype . js typeof console.log what is javascript types node.js find type primative data types in js consol.log to know data type javscript datatype is undefined how to write typeof in javascript check typeofstring javascript types of datatype in javascript how to get type of javascript object console.log type method in javascript javascript console.log data type check type of object nodejs typeof 'String' if typeof is number javascript javascript verify if it's correct type java script check type javascript what is data typeof in console.log type.js how to check the type of element in javascript print type node js undefined is data type number types javascript check if type of data or string js is string js typeof js function is typeof a function in js how to return the type of an object in javascript .data in javascript typeof method in javascript check type javscript how to check object type in javascript js type of check in object 6 data types js typeof ja check typeof object javascirpt js type variable is a variable a data type in javascript javascipt typeof number typeof === "boolean" javascript need typeof object check when value i thrue find out type in console log check the type of variable javascript javasc ript get type data type in javascript object check the type javascript typeof and boolean node js type off useful javascript methods like typeof typedjs define variable type javascript how to find type in js find type in js typeof is string js how to check type of value in javascript without using typeof how many types of javascript how many types of java script how to check type in node js node log type of object console.log(typeof(42)) javascript ptimitive types node log var type javascript what are datatypes check type of a variable js how to know the type in javascript type of function javascript javascript functoins var double input typeof string js check string type javascript what data types can you use with .call javascript javascript data type list javascript object type type of operator javascript what are javascript data type? what is javascript data type? What are the primitive data types in JS? how to typeof node is data type any available in javascript javascript typeof string check how to check type of string js checking data type js type of is object js js variable type as array js object type check datatype of variable in javascript js typeof number get type of variable in js js .typeof = number js .typeof what is types in js js tzpeof get datatype of a variable in javascript java script is typeof a function JAVA script typof datatype in js type in js .type in javascript what is a type in javascript .type javascript return type javascript tupe of function js js object data type find the type of a variable in javascript typeof function javas typeof function javascript if typeof string js: typeof function type identifier in javascript nodejs see variable type how to check data type of value in javascript variable type javascript test type variable javascript javascirpt typeof object typeof javascript for be The typeof operator can be written with: typeof(((4))) variable type js check variable type javascript how to print type of variable in javascript what are data types in js javascript object type category is typeof from string vlaues how to check type javascript type javascript js type in console how to concole the type of a variable chaeck for type javascript how to find the type of variable in javascript javascript check object type get the type of variable in javascript data types objects in javascript why object a data type in javascript how to print type of variable in jscript why object is javascript data type node check object type Which of the following options are primitive data types defined in JavaScript? what is the value of x var x = typeof new string( abc ) javascript how to use a list data type how to see datatype js how to use typeof in conditional javascript how to use typeof number data type in conditional javascript check typeof how to check datatype javascript console.log(typeof should i use typeof or if check type of vvaroibale js typeof mdn javascript if typeof samples javascript typeof samples get type var js check type structure javascript how to get type of variable in javascript how to use type of javascript get the type of an object js data-number javascript typeof js object type of javascript variable type= javascript javascript print object type what is primitive data type in js check datatype in javascript js+get variable type what are the javascript data types can typeof check for function types of number in javascript how to get object type in javascript Declare object datatype in javascript javascript findout variable types javascript typeof values js number data type log data type js string type in javascript typeof check object nodejs check type javascript var type data type typeof in javascript mdn js typeof chek type js what is data type in javascript typeof in node js while comapring a string and number in js how to check type compatibility type of the variable in js what are the newest javascript data types javascipt get type of how to get type of int in js typof string typeof false js typeof(3) == number what is datatype of object in javascript datatype of object javascript how to get the type in js type of [] js js double variable checking type in javascript typeof var js check typ of typeof boolean javascript how to find type of object in javascript how to find type of variable in javascript js check type of object type of int js get type of var js return typeof javascript how to check object type javascript how to find type of variable in javascript\ how to find out what type a varible is in js how to check the type of variable in javascript find typeof variable javascript node typeof check get the variable type in js primitive types in javascript typeof letter javascript how to get the type of an object in javascript undefined is which data type typeof operator javascript data. javascript Which of the following in not a data type in JavaScript? 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